NCAA Football 12 News Post

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Game: NCAA Football 12Reader Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 104 - View All
NCAA Football 12 Videos
Member Comments
# 21 The JareBear @ 06/27/11 05:36 PM
Originally Posted by nag5115
Saw that first play where Boise ran out of the shotgun for positive yards, I was shocked. Maybe some hope for my Ducks in the game as well.
USER shotgun running has looked fine in all the vids. Its the CPU shotgun running that sucks
# 22 gogators @ 06/27/11 05:40 PM
Originally Posted by jaredlib
USER shotgun running has looked fine in all the vids. Its the CPU shotgun running that sucks
That's what I said earlier. I think it's human picking the plays in and letting the plays be run by the CPU (coach mode). Looks like the CPU shot-gun running has hopefully been fixed.
# 23 Gotmadskillzson @ 06/27/11 05:43 PM
Originally Posted by gogators
Looks like they may have also fixed the shotgun running. I know it's human picking the plays, but I think this is a coach mode and the BS running back actually gets running yards from shot gun runs.
This is not coach mode. This is just 2 users playing. You can't move players around the field on defense like he is doing pre snap in coach mode. Plus coach mode don't use that camera angle either.
# 24 NYYankees42 @ 06/27/11 05:47 PM
Originally Posted by MichFootball17
After the jet sweep earlier in the vid, two BSU players are doing a celebration and it looks like one was wearing the two bar Revo Speed that everyone has been asking for. Correct me if I'm wrong, but that would be sweet if it is.
no its not, the one that everyone is asking for doesnt have the 2 vertical bars in the sides
# 25 gogators @ 06/27/11 05:52 PM
Originally Posted by Gotmadskillzson
This is not coach mode. This is just 2 users playing. You can't move players around the field on defense like he is doing pre snap in coach mode. Plus coach mode don't use that camera angle either.
I still don't think it's the human running the ball, especially on the second run where the RB is covering the ball up like that. That is a classic CPU run. It could be human controlled, but I really don't think it is. One reason Boise could be human controlled is the first pass play, the QB uses a pump fake and the CPU RARELY uses it.
# 26 ThaShark28_316 @ 06/27/11 05:57 PM
At 2:28-30, why did the user cheat to the right in a cover 2? It was 3 guys basically guarding the B receiver. The zone worked like a charm there. I know it's 3rd and 14, but it's something I saw.

3:00 doesn't deserve commentary. Terrible play calling and to be honest, the user controlled the wrong LB. OR (and I know this wasn't possible here, but still...) you can def. hot route the CB and have him guard the B receiver man to man.

4:25 was actually nice to see. The comeback routes were covered and the two 7 routes were covered nicely. Only option was the check down receiver coming out the backfield.

Just some things I saw. Gotta check those run plays now.
# 27 dennis580 @ 06/27/11 06:02 PM
Originally Posted by nag5115
Saw that first play where Boise ran out of the shotgun for positive yards, I was shocked. Maybe some hope for my Ducks in the game as well.
Actually the most impressive thing about that play was the backside DE. He chased the RB all the way, and then made a diving shoestring tackle at the end. Talk about giving 100% effort. That was an extremely impressive play by the backside DE.
# 28 ThaShark28_316 @ 06/27/11 06:10 PM
That run at 1:48 is a possible HUGE gain if that pulling guard doesn't run into that tackle. If the RB kicks to the outside (which only happens if the guard doesn't run into the tackle), the only man that has a shot at him is the user controlled MLB.
# 29 Jr. @ 06/27/11 06:12 PM
Originally Posted by jaredlib
So maybe someone can educate me on something.

