NCAA Football 12 News Post

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Game: NCAA Football 12Reader Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 104 - View All
NCAA Football 12 Videos
Member Comments
# 41 LionsFanNJ @ 06/18/11 05:51 PM
Originally Posted by Dewiel
The point of the video wasn't to show a pass rush. You can easily get one. We intentionally called zone defenses without blitzers/pressure to show everyone how the defenders were playing zones against different passes. You can get pressure in the game. We'll show that off in an upcoming video.
I'm sure I speak for OS when I say that if there's any tuning left, please let it be the front 4 pass rush.

sent from parts unknown
# 42 Playmakers @ 06/18/11 06:02 PM
Originally Posted by AuburnAlumni
No pass rush angers me.
I think the problem is with EA out of the box is they can't seem to find a good balance between pass rush and pass blocking

i know in NCAA 09 the Offensive Tackles were dummied down so bad they would just stand and watch DE's blow by them that was EA's idea of a pass rush out of the box

last year from scanning the rosters i saw a huge upgrade in the ratings for the OL and in return it made pass rushing a little more difficult without slider tweaks the tackles weren't as brain dead as they were in NCAA 09

It woudln't surprise me at all if they reduced some defensive ratings like block shedding, strength, power move, finesse move and pursuit all in a effort to make the scrambling logic for the CPU QB's work this year and be effective. You see in order for that part of the game to work they have to reduce certain defensive ratings or else a QB will look to run but he'll never get anywhere....the side effects to that is all those ratings tie into the DL ability to pass rush effectively and that is why i think people are seeing no movement up front by the DL's front 4 in these videos

The other thing that bothers me is the fact that QB's still don't throw any off target passes. There should be passes thrown in the game without touching a single slider that appears to make a QB inaccurate at times during a game

Even the great QB's like John Elway has some throws that simply get away from him with or without pressue in his face

The only way to make EA's QB's to throw off target passes down the field or over the middle is to edit reduce their passing sliders within the game and that shouldn't be the case

So watching this video display the new zone coverage is cool and all but there wasn't single throw in the entire video that i saw was too low, too wide too deep or simply out reach of the DB, LB or WR's to make a play on the ball
# 43 SkillzKillz719 @ 06/18/11 06:49 PM
I think overall, we need to look at this and say that it is an improvement. Because it is. The video's intended for zone defense and it looked pretty good. When he got aggressive, he was punished, and when he tried to throw to the flats, it didnt always work. Both those were missing in 11'. I like what I see.
# 44 bigstud23lb @ 06/18/11 09:37 PM
Originally Posted by mikeld1
Game play is still the same. Its freakin 2012!! can we see something we haven't seen before. Play calling the same, sideline appearance the same .... players looking like card board boxes. I can't believe that this is the best they can do (copy n paste). We need different options. This sucks! 2012 i can't believe it with all the new technology. This game play is no difference the 06,07,08,09,10 and 11. Only difference is the enhance presentation, WOW!
dude you ppl are ****ing whinners what else do you ****ing want if you dont like it then make your own dam ****ing game and quit ****ing whinning like a bunch of little bitches
# 45 ActLikeYouCrow @ 06/18/11 10:23 PM
Originally Posted by Playmakers
So watching this video display the new zone coverage is cool and all but there wasn't single throw in the entire video that i saw was too low, too wide too deep or simply out reach of the DB, LB or WR's to make a play on the ball
the passing game is essentially arena football with 11 guys on the field. that ridiculous accuracy kills online play even against non cheesers because it makes every qb the same.
# 46 Bumble14 @ 06/18/11 11:10 PM
Originally Posted by JSHT21
I actually like what I've seen so far with Oline and Dline play... good balance.. yes this video seemed a little off from the others.

The thing that bothers me is the Shotgun running...

yes they ran two plays... the draw and what looked like a sweep.. I watched it an hour ago so forgive me if I'm wrong.

I know they ran a draw, and that was the one run play from shotgun last year that worked... Yes they got 4 yards on the other that is a good gain, but you can't tell if it will consistently be viable.

They seem to stay away from shotgun running in all videos, which worries me.

(Yes you could run from the shotgun last year by drastically changing sliders, but you shouldn't have to do that to run out of one formation.)

Hope they show some more of this..

All in all I loved the zone, and all has looked good, if only they could show the shotgun running, I know others want to see it.
You can run from the shotgun this year. Tested this extensively when I played the game at E3.

Also, pass rush is more aggressive by CPU and as a human you can get pressure on the CPU QB. Played multiple games on All American default sliders.

