Fight Night Champion News Post

Brizzo has checked in with an update on the upcoming Fight Night Champion Title Update #2.

"We are wrapping things up with Title Update #2. When we have a specific release date, you will obviously be the first to know. Couple things I can tell you...
  • One Punch KOs are working again.
  • OWC has been balanced so that new CABs aren't at such a disadvantage when they start out.
  • OWC has new match-up logic to favor match-ups between boxers with similar OVR ratings.
  • Numerous factors have been tweaked to reduce the effectiveness of jab-spamming, especially to the body.
  • Stamina loss is greater when moving backwards (most noticable over multiple rounds).
  • Having your back to the ropes/in the corner has a bigger impact on movement speed.
  • Max Stamina Loss/Recovery overall has been adjusted.
  • Some previous patch/tuner-set changes have been rolled back for Offline gameplay.
  • Weave sensitivity has been much improved.
  • A variety of other bugs have been fixed.
We've been playing it as much as we can, trying to fight like different types of a-holes/jerks to grief each other with very little success. We look forward to getting it in your hands as soon as we can and hopefully you can all have fun beating some cheesy spammers down too."

Game: Fight Night ChampionReader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 17 - View All
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Member Comments
# 61 Vast @ 06/13/11 11:16 PM
Originally Posted by ajns
Really? Could you show me that announcement?
yeah it says nothing, at least from what i saw. It says we will let you know. lol ..like hey hopefully we can get that for you guys...someday
# 62 DaveDQ @ 06/14/11 09:07 AM
I'll look it up when I get to my laptop. But I understand the frustration. I haven't touched the game in a bit but I haven't touched any games in a while because I've been up on a mountain. LOL
# 63 petz_e @ 06/14/11 09:19 AM
Originally Posted by ajns
Really? Could you show me that announcement?
He probably means this statement over at the EA forums. It says, release is targeted for late next month (message was posted in may), pending approvals (which takes more or less 2 to 3 weeks, microsoft and sony are usually so slow). I don't know if they mean sending the patch to sony/microsoft by 'releasing' or if they actually think that sony/microsoft is going to upload the patch by then. The first possibility would mean that the patch will come out mid July of course

sk88z wrote:
Dev Team Update May 18th, 2011

Thanks for everyone's patience as the devs continue to work on the next title update. The scheduled release is targeted for late next month pending approvals. We will provide a complete list of issues that have been addressed once we are certain that the update has been approved. Thanks for your constructive comments in assisting with the title update.


Source: http://forum.ea.com/eaforum/posts/list/315/5320789.page
# 64 DaveDQ @ 06/14/11 10:27 AM
Originally Posted by petz_e
He probably means this statement over at the EA forums. It says, release is targeted for late next month (message was posted in may), pending approvals (which takes more or less 2 to 3 weeks, microsoft and sony are usually so slow). I don't know if they mean sending the patch to sony/microsoft by 'releasing' or if they actually think that sony/microsoft is going to upload the patch by then. The first possibility would mean that the patch will come out mid July of course

sk88z wrote:
Dev Team Update May 18th, 2011

Thanks for everyone's patience as the devs continue to work on the next title update. The scheduled release is targeted for late next month pending approvals. We will provide a complete list of issues that have been addressed once we are certain that the update has been approved. Thanks for your constructive comments in assisting with the title update.


Source: http://forum.ea.com/eaforum/posts/list/315/5320789.page
Yes, Petz. That's what I'm referencing. They mentioned in that quote release is targeted pending approvals so I'm thinking they mean if it gets approved it will most likely show up then. Maybe we'll even get it early.

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