NCAA Football 12 News Post

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Game: NCAA Football 12Reader Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 104 - View All
NCAA Football 12 Videos
Member Comments
# 61 BenGerman @ 05/17/11 09:38 PM
Originally Posted by mrMagic91
I agree BroHam. They did go all out this year. Im more than impressed! I surely appreciate it. I think we are just a little bitter after seeing the Madden Franchise additions. And there are a lot.
I know I've recently become more critical of the NCAA team after seeing everything Madden is bringing to the table. It would be easier if we knew we'ed be getting solid info on Monday, but the it just seems as if NCAA is in a position to sort of ride off of their success from last year. I'm afraid we won't be getting the same level attention to Dynasty and Gameplay as we have with Presentation. Hopefully is just pessimism.
# 62 44drob @ 05/17/11 11:02 PM
Now thats Nice !!!
# 63 RebelHog @ 05/17/11 11:26 PM
Will be extremely hacked, if they don't have the Razorbacks coming out of the Hog Snout with smoke out of the Broyles Center running through the "A" in Razorback Stadium.
# 64 footballfan952 @ 05/17/11 11:51 PM
It did seem like there was alot of "dead" airtime where nothing was really happening and it was dead silent between the crowd and the commentators. Overall though, these were pretty awesome and impressive. As far as the actual entrances themselves go I have no major complaints, it all looked great!
# 65 stevensa08 @ 05/18/11 12:04 AM
To all the Auburn fans who were asking for the War Eagle entrance....
It looked pretty darn good!!
# 66 stevensa08 @ 05/18/11 12:06 AM
Originally Posted by footballfan952
It did seem like there was alot of "dead" airtime where nothing was really happening and it was dead silent between the crowd and the commentators. Overall though, these were pretty awesome and impressive. As far as the actual entrances themselves go I have no major complaints, it all looked great!
I believe they were cutting into different scenes.
# 67 mtoo22 @ 05/18/11 12:30 AM
I think there is a lot of empty space for us to use the custom music...just a guess
# 68 hurricanefootball4 @ 05/18/11 02:02 AM
Nice intro's... is it 5/23 yet?
# 69 ven0m43 @ 05/18/11 04:15 AM
No pac-12 love...
# 70 GaryT531 @ 05/18/11 10:17 AM
I didn't like the lighting at all last year, and I still don't like the way it looks this year in any of the videos I've seen so far. Everything else seems good so far.
# 71 209vaughn @ 05/18/11 01:09 PM
Madden is starting to make NCAA look cheap and half as$ this year.
# 72 speedy43 @ 05/18/11 01:16 PM
Originally Posted by GaryT531
I didn't like the lighting at all last year, and I still don't like the way it looks this year in any of the videos I've seen so far. Everything else seems good so far.
The fair weather games look great but the poor weather games still have that greenish tint that has plagued this game for several years.
# 73 AuburnAlumni @ 05/18/11 01:37 PM
Originally Posted by EA_Alex_Howell
All I have to say is War Damn Eagle.

Mad Props to EA for that Eagle Intro. Well done.


Yes, the numbers are way too small.
# 74 olemiss86 @ 05/18/11 02:53 PM
It seems like a lot of the colors are washed out. Even the fans. It looks like Tennessee fans sitting in Jordan Hare. Auburn's orange is a little richer than what is on the game....of course same for their blue.
# 75 Kaiser Wilhelm @ 05/18/11 03:10 PM
man ya'll nitpick a lot. Gameplay looks like it got a good improvement that could solve most of if not all of my qualms with this game.

Presentation looks cool, but it sounded kind of quiet. Still no Army vid though!
# 76 mm boost @ 05/18/11 05:59 PM
NICE! I get to watch Virginia's cool entrance, before I lay the smackdown with Logan Thomas and David Wilson on their home turf! Booya!
# 77 olemiss86 @ 05/18/11 06:45 PM
Something else I noticed but isn't real big. Why doesn't Auburn have the SEC patch on their jersey? Every other SEC team they have an image of or video of has the SEC patch. Do they know something we don't know about Auburn?
# 78 DJ @ 05/19/11 12:00 AM
Loving the intros. I get people nit-picking their schools' intro, but you have to admit, having something that resembles what we see on Saturday is better than nothing at all.
# 79 Steelbeard @ 05/19/11 01:00 AM
I hope ECU's entrance is in. Ours is definitely one of the better ones in College Football.
# 80 pmurray20 @ 05/19/11 01:31 AM
Originally Posted by DorianDonP
I don't know if this is nitpicking or a true gripe. I guess I won't truly know until I am actually playing the game (and it prolly will determine if i will skip most of these when I'm in a dynasty) but I wish they had commentary going while some of these entrances were happening. I don't like the feel of dead air. Even if it was really basic commentary like "fans showing their disapproval for the visiting team" as the Bama players run out on Auburns field or Herbstreet or someone saying how a stadium is as loud as he has heard or maybe even some backstory to how these traditions were formed while they are being performed. Or throwing in some dynamic commentary like "Virginia hoping to avenge last years lost to Virginia Tech" as the coach talks to his players. As of now the only thing that happens is "and here comes team so and so" and then more dead air with the commentary.

Even if a commentary team sits back and lets the atmosphere take center stage, they still help to put the atmosphere in context with a few words.

1:31 "if you got a chance to experience what we are experiencing here, how could you not say yes to a scholarship offer?"

Something like that would be awesome for a commentator to say while the team entrance is going on. Also, I think it's still a little backwards. They do the team entrance and then do the quick analysis, and then the kickoff. I think the presentation for the pre-game should go like this.

1. ESPN graphics
2. Context of the game analysis
3. Team entrance
4. Key player analysis and keys to victory

Then the kickoff.

Not saying this to give crap to the dev for what they did do. I LOVE the effort they have put into the entrances. I'm sure I'll be pumped with the FSU entrance. Just offering a few thoughts for something they could add next year to boost an already great addition.

Really looking forward to the dynasty info releases.

if they had that intrance in the game i would be scared lol and if the crowd did that well im fsu in my dynasty now haha

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