Madden 12 News Post

The biggest addition to Madden NFL 12 online is certainly the new "Communities" feature that will affect both Online Team Play and head-to-head games.

Anthony DiMento, a designer working on Madden 12, has written a blog at EA.com explaining the new feature in quite some depth.

I’ve been waiting for this day for months now, and it’s finally here, the debut of Madden NFL 12’s newest online feature: Communities. Around this time each year, the design team starts getting together, kicking around ideas and looking at priorities for what we want to add to next year’s game. We started Madden NFL 12 by looking at the core online experience and Ranked Head-to-Head, in particular. For years now, we have been hearing complaints about how hard it is to find a good matchup online. Opponents quitting games, cheesing or running the same play again and again, and gamers looking for creative ways to cheat their way up the leaderboard have really been plaguing the online space. We listened to our fans and found a very large group of gamers who only play against their friends and use our Ranked Invites and Leaderboards to track their progress against each other. We talked to our hardcore fans and found a lot of sim-football players who only want to play against guys who play sim-football and we talked to even more who just wanted to find an opponent who would finish a game. Finally, we asked ourselves, what is the correct solution to these problems? How can we let our gamers play ranked games against their friends, play the way they want to play it, and create a safe environment where you don’t have to worry about cheaters, quitters, or grievers? The answer became Communities.
You can read the rest of the blog by heading over to EA.com. Also be sure to check back here throughout the day as we will have more details about Online Communities.

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Member Comments
# 21 Smoke6 @ 07/25/11 12:53 PM
Originally Posted by aceoye
seems like online communties was made for specifically for websites like OS, pastapadre, mymaddenpad or whatever, etc.. I almost get the feeling that aside from the few thousands that are in these communities the other millions of people that buy the game the online communities will be irrelevant to them.. leaving plenty of lobbies made in the first month or whatever but afterwards they are just sitting there empty with nothing going on, kinda like disfunctional online franchises they have online now people start but wont finish..communities there but no one in them.
Seems like to me that I was spot on with calling you a freestyle player! You mad?

You seem like it, you had your freestyle reign for over 15yrs now with the online community and we get 1 feature to seperate your arcadey style from thos who actually enjoying SIMULATING a game of football and this is what you come with?

Please man, we not looking for a futuristic outlook, we are trying to basque in the glory of the dev team finally atleast giving us an option to get away from guys like you. You named SIM sites, so what did you expect was gonna come from today's news?

Dont sound so disappointed in this news bro, you can still have your freestyle ways in the "regular lobbies" against the handful of guys who wouls still choose to play that way. Dont forget, there are hardly any worthwhile tournaments to even wanna take that plunge in playing that way and then having to travel so far to compete in for some chump change after all is said and done.

If you dont like it, then you have options aswell, but you then had more than enough time to gather the fact that it was time for something like this to happen. GET OVER IT!!!
# 22 jyoung @ 07/25/11 12:57 PM
Originally Posted by jlandryst
Im sorry i might be in the minority. But this what is suppose to make us forget about the lack of work in the online franchise mode?
Yeah I just don't get into the whole playing random ranked games thing. I prefer playing league games.

Funny that every single portion of online but online franchise has received improvements this year.

Ultimate team? Ranked games? OTP? All improved. But Online Franchise? Nothing.

# 23 Smoke6 @ 07/25/11 12:58 PM
Originally Posted by dfresh2
way to go ea lol by doing something thatt prolly only took you a day to do. this is pointless cause people will find away to break it alls it is is online but with sliders i cant believe they had us waiting for this i am and OF guy but to add this pointless thing and skip online franchise is crazy in the video they said we lisen to our fans what a joke i just hope my league manager will be good and i do believe it will be positive and force ea to do something next year. i cant see it no online communties being pulled next year but ea could careless what we want cause we will still by the game cause no one else is making a football game. i feel better now. lol
I felt like you did a few weeks ago, but this is absolutely the most positive step forward we have seen from EA as far as listening to the players who have demanded something be done about the glitching and cheaters online.

I look at it 2 ways>...

