UFC Personal Trainer News Post

Here is a message from THQ Tank, UFC/WWE Community Manager.

There seems to have been some confusion regarding the future of our next UFC Undisputed now that we have announced a new game, UFC Personal Trainer. I wanted to make crystal clear that the team working on UFC Personal Trainer is a 100% completely separate team from the development team that has been working on the next UFC Undisputed for a very long time now. Both games have been in development for quite some time, and both games have completely independent separate development teams.

The development of UFC Personal Trainer has had zero impact on the current development of the next UFC Undisputed.

UFC Personal Trainer is a new venture for us in to the world of MMA fitness and while it may not fascinate all of the hardcore Undisputed fans, this game is a very authentic workout experience that will help you achieve real results no matter what your fitness goals are. If you are a UFC Undisputed fan and you've been interested in Kinect, Wii, or Move, this is definitely a great game to break that entry barrier for you, and more importantly, provide you a real UFC fitness experience. The game is certified by the NASM (National Academy of Sports Medicine) and the UFC of course, that's as real as it gets to say the least.

Regarding when you'll get a first glimpse of the next UFC Undisputed, the team is hard at work and has made dramatic improvements and updates to all the core gameplay and combat systems based on your astounding feedback. We've heard you loud and clear and are excited to show off the improvements, especially the core niche areas that you guys care passionately about. I can't delve in to any details yet, or else I'll be thrown in to the Octagon with Cain Velasquez or Jon Jones, but I'll tell you we really took your submission system feedback very seriously and definitely improved it in some very significant intuitive ways. I say that to you because I truly want you guys to know how important your community feedback has been to our development team and how passionate they are in making this the best UFC/MMA fighting game yet.

Keep your eyes posted around E3, or shortly there before. They can't keep me caged up for too much longer!

Rest assured Undisputed fans, the next UFC Undisputed is kicking some serious ***, and so is UFC Personal Trainer. Both development teams are very excited to bring these games to our UFC Undisputed community.

Hope this clears the air, now let's get back to the fun business!

Source - UFC Undisputed Facebook

Game: UFC Personal TrainerReader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 1 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 LingeringRegime @ 04/13/11 02:59 PM
Encouraging. Eager so see the changes they have made.
# 2 Iadf @ 04/15/11 01:22 PM
Good to hear I'm glad there taking extra time to make there next game supposedly it's going to drop winter 2011

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