I think the neck thing will be fine. It hasn't been an issue in the recent past, and I don't suspect it'll be in M12. Just the angle in which the screen was captured.
So you think Madden is at the peak then? I very much disagree. For instance, every year we get those super shiny jerseys(had them before & in that picture) we get so much texture changes. Last year was actually less shiny and better. It looks like textures appear/dissapear all over the feild(they pop in and out). The transitions need to be much smoother or dont add them at all. Madden has ALWAYS done this.
And personally, Madden is a 6/10 graphically to me. I'd give the helmets a 10/10 though. They nailed those IMO. Field & lighting so far has been aweful. Crowds and sidelines aweful too. Player models are still not great. Coaches are alright. Cut scenes like getting off the bus feel like ps2 IMO.
So for me, this game needs much work in the graphics area to be perfect as you are emplying
bud....u said it yourself....u took THAT ANGLE in madden 11....no difference......I"M ASKING YOU...HOW MUCH BETTER IN THAT PICTURE ARE YOU LOOKING FOR?
Looks good to me. I don't get caught up in all those other details. I just want game play to be improved. Any thing is better than what I used to play back in the eighty's. Just imagine B&W television, no online mode, no High Def, no surround sound, and the graphics looked like this....
Looks good to me. I don't get caught up in all those other details. I just want game play to be improved. Any thing is better than what I used to play back in the eighty's. Just imagine B&W television, no online mode, no High Def, no surround sound, and the graphics looked like this....