1. EA is not willing to get rid of the cheaters

2. They listened to the cheaters who attended their community days and were tired of guys like me giving them a hard time about how they play and how unfair it s to others online. Not only that but its about time they actually either made 2 seperate games, or seperated us within the community of madden so we all could be happy.

For you to really not read in between the lines, just shows how ignorant I used to be back in the day. This is a great foundation they have laid for now, what comes from this is basically what WE MAKE IT and how well its taken into consideration of the other things we have asked for over the years.
# 24 dfresh2 @ 07/25/11 01:04 PM
Originally Posted by Smoke6
I felt like you did a few weeks ago, but this is absolutely the most positive step forward we have seen from EA as far as listening to the players who have demanded something be done about the glitching and cheaters online.

I look at it 2 ways>...

1. EA is not willing to get rid of the cheaters

2. They listened to the cheaters who attended their community days and were tired of guys like me giving them a hard time about how they play and how unfair it s to others online. Not only that but its about time they actually either made 2 seperate games, or seperated us within the community of madden so we all could be happy.

For you to really not read in between the lines, just shows how ignorant I used to be back in the day. This is a great foundation they have laid for now, what comes from this is basically what WE MAKE IT and how well its taken into consideration of the other things we have asked for over the years.
wow really it took them 5 mins to make this. people are still going to cheat i no your not ignorant about that yeah you can boot them but there will be others i am not ignorant at all the point is ea is lazy they put no time into this at all they gave you yuor own lobby and allow you to move sliders really how long do you really think that took. lol it is what it is tho
# 25 HawkeyMediaPlus @ 07/25/11 01:09 PM
What ever happened to complete sentences?
# 26 aceoye @ 07/25/11 01:16 PM
Originally Posted by Smoke6
Seems like to me that I was spot on with calling you a freestyle player! You mad?

You seem like it, you had your freestyle reign for over 15yrs now with the online community and we get 1 feature to seperate your arcadey style from thos who actually enjoying SIMULATING a game of football and this is what you come with?

Please man, we not looking for a futuristic outlook, we are trying to basque in the glory of the dev team finally atleast giving us an option to get away from guys like you. You named SIM sites, so what did you expect was gonna come from today's news?

Dont sound so disappointed in this news bro, you can still have your freestyle ways in the "regular lobbies" against the handful of guys who wouls still choose to play that way. Dont forget, there are hardly any worthwhile tournaments to even wanna take that plunge in playing that way and then having to travel so far to compete in for some chump change after all is said and done.

If you dont like it, then you have options aswell, but you then had more than enough time to gather the fact that it was time for something like this to happen. GET OVER IT!!!
I listed sites that like to have organized franchises and dynasties fool..What the hell are you talking about? freestyle? you talking about rap?
# 27 aaronrodgers012 @ 07/25/11 01:26 PM
This update is more disappointing than any theyve ever had. I dont see what the big deal is.
# 28 Yankees_CT @ 07/25/11 01:29 PM
Wow, I may actually play an online game now....very nice!
# 29 Smoke6 @ 07/25/11 01:52 PM
Originally Posted by CRMosier_LM
Please do not make accusations about things in which you have no clue what you are talking about. You and i have had this discussion before on another board but yet you continue to call PROVEN SIM PLAYERS cheesers. Shopmaster?... sim, Coach Ruckus... sim, D-Hiatus... sim, Drock450... VERY SIM, Jake Stein... sim, Buck_i_Nation(me)... sim. Please do not make wild claims to justify your theories. A lot of Game Changers frequent this site. Posts like the quoted one do nothing but make some of us NOT want to help you.
I never called anyone out by name and as i recall, there were seperate events that went on outside of community day? But to be more clear and precise since I have dealt with quite a few members of TML, it is those members who I recognized as leading the way and not putting up a fight against this feature.

And for the record, I am part of Mymaddenpad and the gamechangers community and I follow shopmaster and others on twitter aswell. So for you to keep accusing me of accusing people that I have not named nor ever mentioned is pretty pointless and baseless as it is YOUR ASSUMPTIONS that gets you all riled up as if it was just those guys there that attend these events and the others EA throws thru the course of there development of madden.

