Madden 12 News Post

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Game: Madden NFL 12Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 44 - View All
Madden NFL 12 Videos
Member Comments
# 1 adub88 @ 06/06/11 07:03 PM
The graphics are craaaazy. They need to keep the gameplay going, I don't need to see those two talking.
# 2 davep @ 06/06/11 07:44 PM
Looks pretty good, but I'll be the first one to hope that it's on Rookie.

I also wish they'd show last game's stats for the QB as he's walking out...something much more relevant than the same ol' stale stat page.
# 3 Kevin26385 @ 06/06/11 08:04 PM
Originally Posted by adub88
The graphics are craaaazy. They need to keep the gameplay going, I don't need to see those two talking.
Second that...graphics look superb!
# 4 BlackJack_Williams @ 06/06/11 08:07 PM
Good find. Players look a bit more life like, particularly in the huddle.

Looking good. Looking forward to more gameplay videos. With each one, I could possibly be buying Madden this year.
# 5 maademperor @ 06/06/11 08:14 PM
looks good, still want to know more about franchise though. specifically do coaches matter and have an impact and progress and regress too now?
# 6 ltzraymond @ 06/06/11 08:49 PM
I dont think Aaron Rodgers deserves that clutch rating.
# 7 dougdeuce @ 06/06/11 09:02 PM
Originally Posted by ltzraymond
I dont think Aaron Rodgers deserves that clutch rating.
I do. although I do understand where you are coming from historically he lost a lot of close games.
# 8 ltzraymond @ 06/06/11 09:06 PM
Just because you're a homer. I understand that. Haha.
# 9 SageInfinite @ 06/06/11 09:08 PM
Love the camera angles. Replays and analysis is needed badly though. Finally starting to look like what we see on Sunday though.
# 10 N51_rob @ 06/06/11 09:13 PM
I noticed that they have added (changed) the chin straps on some players. Look at Rodgers' again. He has the hard cup chin strap.
# 11 tommyboii2008 @ 06/06/11 09:30 PM
The trailer fooled me for a second.. But this video brought me back to reality... gameplay looks to much the same
# 12 DaSmerg @ 06/06/11 09:50 PM
So let me get this straight, in the entire history of the NFL and taking into account it's unknown future years, the best QB was/is/will be Tom Brady at 99 overall? Not saying TB is crap but c'mon now.
# 13 Tengo Juego @ 06/06/11 10:11 PM
Originally Posted by N51_rob
I noticed that they have added (changed) the chin straps on some players. Look at Rodgers' again. He has the hard cup chin strap.
Originally Posted by rylynner
Rodgers doesn't wear the hard-shell strap, does he?
He doesn't. But he should. That single strap is basically a piece of cloth.

He looks a lot like Eli did in that DPP trailer. Too fat and bulky. And his flak jacket does not show through his jersey. He wears a loose fitting jersey.

Did anyone else notice that Aaron walked into the defense's huddle? And the models looks really squared off, and it looked like he(Aaron) had a grey facemask instead of green.
# 14 blood9585 @ 06/06/11 10:13 PM
Originally Posted by DaSmerg
So let me get this straight, in the entire history of the NFL and taking into account it's unknown future years, the best QB was/is/will be Tom Brady at 99 overall? Not saying TB is crap but c'mon now.
CORRECTION a 100 rating overall would say TB is the best QB was/is/will be....
# 15 roadman @ 06/06/11 10:20 PM
Scratches head, isn't the same video that was released yesterday in here? The video has been reported as being produced awhile ago.

# 16 PGaither84 @ 06/06/11 10:23 PM
Originally Posted by DaSmerg
So let me get this straight, in the entire history of the NFL and taking into account it's unknown future years, the best QB was/is/will be Tom Brady at 99 overall? Not saying TB is crap but c'mon now.
What's funny is you, like many others, think that the overall rating matters. It doesn't. It's all about individual ratings. One of the problems is that EA/Donny will manipulate the individual ratings at times to alter the OVR value.

Also, what's up with 95 throwing power for Tom? I was always under the impression that he was a 92-ish throwing power guy. It's just a few points, but I never got the impression he threw that strong.
# 17 Evan_OS @ 06/06/11 10:24 PM
Really loving that broadcast view when you're coming up to the line of scrimmage.
# 18 sniperhare @ 06/06/11 10:25 PM
Originally Posted by DaSmerg
So let me get this straight, in the entire history of the NFL and taking into account it's unknown future years, the best QB was/is/will be Tom Brady at 99 overall? Not saying TB is crap but c'mon now.
I would like the game to more accurately show that Brady is a 99 on the Patriots playing for Bellicheck. Head Coach did this and I think it would be a great addition for Madden 13.

This way you would need to sign and draft players that fit your schemes and play style and their OVR would rise or fall accordingly.
# 19 gbombbay @ 06/06/11 10:28 PM
As someone who has been disappointed with madden over the past couple years like most.. Its time to give some credit to them, for seeming like they are headed in the right direction now. With that said competition can't/won't hurt.. ie 2k sports... But aye i don't blame EA for that, I blame the NFL. and they cant even work out a deal for real life football. So i guess who am i to expect one for the gaming world.. smdh
# 20 the_natural @ 06/06/11 10:31 PM

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