As was mentioned by Mr. Dewiel, these vids are just focusing on certain aspects, in this case zone coverage. 10 days until the demo :-)
# 47 Pokes404 @ 06/19/11 04:27 AM
Every video I see makes me less excited about this game. I try to stay away from them and just wait for the demo, but I just can't seem to help myself.
# 48 steelersfan7 @ 06/19/11 09:53 AM
No offense to EA but it looks like NCAA 11. No difference in my eyes, Madden looks like the game this year.
# 49 noplace @ 06/19/11 12:48 PM
Originally Posted by Dewiel
The point of the video wasn't to show a pass rush. You can easily get one. We intentionally called zone defenses without blitzers/pressure to show everyone how the defenders were playing zones against different passes. You can get pressure in the game. We'll show that off in an upcoming video.
So you're saying we have to blitz in order to get a pass rush? You do know that some DC's run alot of zone because of the ability to rush only 4 right? We shouldnt have to blitz to get a pass rush.... The D-line play looks canned and programmed to specifically interact with the OL instead of getting to the QB...
# 50 ppkid91 @ 06/19/11 01:21 PM
I agree with what has been said about the pass rush and passing accuracy in the videos it looks like more of the same. But damn people at least wait for the demo to come out before you bury the game.
# 51 AuburnAlumni @ 06/19/11 01:26 PM
I think overall the game looks stellar. I definitely don't agree that "it's the same old thing". And I do hope that the worry about the lack of front four pressure is unwarranted in the actual game. But it would be nice to see some dominant DL play in a video or two. The only video where any was evident was Jared Crick of Nebraska...and I would hope that you don't have to have a 98 rated DT or DE to be able to get a good pass rush from your front four.
# 52 ngw411 @ 06/19/11 01:41 PM
Why did'nt it show the Alabama offense
# 53 He1nousOne1 @ 06/19/11 01:43 PM
Originally Posted by AuburnAlumni
I think overall the game looks stellar. I definitely don't agree that "it's the same old thing". And I do hope that the worry about the lack of front four pressure is unwarranted in the actual game. But it would be nice to see some dominant DL play in a video or two. The only video where any was evident was Jared Crick of Nebraska...and I would hope that you don't have to have a 98 rated DT or DE to be able to get a good pass rush from your front four.
Did they even try to use power or finesse moves to get around the offensive linemen?

Originally Posted by ngw411
Why did'nt it show the Alabama offense
For whatever reason they thought the pass offense of Oklahoma State would be tested well in the video by going against the athletic defense of Alabama. Everytime Alabama got the ball the makers probably just punted. That would be my guess by the looks of Oklahoma State starting position for each drive. If that is the case I am glad they didnt show the Alabama offensive plays. Watching those punts would be pointless.
# 54 pirates946 @ 06/19/11 04:23 PM
The injury report screen looked really good at the 8:57 mark. Injury risk was a medium. It said leave #84 in game (80 overall) or sub in #82 (75 overall). Im just wondering was that 80 overall his original rating or his rating after the injury? Im pretty sure it was his original but it wouldve been cool if the injury impacted overall.
# 55 Siggy778 @ 06/19/11 08:21 PM
Robert Lester is an impact player on defense over Mark Barron? WHAT?
# 56 Siggy778 @ 06/19/11 08:39 PM
Wow on the very first play, the LB just lets the ball go right past him even though he was in perfect position to deflect or even intercept it.

Also, the dreads suck. Not only do all the wrong players have them, but very few players in the nation have dreads that are THAT long. I don't understand why they couldn't have done 2 or 3 different lengths. They look really dumb.
# 57 He1nousOne1 @ 06/19/11 08:42 PM
Originally Posted by Siggy778
Wow on the very first play, the LB just lets the ball go right past him even though he was in perfect position to deflect or even intercept it.

Also, the dreads suck. Not only do all the wrong players have them, but very few players in the nation have dreads that are THAT long. I don't understand why they couldn't have done 2 or 3 different lengths. They look really dumb.

Hopefully they make a "Dread Creation" slider because I agree, they seem to be all over the place.
# 58 Siggy778 @ 06/19/11 08:49 PM
Originally Posted by He1nousOne1
Hopefully they make a "Dread Creation" slider because I agree, they seem to be all over the place.
Yea, in one play 3 Bama guys were in on a tackle. They all had dreads. It looked like a mop party.
# 59 PVarck31 @ 06/19/11 08:52 PM
Please please can we not go into the dreads issue again. There has to be like 5 threads about them.
# 60 He1nousOne1 @ 06/19/11 08:55 PM
Originally Posted by 31
Please please can we not go into the dreads issue again. There has to be like 5 threads about them.
Yes but none of them are about the Alabama vs Oklahoma State gameplay vid in which three Alabama players were in on a tackle and all of them had dreads. There is a reason for it coming up and its not just random bitching.

Also, I didnt see any of those threads and I dont really care to resurrect them. So sorry but its pretty easy to skip over the two posts that are about the dreads in this gameplay vid. You added to your own issue by making it three posts.

Now with my response its four. Oh noes!

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