No need to apologize for this remark right here...

Please do not make wild claims to justify your theories. A lot of Game Changers frequent this site. Posts like the quoted one do nothing but make some of us NOT want to help you.

I dunno even know where that stemmed from at all, so dont worry about helping me, im just a speck into the community that like playing football, your best efforts is in trying to help the community.

Dont ride your high horse too long all because you did something EA should have done years ago bro. I'd appreciate it if you thoroughly read my posts a lil better than what you did, I know some of them guys are your friends and all but the ones you mentioned I know all about them and how they contribute to the SIM style of play. It would had been a valid argument me if I had mentioned names in which I never mentioned either one of them guys you have.
# 30 Smoke6 @ 07/25/11 01:57 PM
Originally Posted by aceoye
I listed sites that like to have organized franchises and dynasties fool..What the hell are you talking about? freestyle? you talking about rap?
Really, let me re-read your post I quoted again in context as it comes across the avg reader in which you sound like you are complaining.

Who the heck else would this news be for, other than the communities you have listed? If you are just pointing out the obvious well after the other post you have made that contradict that, then fine by me. But this coupled with your latest post sounds like you are quite bitter about this.

Its too obvious this is for the SIm community and has been discussed and rumored on here for over a week in several different threads in some I have brought up in well before anyone else.

So to clarify things a bit since you and the leaguemanager guy have your panties in a bunch today. Please tell me what is your point you are trying to make since i am missing something here or just not reading what you are trying to say correctly?

Fill me in please?
# 31 aceoye @ 07/25/11 02:10 PM
yo smoke I dont know what the fudge you are babblin about saying Im mad about this stuff specifically.Im not mad about online communities Im mad that its something that really doesnt seem to be a big deal to me.. I mean even me and my friends will have a little community or whatever I dont despise it, just something I think really isnt such a big deal, EA was waiting to tell us this? doesnt seem like something to prolong..I mean its a slight additions.. who hates additions its not doing anything negative...chill out fool
# 32 falconfansince81 @ 07/25/11 02:11 PM
i don't play lobby games, and for sim communities we already have a thriving group so this doesn't interest me at all other than maybe trying to recruit from the lobbys if you run across a sim player. but that involves sifting through a lot of cheese...

online team play, despite its improvements will only be fun if they fixed the connection issues with lag and mic's. i didn't see any mention of that so i'm assuming nothing was changed there. the classic cam was a good and needed change as is making games count so people don't quit, but if its not playable or you cannot communicate with your teammates its pretty useless.

i just hope for an in-depth online franchise next year...nothing surprising about this blog really, i had low expectations and they were spot on.
# 33 aceoye @ 07/25/11 02:14 PM
Originally Posted by falconfansince81
i don't play lobby games, and for sim communities we already have a thriving group so this doesn't interest me at all other than maybe trying to recruit from the lobbys if you run across a sim player. but that involves sifting through a lot of cheese...

online team play, despite its improvements will only be fun if they fixed the connection issues with lag and mic's. i didn't see any mention of that so i'm assuming nothing was changed there. the classic cam was a good and needed change as is making games count so people don't quit, but if its not playable or you cannot communicate with your teammates its pretty useless.

i just hope for an in-depth online franchise next year...nothing surprising about this blog really, i had low expectations and they were spot on.
# 34 RogueHominid @ 07/25/11 02:16 PM
Meh. This is ending with a whimper from a PR perspective as far as I'm concerned, but to each his own.

Given that they're allowing full slider customization for communities of up to 2,000, I'm assuming that full slider customization will also be in Online Franchise .
# 35 XtremeDunkz @ 07/25/11 02:17 PM
^ nope..maybe next year.
# 36 Smoke6 @ 07/25/11 02:29 PM
Originally Posted by aceoye
yo smoke I dont know what the fudge you are babblin about saying Im mad about this stuff specifically.Im not mad about online communities Im mad that its something that really doesnt seem to be a big deal to me.. I mean even me and my friends will have a little community or whatever I dont despise it, just something I think really isnt such a big deal, EA was waiting to tell us this? doesnt seem like something to prolong..I mean its a slight additions.. who hates additions its not doing anything negative...chill out fool
I just dont understand how this can be looked at as something subpar at best when its clearly a sign that EA is listening and threw us a bone for a cleaner online community that was heavily divided between different styles of play.

