Madden 12 News Post

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Member Comments
# 4
RUFFNREADY @ 05/17/11 08:25 PM
It all sounds, nice and dandy; but if the gameplay sucks! then what will franchise "sizzle" be worth in the game. I will keep my Madden12 hype, to a silent clapping! lol
Let's wait and see. I need to see some more gameplay footage, and a DEMO of a build closets to the final print. Before i give EA Sports a "Good job" shoutout.
Let's wait and see. I need to see some more gameplay footage, and a DEMO of a build closets to the final print. Before i give EA Sports a "Good job" shoutout.
does anyone know if you can play with multiple people on the same team in franchise this year? (like up to 3)
the only thing I'm concerned about is the free agent bidding in a muti-player franchise . Don't know how its gonna work with a countdown timer.
Looks like they're heading in the right direction this year. Hats off to EA sports for addressing these issues.
I wish...
I got to stand on that field just last week......that place is insane!
# 17
Stikskillz @ 05/18/11 02:19 AM
Looks promising. Questions remain though...
Will PS2 Training Camp make a return?
Will we be able to make an offline franchise into an online franchise and vice versa ala NCAA Dynasty?
Will we be able to save a game mid-game?
Hopefully these get questions get answered soon. Keep the game moving in the right direction EA.
Will PS2 Training Camp make a return?
Will we be able to make an offline franchise into an online franchise and vice versa ala NCAA Dynasty?
Will we be able to save a game mid-game?
Hopefully these get questions get answered soon. Keep the game moving in the right direction EA.
the franchise mode is looking real good. if they would add the "talk out of retirement" in franchise like 2k5 did and if they would add sportscenter then their franchise mode would be perfect. but like i said before and im going to say it again, if the gameplay isn't up to par then they really haven't listened to their fans and they would just be lying to us all just like they did in the 06 trailer. does anybody disagree????????????????
Damn, why do they start the teasing over 3 months before the release..this is killing me..I want to play it!
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