Virtua Tennis 4 News Post

Amazon is running a nice deal on http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_no...=operasport-20.

If you pre-order the 360 or PS3 version, you can get it for $32.49. Wii users can pre-order a copy for $25.99.

To get release-date delivery, it's only 99 cents. The game releases on May 10.

Game: Virtua Tennis 4Reader Score: Vote Now
Platform: PS Vita / PS3 / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 0 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 jyoung @ 05/04/11 06:25 PM
Can't be a good sign when they are practically giving this game away on release day.

Even as a long-time VT fan, I'm skeptical until I read some hands-on impressions and reviews.

Especially with the most recent game, VT 2009, being a total disaster.
# 2 Rules @ 05/04/11 09:24 PM
Originally Posted by wEEman33
Can't be a good sign when they are practically giving this game away on release day.

Even as a long-time VT fan, I'm skeptical until I read some hands-on impressions and reviews.

Especially with the most recent game, VT 2009, being a total disaster.
Eurogamer gave it an 8/10 and said it was the best tennis game to date. Amazon usually price matches most major chains which in this case is Toys R Us. Don't let the price fool you into thinking this game is not going to be good. As with most Amazon price match deals, they don't last long!
# 3 Rules @ 05/04/11 09:49 PM
Here's another review from overseas.

# 4 Rules @ 05/05/11 01:11 PM
# 5 cdawg44 @ 05/06/11 09:32 AM
Originally Posted by Rules

Amazon is running a nice deal on http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_no...=operasport-20.

If you pre-order the 360 or PS3 version, you can get it for $32.49. Wii users can pre-order a copy for $25.99.

To get release-date delivery, it's only 99 cents. The game releases on May 10.
Thanks for the info. I cancelled my Gamestop pre-order and will get it from amazon so I can play some tennis on my Kinect. For thirty bucks, even if the game is not good its seems like a good deal.
# 6 Rules @ 05/09/11 09:29 PM
Mine shipped so it will be waiting on me when I get home.
# 7 cdawg44 @ 05/10/11 09:30 AM
Originally Posted by Rules
Mine shipped so it will be waiting on me when I get home.
wow really? Mine still hasn't shipped yet and I ordered it on last Wednesday. I was kinda hoping to get some Virtua Tennis in tonight, but it looks like I won't.
# 8 Rules @ 05/10/11 04:53 PM
Originally Posted by cdawg44
wow really? Mine still hasn't shipped yet and I ordered it on last Wednesday. I was kinda hoping to get some Virtua Tennis in tonight, but it looks like I won't.
I have the game in my hand and will play it here shortly.

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