This has brought an "option" to the community and thats really all we were asking to really try and salvage a ruined online community outside of sites like these and other SIM sites, just to get fair games. Now we know most, if not all 2,000 players will play fair and or have no choice for the time being.
# 37 druez @ 07/25/11 02:36 PM
Threw who a bone? This is an "addon" feature.

Online franchise or should I say "real" online franchise is more important then this.

I can't have a "real" online franchise with the current setup. All the people could still play online in ranked games with or without this fix. This is a "nice" feature, but by no means signifigant.

I bought NCAA simply for Online Dynasty. I will not buy Madden until they give us "real" online franchises back.
# 38 Smoke6 @ 07/25/11 02:44 PM
Originally Posted by druez
Threw who a bone? This is an "addon" feature.

Online franchise or should I say "real" online franchise is more important then this.

I can't have a "real" online franchise with the current setup. All the people could still play online in ranked games with or without this fix. This is a "nice" feature, but by no means signifigant.

I bought NCAA simply for Online Dynasty. I will not buy Madden until they give us "real" online franchises back.
Hey, I say talk to the leaguemanager guy, he knew about this and online franchise way before any of us did and its to his benefit for those wanting a complete online franchise having to go thru him and his site.

The bone has been the "option", if you want to continue playing in regular lobbies with no policing, then fine by me. Just dont let me catch you complaining about anything foul that goes on in there like it always does, i'll make sure to quote you on it aswell if it comes to that and then we'll see in-significant it will be then.

If nothing was presented at all and it was just talk on OTP and MUT, then it would have been outrage. For years in all wishlists across the net we have been asking to get rid of the cheat/cheesers, so instead they gave us our own lobbies and leaderboards to play in and a great way to weed out those who choose to come in and break the rules. Its our own "island" and I am more happy about this knowing the fact that now they have no choice but to beef up online franchise next year since there isnt gonna be too many excuses of why it went untouched again.

So either play your part of continuous play of the online franchise to show them "this is a feature we want taken care of" and all should be well by then, but this is a great step in the right direction IMO!
# 39 ebugaloo @ 07/25/11 02:57 PM
Wow, that sounds like something that took almost no effort to bring to Madden 12. It's a no brainer, and something a lot like Halo's matchmaking system (still baffled why many FPS' don't copy that, btw). Am I supposed to believe this took all the time they could have used to upgrade Online Franchise?!?! Seriously, EA, I'm going to say this with all sincerity as your once-loyal fan...blow it out your a$$. And if I ever get the notion to buy your silly little Madden 12 game, I'll make sure to buy it used.

Sorry, guys. Still not over the whole Online Franchise thing. Still bitter...really, really bitter.
# 40 Smoke6 @ 07/25/11 03:03 PM
Originally Posted by ebugaloo
Wow, that sounds like something that took almost no effort to bring to Madden 12. It's a no brainer, and something a lot like Halo's matchmaking system (still baffled why many FPS' don't copy that, btw). Am I supposed to believe this took all the time they could have used to upgrade Online Franchise?!?! Seriously, EA, I'm going to say this with all sincerity as your once-loyal fan...blow it out your a$$. And if I ever get the notion to buy your silly little Madden 12 game, I'll make sure to buy it used.

Sorry, guys. Still not over the whole Online Franchise thing. Still bitter...really, really bitter.
Hate to see people get banned or infractions for emotional posts, but whats done is done and we have to get past that. I have laid down my 3 year plan with madden and this is yr 2, if nothing comes of online franchise next year then its a wrap until something is done.

But putting that behind me for now is all I can do, and take this good news (no matter how yall look at it) and hope for the best from here on out, even if it did take 5 minutes!

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