Madden 12 News Post

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Game: Madden NFL 12Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 44 - View All
Madden NFL 12 Videos
Member Comments
# 41 extremeskins04 @ 05/07/11 03:03 AM
I have to be honest and critque the videos but the suction is still there, the footwork is way too fast. Michael Vick doesn't drop back in the pocket that fast...my god his feet were moving wayyyy too fast.

Not impressed with the gameplay videos. Sorry, but am not.
# 42 NoTiCe_O @ 05/07/11 03:12 AM
Originally Posted by extremeskins04
I have to be honest and critque the videos but the suction is still there, the footwork is way too fast. Michael Vick doesn't drop back in the pocket that fast...my god his feet were moving wayyyy too fast.

Not impressed with the gameplay videos. Sorry, but am not.
Me either really, only thing i truly liked was tht hit stick tackle by Clay Matthews

I think ppl are just so ready for a solid NFL game they overlook the flaws. Although i gotta admit tht Marshall Faulk spin reminded me of the PS2 days for some reason, thts a good thing
# 43 SteelerSpartan @ 05/07/11 03:23 AM
Im so happy they got with the guys who do the real thing on Sundays with the Broadcasts......

This is what sells EA...People want to see what they see on the tube when they watch the big game

The jury is still out as far as gameplay is concerned...
# 44 PVarck31 @ 05/07/11 04:46 AM
Originally Posted by NoTiCe_O
Me either really, only thing i truly liked was tht hit stick tackle by Clay Matthews

I think ppl are just so ready for a solid NFL game they overlook the flaws. Although i gotta admit tht Marshall Faulk spin reminded me of the PS2 days for some reason, thts a good thing
Some people are able to overlook certain flaws. Sure I want less sliding, I want no suction too. The suction imo was hardly even noticeable. It was also in slow motion. At regular speed it might not even be noticeable at all.

I am sure EA is hearing our concerns about the DB shuffle/sliding. I would imagine they will try to fix it if they can. Not saying they will though.

You have to admit the tackling is much better this year. When they showed the tackle from last year compared to this year it was night and day.

As long as linebackers aren't sliding 5 feet in front of an open hole to make a play on my RB I'm gonna be happy. That was one of the most frustrating things for me last year. Well that and total lack of defense.

And whoever was upset because he didn't see the LBs knocking the ball lose after a catch, well you don't have to worry anymore about that.

Overall its looking pretty good. Already seems to be a step up from 11.
# 45 ggsimmonds @ 05/07/11 04:56 AM
Originally Posted by 31
Some people are able to overlook certain flaws. Sure I want less sliding, I want no suction too. The suction imo was hardly even noticeable. It was also in slow motion. At regular speed it might not even be noticeable at all.

I am sure EA is hearing our concerns about the DB shuffle/sliding. I would imagine they will try to fix it if they can. Not saying they will though.
I think they are. If you recall from the earlier videos that showed the same Revis play the warping and sliding was horrible. I found it odd that in this newer video they cut off the playback right before the warping really kicked in.

This tells me that they are aware of just how bad it was. So maybe they will try to remedy the problem in time for release.

One can hope
# 46 Nab_Impervious_XII @ 05/07/11 05:11 AM
Originally Posted by 31
At regular speed it might not even be noticeable at all.
Hmm, but you were in the NCAA thread right? They showed the DB shuffling at normal speed and it was extremely noticeable in that game.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-EhAd6AoxZk (Breakdown video which I'm sure you've already seen).

Sure, that's NCAA and we're talking about Madden, but there's no reason to believe it's different. They look very similar in slow motion, so Madden should look very similar to NCAA in regular speed.
# 47 PVarck31 @ 05/07/11 05:21 AM
Originally Posted by Nab_Impervious_XII
Hmm, but you were in the NCAA thread right? They showed the DB shuffling at normal speed and it was extremely noticeable in that game.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-EhAd6AoxZk (Breakdown video which I'm sure you've already seen).

Sure, that's NCAA and we're talking about Madden, but there's no reason to believe it's different. They look very similar in slow motion, so Madden should look very similar to NCAA in regular speed.
Yes that was. I was talking about the suction on tackles. Sorry if I was't clear, Im pretty tired.
# 48 floridagatorfan @ 05/07/11 05:23 AM
Originally Posted by Nab_Impervious_XII
Hmm, but you were in the NCAA thread right? They showed the DB shuffling at normal speed and it was extremely noticeable in that game.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-EhAd6AoxZk (Breakdown video which I'm sure you've already seen).

