when first released the actual pictures of players standing around in the jerseys i wasnt a big fan. but after seeing some of the screenies guys have of players playing in them, its starting to grow more on me
when first released the actual pictures of players standing around in the jerseys i wasnt a big fan. but after seeing some of the screenies guys have of players playing in them, its starting to grow more on me
What took you so long? ANYTHING is better than those awful jerseys and color scheme they had before.
would like these much better without the stripe across the middle, but i know it's an 80's throwback thing they're going for and they make it work. still much better than the previous wizards uni's. i still liked the 90's bullets uniforms better that were worn during the chris webber years.
One of the modders should try switching the red and blue on the red jersey since I would guess they'll wear that as an alternate at some point. Not to mention I just feel like it would look better that way anyway. The white jerseys are mad nice though.
One of the modders should try switching the red and blue on the red jersey since I would guess they'll wear that as an alternate at some point. Not to mention I just feel like it would look better that way anyway. The white jerseys are mad nice though.
iirc, a team can only have new alternates two years after they had their jersey change.
It can still be done as fictional jersey for the game.