Madden 12 News Post
Madden NFL 12 Videos
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I hate when they call that a gameplay preview. I didn't see any gameplay, I saw cut scenes and replays of gameplay but no actual gameplay. Replays always look good and I hope there is a camera angle ala 2k5 that I can use because I don't like the blimp view we have seen for years.
Good description of what the development team has been working on. However, I see in this footage the same thing I see in the NCAA footage. Ball trajectory issues. Why is the ball targeting the trail position of the WR and not out in front. The INT's in this video and the play by Rolle all are because the ball trajectory is behind the WR. Why is the QB not putting the ball out in front?
Enough of WR's diving for balls when they should just be running through the ball. Plus, most of the dives just look like the WR lifts up their feet and falls over. See the Anquan Boldin "diving" catch at 5:03 for a prime example of this
# 4
HealyMonster @ 05/05/11 09:23 AM
Well, chalk April up as a "win" for this dev team. Probably their first win in a while really, and they should be good till e3 with what they have shown. After E3 we will prob see the game busted open more.
Nice, can't wait to see some true gameplay footage.
We're a week and a half away from all the franchise info and about a month from E3
This should be good
We're a week and a half away from all the franchise info and about a month from E3
This should be good
Biggest concerns...The lack of emphasis on player celebrations...They occur way too quickly (adding to unrealistic movements) Over emphasis (at least in the video) of bull rushes & diving catches (in ncaa video). Hopefully strength difference will play a major factor in generating the "Flat on your back" bull rush animation. ***Both definately needs to be tuned properly***
So far presentation looks great...Hopefully the audio/halftime/end game presentation matches
So far presentation looks great...Hopefully the audio/halftime/end game presentation matches
Yo, is that Michael Young, or Pinocchio? What's up with his nose?
Back on topic. Nothing new here...
Back on topic. Nothing new here...
# 11
johnnyg713 @ 05/05/11 08:43 PM
So pretty much the only drastic gameplay improvements theyv made to this years game are tackling and zone coverage. Disappointed
# 12
SkinsBoYee @ 05/05/11 09:50 PM
All this talk of staying true to the game...making things look just like Sundays and mention of a true playable broadcast cam. Wake me when its here.
# 13
blklightning @ 05/06/11 10:18 AM
# 14
blklightning @ 05/06/11 10:20 AM
# 15
DickDalewood @ 05/06/11 10:41 AM
"Worked with CBS on game days"
I guess that explains the writing on the dry-erase board.
I guess that explains the writing on the dry-erase board.
Love what I saw @ the 3:00 min mark. The Kansas City player dives and the Denver player managed to make realistic contact.
# 17
goalieump413 @ 05/06/11 12:02 PM
But seriously, why all this emphasis on broadcast presentation, when most gamers will simply hit the "A" button to skip it all?
But seriously, why all this emphasis on broadcast presentation, when most gamers will simply hit the "A" button to skip it all?
-EA has too many cut scenes out of context
-Their cut scenes have been repetative & bland
-I like real time "cut scenes" like NBA 2K uses
Fix those and I wouldn't skip them. I don't skip anything in NBA 2K. Hopefully all the emphasis on broadcast presentation addresses these.
# 20
kjcheezhead @ 05/06/11 12:59 PM
When the news first dropped on April 22nd, I was optimistic for Madden. After rewatching the videos and seeing this one, my optimism for these gameplay improvements has faded again.
I do like the presentation improvements tho.
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