Sure, that's NCAA and we're talking about Madden, but there's no reason to believe it's different. They look very similar in slow motion, so Madden should look very similar to NCAA in regular speed.
He was talking about the suctioning of tackles not the shuffling.
# 49 guaps @ 05/07/11 06:33 AM
Wow... the more of Madden 12 I see, the less interested I become. Looks like many of the things that has bugged me is still in the game. And why can't they fix the locomotion? Player movement still looks way off.
# 50 Armor and Sword @ 05/07/11 09:06 AM
Those broadcast cameras of the Eagles have my toes tingling.

That shot of the FG was truly amazing. Also the D.Jax reception.

I can't wait to see how the various stadium broadcast camera angles (over a 100 according to the previews) are implemented into the overall gameplay and presentation.

Madden 12 is shaping up to be the definitive signature version of this game. And if May 16th is as good as I think it will be I know I will never talk about Madden 05 and 07 ever again.

You can see and hear the commitment these guys have. They love what they are doing and are going to great lengths to be as authentic as they can with the presentation camera work. I know we are all very curious about the play by play and overall presentation in franchise mode as well.

Fingers crossed.
# 51 Michael_Young_EA @ 05/07/11 09:20 AM
Originally Posted by radatdude2
Gotta say im really impressed with the way madden is showcasing their game. It really shows that they are not hiding anything about the game and that they are willing to show it kudos to the madden team. please Mike Young if you listening please address the jets jerseys the numbers on the sleeves are extremely too small. thanks
We are listening. We had a bug that caused the numbers in game to be a different scale in game then in our art tool (Shipped in Madden 11). Over the past two weeks our team art lead has been addressing all the number scale issues. Plus these videos were finished a couple weeks ago.
# 52 djordan @ 05/07/11 10:02 AM
Good videos especially the camera work BUT DAMN at the player ice skating. Where is the foot planting? PS2/XBOX versions of Madden had better foot planting and that was on inferior hardware.
# 53 mjhyankees @ 05/07/11 10:14 AM
Originally Posted by Michael_Young_EA
We are listening. We had a bug that caused the numbers in game to be a different scale in game then in our art tool (Shipped in Madden 11). Over the past two weeks our team art lead has been addressing all the number scale issues. Plus these videos were finished a couple weeks ago.

I want to thank Michael Young for responding. It takes some gumption to step in front of the firing squad.
I too am looking forward to the release date. I am wondering if it's possible that we could see things in franchise that had been there in the past (especially old gen). If not, why not? I'm no game designer, but to the laymen it seems that if it was done once, it could be done again with little or no trouble. Others feel the same way. Are we wrong about that? Is there something that makes it very difficult to keep all those features?
# 54 PSRusse83 @ 05/07/11 10:19 AM
Im gonna go out on a limb and say they arent finished creating Soldier Field yet because that place looks crazy scary in those vids.
# 55 PSRusse83 @ 05/07/11 10:44 AM
Left handed QBs seem to be holding the ball to far forward.
In these videos the skating looks super bad but in the NCAA vid about the diving catches i didnt see it much at all and the route running looked good.
# 56 goodygoody @ 05/07/11 10:49 AM
I love what i see.. but enough is enough.. Do something about the sliding or find somebody who can.. Please!
# 57 djordan @ 05/07/11 10:55 AM
Originally Posted by goodygoody
I love what i see.. but enough is enough.. Do something about the sliding or find somebody who can.. Please!
# 58 MrSkagTrendy @ 05/07/11 11:42 AM
I know it's early days but I'm itching to see presentation in real-time action now, it all sounds so promising! Probably looking at another month or so (E3) until we get that but there's a lot for us to lick our chops over until then
# 59 DGuinta1 @ 05/07/11 11:44 AM
Looks pretty sweet. Will the sidelines be addressed or will guys all be wearing the same number and bopping up and down. Any collision detection on the sidelines? No game has ever really done the sidelines well.
# 60 ch46647 @ 05/07/11 11:46 AM
IMO the lack of footplanting and a TRUE locomotion engine is the biggest flaws in the next-gen Madden's to date. Also the running animations still look like a bunch of robots running around. If they had FIFA's locomotion and foot planting engine it would make Madden light years better.

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