NCAA Football 12 News Post
NCAA Football 12 Videos
Member Comments
# 21
sparkdawg777 @ 04/27/11 03:53 PM
Yeh I like the 2nd better, running as the "T" is formed, looks cooler to me. I was just wondering because I think it's ridiculous how someone would try to start traditions and then leave after a year.
# 22
hurricanefootball4 @ 04/27/11 04:20 PM
Having them run through the T would be awesome, but there's probably just no way they can. These console don't have enough resources to actually render all the people needed to make it look right. Maybe from an aeriel view it could be done, but that's probably the best that could be done.
They've already said the entrances are not just the same thing over and over.
Smokey in the HOUSE!!!!!!!!!!!
I think it would be cool for them to put the T in as well. I think they will do it, I have a hunch.
BUT, if they do go through with this, then they better put Virginia Tech's band on the field, and they better show the fans on their feet jumping up and down so I can upload enter sandman to my entrance theme
BUT, if they do go through with this, then they better put Virginia Tech's band on the field, and they better show the fans on their feet jumping up and down so I can upload enter sandman to my entrance theme

Oh well.........c'mon July.
Is the first part of the video the team being lead onto the field? I don't actually see any players and I'm not familiar with Tennessee's traditions, so I don't know. If it is you can tell that the band isn't standing around and they're not actually running through a T, just straight onto the field.
More than anything I'm curious how many teams have pregame things. Jean said "dozens" in one of the videos so surely it isn't all 120, but hopefully most have been addressed.
More than anything I'm curious how many teams have pregame things. Jean said "dozens" in one of the videos so surely it isn't all 120, but hopefully most have been addressed.
I think the colors for Tennessee are off a bit. Everything should be a bit more orange-colored. It looks pretty yellowish in the game.
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