SSX News Post

Gamespot has posted their SSX first look preview.

"The locations are going to be based on real-world mountains, and Batty mentioned that the goal is to create an extreme experience for players, taking them to vistas that they would likely never see. You can enjoy a sunset at the top of Mount Everest or hang out along the jagged peaks of Mont Blanc. To create this experience, EA Canada downloaded all of NASA's data of the topography of the planet, so the foundations of all the mountain ranges are drawn from real terrain. To make things interesting and more viable in the SSX world, however, layers have been added and runs have been molded. So you'll be able to do more tricks and find alternative paths.

Batty also talked about how the initial SSX had eight levels and SSX3 only had the illusion of an open mountain when it really wasn't open. He wants this game to be big, so he initially proposed 300 levels, thinking that the number always ends up shrinking throughout the development cycle anyway. Even so, 300 is a lofty number. What it has is 18 major mountain ranges that include 70 open mountains with multiple drop points in each. There's supposed to be somewhere between 200 and 300 drop points so that you'll get a different experience, depending on where you start. The fact that you can now virtually go anywhere will make each run unique."

Game: SSXReader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 4 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 Blzer @ 04/14/11 01:29 PM
Really, it doesn't look like we quite have anything to worry about anymore except for controls. Otherwise, it kind of seems like you know what you're getting into with this game, and frankly I couldn't be more excited about it. I totally forgot about there being an online portion as well, that would be so awesome to get 8 - 16 people racing down a mountain at the same time (I loved how SSX: On Tour had other people "on the slopes" as well so you didn't ever really feel alone too often).
# 2 aukevin @ 04/14/11 01:40 PM
Originally Posted by Blzer
Really, it doesn't look like we quite have anything to worry about anymore except for controls. Otherwise, it kind of seems like you know what you're getting into with this game, and frankly I couldn't be more excited about it. I totally forgot about there being an online portion as well, that would be so awesome to get 8 - 16 people racing down a mountain at the same time (I loved how SSX: On Tour had other people "on the slopes" as well so you didn't ever really feel alone too often).
yeah I liked how on Shaun White Snowboarding you had all the people online boarding down the mountain with you. It was pretty cool to see. I imagine it'll be that way for SSX too.
# 3 Mabster @ 04/16/11 03:41 PM
Originally Posted by aukevin
yeah I liked how on Shaun White Snowboarding you had all the people online boarding down the mountain with you. It was pretty cool to see. I imagine it'll be that way for SSX too.
Lots of new info coming out recently regarding SSX and it's getting me excited. It's still a long way off though. Survival mode sounds, um, interesting? - "You'll have access to a wing suit (think of flying squirrels), an ice axe, and potentially other gear. Batty described it as, "Think of what Borderlands did for guns; we're going to try to do the same thing with gear.""

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