NCAA Football 12 News Post

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Game: NCAA Football 12Reader Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 104 - View All
NCAA Football 12 Videos
Member Comments
# 21 michigan21 @ 04/27/11 10:04 PM
Originally Posted by canes21
First off, Jean, where is your undershirt?

Secondly, I hope the pregame intros change a little bit each time. I don't want to see the guy almost fall on his face every single time I have a home game as Colorado. I don't want to see the tiger roar and a player stop in the same way every single time at LSU.
Thats exactly what will happen. No real time commentary, or anything unique to that game on that day as to presentation. I dont think they know how to do it. Not being negative, just realistic.
# 22 Bullet Sponge @ 04/27/11 10:07 PM
Originally Posted by Catamount53
I think they don't want to spend the time on it. It would be a very time consuming task to create AI and all that for all of the entrances in the game. Right now its basically a video and I imagine much easier to do than what you're saying.
As someone who programs for a living I can tell you it would not be a big deal at all. The assets are all there, even a lot of the animations. It might require a few extra motion captures (a fist pump, a run-skip, whatever) but the programming is trivial. Each person running out would follow a pattern based on a set of random determinations (specific to different a few entrance types) and there would be some real time adjusting as they run out (spacing what have you). It would be a fairly simple thing that would take presentation to a whole new realistic level. Combine that with some real context sensitive commentary and the game becomes wholly more organic and immersive.
# 23 jagsrock95 @ 04/28/11 02:50 AM
im pretty happy with the direction they are taking. It would be nice to have different camera angles and what not for pre game but it won't bother me to much if they don't as long as they have fixed in game and between play presentation.
# 24 CKA15 @ 04/28/11 03:16 AM
I was thinking... since he said something about color...I wonder if the ankle braces will still change colors from black to cream after about a qtr
# 25 Pokes404 @ 04/28/11 03:38 AM
Why, in a video touting "authenticity," did they pick that clip for Oklahoma State? Pistol Pete never goes into the stands, much less get thrown in the air by the students. We have Bullet running onto the field after every touchdown, the Wave, the opening of the gate as the team takes the field, and the Paddle People, but the first clip of OSU is something that never happens. Oh well, it's just an in-game cutscene. Doesn't really make any difference.
# 26 georgiafan @ 04/28/11 09:09 AM
Originally Posted by jagsrock95
im pretty happy with the direction they are taking. It would be nice to have different camera angles and what not for pre game but it won't bother me to much if they don't as long as they have fixed in game and between play presentation.
diffrent camera angles are in for entrances
# 27 kmp714 @ 04/28/11 10:13 AM
When have you seen this "real time" intros in any sports game ever? Serious question because I would love to see how they did it. I did not see it in NBA 2k11 or NCAA Basketball 10 and those are the two of the best sports games for presentation.

Let's just give these people a break for once, this is the first year of this type of presentation. We are so spoiled!
# 28 TheTodd84 @ 04/28/11 11:14 AM
Man, some of you are spoiled. I may not like everything they have done with presentation, but I believe in what the producer, Cam Weber says about the three year project. Their main focus is gameplay, which we should be commending them for. Granted, the presentation aspects may not be as good as they could be, but it is a step in the right direction. It is more important in my opinion, for the game to PLAY realistically. What difference does it make if every time Michigan runs out, it's different, if the game doesn't play like college football? Maybe next year they will put a little more effort into presentation if they get good reviews on the gameplay this year. But still, gameplay should trump everything. At least for me, i'll take a little bit of a hit in presentation in exchange for great gameplay.
# 29 Bullet Sponge @ 04/28/11 11:14 AM
Originally Posted by kmp714
When have you seen this "real time" intros in any sports game ever? Serious question because I would love to see how they did it. I did not see it in NBA 2k11 or NCAA Basketball 10 and those are the two of the best sports games for presentation.

Let's just give these people a break for once, this is the first year of this type of presentation. We are so spoiled!
I'm not complaining so much as pointing out a way to take it to the next level (and to be fair, for ANY sports game, not just NCAA Football). I'm pleased to see more emphasis on presentation and I hope the trend continues. If I could ask for ONE presentation improvement though it would be commentary (and that one you CAN easily find done much better in other games). Context stuff relating to the game, team history, importance of the game etc etc.
# 30 TheTodd84 @ 04/28/11 11:17 AM
Also, IMO, it is not a big deal how the individual coaches look and if they are generic. I'd rather have a generic, overweight gary patterson or Kevin Wilson as long as Indiana and TCU PLAY like Indiana and TCU as computer-controlled teams. And what would be even more awesome, is if Indiana was successful in the game, that "Coach Indiana" took a job at, say, Texas Tech or something down the road, and then they used that playbook. That would be SO much cooler than worrying about what the coaches look like, but that's just my .02.
# 31 TheShizNo1 @ 04/28/11 11:20 AM
Looked like in :41, 3 players w/ dreads and 2-3 different lengths
# 32 noplace @ 04/28/11 11:24 AM
Originally Posted by kirkangil
I was hoping he said something about new commentary.
You're right. All of this is nothing without some kind of dramatic commentary around it. There should never be a silent moment during a college football game. Between plays there should always be commentary with crowd noise, cheers, chants and bands behind it. During plays and replays there should always be commetary discribing whats going on or what just happened.

Without dramatic commentary all these other elements added will become dull.
# 33 canes21 @ 04/28/11 12:05 PM
Originally Posted by TheShizNo1
Looked like in :41, 3 players w/ dreads and 2-3 different lengths
If you're talking about the USC locker room scene, then all players look to have the same length. Its hard to see the first guy with dreads, but the guy in the back has them ridiculously long, then the guy in the middle looks shorter, but he has his head down and near the end I think he brings it back up and you can tell they're also ridiculously long.
# 34 alifeincomplete @ 04/28/11 12:45 PM
I don't know what all the bellyaching is about. Some people have absurd expectations, apparently. I, on the other hand, am stoked about this.
# 35 SkillzKillz719 @ 04/28/11 10:14 PM
Originally Posted by hurricanefootball4
This video made me realize how much I really like getting new videos & "news" even if they are just talking about all the same things that we've already heard about and seen.

I just need my NCAA Football 12 fix
# 36 boritter @ 04/28/11 11:44 PM
Colorado's buffalo Ralphie is a she.
# 37 rollinphat @ 05/02/11 12:48 PM
since presentation is big this year I wonder if they'll fix it so that pride stickers show up during dynasty mode games

anybody heard anything about this?
# 38 Keenan G. @ 05/02/11 01:34 PM
Hoping I dont see the same animations over and over again.
# 39 SonOfEd @ 05/02/11 03:09 PM
Originally Posted by big_larry
Wow the clip of the USC player running was terrible, looked more like NHL than football with all the skating, no kind of foot planting unless its a canned animation.
True, but it appeared to be during a punt return, and he ran for some positive yards. Hmmm....
# 40 maddenforeva @ 06/16/11 03:44 PM
Originally Posted by JohnZapp
thats how i felt with clemson's entrance when i did a dynasty with them about 5 times. always the same exact entrance every time while i myself trying to press A a billion times... sooooooo boring
HAHA...there is nothing worse than having to watch a replay or pregame animation and not being able to skip it.

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