Blockey News Post

Jayson Young checks in to talk about Blockey, an Xbox Live Indie game that uses humor and old-school arcade chaos to stand out from the crowd. Blockey is being sold for a single $1 on the Xbox Live Indie Marketplace, so check out what Jayson has to say about this extremely wallet-friendly title.

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Game: BlockeyReader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: Xbox 360Votes for game: 1 - View All
Member Comments
# 1 DjRaY @ 08/09/11 03:08 PM
Much more fun with other people around!
# 2 jyoung @ 08/09/11 05:39 PM
Found some hi-definition gameplay footage on youtube:

Rock out with your blocks out!
# 3 bgeno @ 08/10/11 03:20 PM
How could they get the Binkies' socks wrong!!!!
# 4 Money99 @ 08/10/11 03:37 PM
Originally Posted by bgeno
How could they get the Binkies' socks wrong!!!!
Hahahaha! Classic!
# 5 BaylorBearBryant @ 08/10/11 05:52 PM
Well, I don't think EA should be worried.
# 6 jyoung @ 08/10/11 07:24 PM
Looks like Blockey 2 is already in the works:

"New features include: Online Multiplayer, Create a Team, Create a team logo, Player Stats, and a "Be-A-Pro" like feature."

So it will be interesting to see how far they can take this thing. I'm glad to see another developer step into the virtual hockey rink now that 2K has exited and EA doesn't seem interested in making another 3 vs. 3 arcade game.
# 7 AngelPingu @ 08/11/11 03:10 AM
Well, at least, there can't be any glitch goal and shots in breakaway work !
# 8 jyoung @ 08/12/11 10:44 AM
Yeah even in EA's 3 vs. 3 arcade game, there were still the same old glitch goals as there were in NHL 10 because it was built off the same game engine.

No glitch goals in Blockey!
# 9 DjRaY @ 08/12/11 06:34 PM
Yes, loads of rectangular hockey goodness to be had. i'm always taking suggestions for the next game!

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