What's the far future for match engine. I can remember only a few years ago when dots on a screen were all we had, so it's already come a long way. Is the vision to reach to something like FIFA levels of presentation or does that defeat the object entirely?
There are a few reasons why I don't think that would work for us. For a start, with FIFA, they've got a database with about 15,000 players or something like that that they model. We've got 500,000 players and staff so we wouldn't be looking to model all of those.
Second when you're playing an action game it's quite a bit different to a management game. With a management game you need to be able to see a lot more of the pitch because you need to be able to see what your right back's doing while your right winger's pegging it up the wing. That's not really necessary in an action game.
So we're not striving for FIFA's look, we're actually striving to look like a real game of football and trying to have the lighting of a real game of football but with a little bit of leeway to be able to see the ball and for players' skin colours not to change too much when they go into shadows.