Is cover 2 zone supposed to be completely destroyed by the deep ball every time its called? I mean, I get that it was two WRs running into one S's zone but as someone said, in a lot of these videos you see a deep pass beating the cover 2 zone, even if its just one WR on that side. IF this is normal, then forgive me, I am ignorant, it just seems like in real life I see cover 2 stop deep passes sometimes too...i dunno
When there are 3 or more receivers going deep.. yes. Not when there is only 1 receiver going deep on that side. It seems to me that the safeties backpedal for too long and by the time they turn to run with the WR, he is already a couple of yards by him and therefore the deep ball is open. This looks like it happens anytime a safety is in a deep zone, no matter what the coverage call is for the rest of the defense.

This is why I always control the FS on defense.. so I can run deep with the receiver and cover the deep pass.
# 30 LionsFanNJ @ 06/27/11 06:18 PM
In all NCAA's I've always used the safeties or the dline to get some friggin pressure

sent from parts unknown
# 31 statum71 @ 06/27/11 06:23 PM
Originally Posted by J-Unit40
Exactly. I would hope the deep ball would be effective in that instance. That is basic playcalling.
I'm glad several of you guys know football.

The touchdown is not about the game being so-called "wrong," they were supposed to score on that play.

There was only one defender on that side. He can't cover both receivers. Bad defense....not bad video game.
# 32 Mike Smoove @ 06/27/11 06:29 PM
This and Annihilation tomorrow
# 33 fanforlife21 @ 06/27/11 06:33 PM
Most teams that run cover 2 as their base defense are usually able to get pretty good pressure with their front 4 also. If you allow a team to have time to get wrs deep then a cover 2 is usually ineffective. Cover 2 is a defense you use when you wanna take away the underneath patterns and is very vulnerable to deep patterns. The safety in the play actually did what he would have done in real life split the distance between the two wrs streaking down the field. When the ball was released he was in about a good of position as he could have been he just was not quick enough to make a play. That is another thing a team needs in a cover 2 scheme fast ball-hawking safeties.
# 34 WipeOut464 @ 06/27/11 06:55 PM
Originally Posted by statum71
I'm glad several of you guys know football.

The touchdown is not about the game being so-called "wrong," they were supposed to score on that play.

There was only one defender on that side. He can't cover both receivers. Bad defense....not bad video game.
Absolutely right. I just hope we see Sky Cover 3 cover that combo better this year. Last year the safeties wouldn't rotate properly and the seam was practically uncoverable if you weren't doing it manually.
# 35 Hoops737 @ 06/27/11 07:57 PM
Like it's been said, the TCU user just called the wrong defensive play.

If you see a team with a 5 wide formation before the play you don't call a cover 2!

Quarters - Man coverage or Quarters Cover THREE

Just a bad user playing
# 36 Gosens6 @ 06/27/11 08:13 PM
Shotgun running looked good, defense paid for bad mistakes, got rewarded for good playcalling.

I want this game yesterday
# 37 Lavar @ 06/27/11 08:20 PM
The atmosphere looked amazing when Boise st scored at home vs TCU in their first season in the MWC , crowd went nuts and the band played. LAME.

Its still good to see how they haven't captured the college atmosphere , been this way for years now so why break the habit.
# 38 HoundsOfHowl @ 06/27/11 08:25 PM
I know there is a lot of people who "dog" on these videos and gameplay, but the way I look at the videos is this, I use sliders, and I know that these games show on videos are on default settings. So until I get the game and tweak the sliders I cant really say whats 100% wrong looking unless its just an obvious glitch. Because last year, until I tweaked my sliders I saw less of certain catches and a lot of crap plays but after tweaking, the game was enjoyable for me.
# 39 PRAY IV M3RCY @ 06/27/11 08:26 PM
i hate ea broadcast,,i hate these cinematic cut scenes that i never see on tv..i wish they would go all out with giving us a realistic looking broadcast that we would see on tv instead of trying to make their own..dammit y did they even pull out the cash for the espn license..just to have it on scoreboard
# 40 jfsolo @ 06/27/11 08:49 PM
When I watch these User vs. User vids, defensive playcalling seems quite often to be an afterthought. They either pick an all out blitz or some random zone. Its like, "I'm on defense, how boring," Stops or interceptions come from the User on offense simply making a bad read.

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