UFC Undisputed 3 News Post

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Game: UFC Undisputed 3Reader Score: 8.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 12 - View All
UFC Undisputed 3 Videos
Member Comments
# 1 Phobia @ 08/02/11 12:10 AM
I will be honest, I am really really worried about UFC 3. UFC 2010 went down a horrible road and no attempt to right the ship was attempted to fix the AI or heavy punch gameplay. You would think a tuner or patch could of corrected much of those issues but it was never done.

Then these real vague videos are not helping UFC 3 look like it is on the right track. It comes off as if there is fear of showing because people will go "It looks the exact same". Also the animations look so rigid still. The last frame with the guy standing over finishing fight has that dramatic Left arm punch, PAUSE, Right arm punch, PAUSE, Left arm punch, PAUSE, right arm punch. It still looks robotic and does not have the fluidity you would hope for.

Now if the gameplay comes back like 09 and better. I will be in heaven again, over 500 fights online in 09. I think i have 60 total in 10.
# 2 The Visualizer @ 08/02/11 01:36 AM
I'm not as worried about the standup as you are, from the QA videos they put out, it seems they at least realize why a lot of people were turned off from 2010, and they are making some effort to change this by making regular quick punches useful to be able to link into real combos & more importantly to interrupt all the heavy haymakers thrown.

My problem is with what I've seen with the ground game, I still play 2010 a lot with my buddy and once you hit the ground it's pretty much a counter fest. There isn't any risk/reward to attempting counters or even transitions to keep your opponent honest, and there is little to no skill needed to time it, you can pretty much just keep mashing counter and reverse everything with even fighters with crappy ground games once you figure out how to time it. From one of the gameplay videos that leaked, it looks like nothing has changed. 2 human players were just reversing each other back and forth on the ground.

And the change to the "shine" submission system looks almost as bad as a big GUI pops up on the screen and you have to follow your opponents "dot" around a maze to lock in a submisssion, looks ******** and it takes up the whole screen.

I'm just disappointed that they didn't make more wholesale changes as EA MMA brought some cool ideas to the table, and the UFC team has had an extra year of dev time to really bring us a new gameplay experience, and to me it looks like not much important has changed, they are basically slapping Pride Mode on the box and calling it a day...
# 3 LingeringRegime @ 08/02/11 11:35 AM
The game gets the big "Wait and See" label. Randomness is desperately needed. That is what put EA MMA so far ahead of UFC 2010.

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