Madden 12 News Post

According to Kotaku, Madden NFL 12 will include concussions to present a safety message.

"Remarkably, Madden NFL 12 will depict players suffering concussions, according to the president of the NFL Players' Association, but apparently in a manner that reinforces the seriousness of the injury and the message that playing through one is not a good idea.

In a tweet first reported on by Gamasutra, George Atallah, a senior official with the NFLPA, praised EA Sports for the injury's inclusion. "Good for EA Sports. Concussed players in NFL Madden prevented from returning to play," Atallah wrote. "Culture change is important."

Evidently that means players will be shown being taken from the field, unable to return. Past versions of Madden have included a coaching decision to re-insert players who have suffered certain injuries that the game considers playable. Concussions won't be one, reinforcing the message, especially to younger players, that it is a serious injury and not a time to be a hero playing through it."

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Platform: PS3 / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 44 - View All
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Member Comments
# 21 oneamongthefence @ 03/31/11 06:39 PM
Just make hit sticking players in certain situations a flaggable offense like a defenseless reciever. Also I hope concussions happens on logical plays. Not shoe string tackles.
# 22 Ike04 @ 03/31/11 08:41 PM
Great addition EA. This will make the game seem more realistic. Now what needs to be done is re-invent your tackling system so that this will not be abused in this year's game. Madden needs to insert a real time physics system into its engine to make the gameplay more smooth and less scripted than it has been in previous versions. Overall this is a good idea, but if the tackling system is not changed to compliment it, this will be all for nothing.
# 23 Cocca @ 04/01/11 08:01 PM
Well given how the NFL treats concussions now, this provides added realism. If only they had a mini game where you the coach can argue or try to convince the team doctor to clear the concussed player
# 24 ComfortablyLomb @ 04/03/11 03:40 PM
I gotta say I'm shocked by the positive response this is getting here.

To me it's just more evidence that their priorities are insanely out of whack.
# 25 johnnyskoods @ 04/03/11 06:54 PM

"The game's executive producer, Phil Frazier, told The Times that "Madden NFL 12", with its new concussion rules and the exclusion of helmet-to-helmet hits and headfirst tackling can be a "teaching tool" to players of the game, particularly kids."

Once again catering the game to freaking kids. SWEEEET! So glad that they took out helmet-to-helmet hits and headfirst tackling, two things that happen in real life all the time! YESSS!!
# 26 cocacolaman @ 04/03/11 07:39 PM
Originally Posted by ComfortablyLomb
I gotta say I'm shocked by the positive response this is getting here.

To me it's just more evidence that their priorities are insanely out of whack.

Very true.....how about starting to focus on making the game better.
Every year they take more out of the game. How about a more in depth Franchise mode......just combine HEAD Coach and Madden into a total Franchise MODE.

Let us make alternative Uni's it's in the PS2 version why not the next Gen.
How about Create a Stadium...more in Depth....be able to improve the current stadium and actually see the improvements.....be able to move teams and keep Uniforms....modify uniforms etc.......

Focus on a "Real" Franchise mode........like having the players and owners argue over billions of dollars and refusing to play.

In line with the Topic of Injuries......the Owners need to show some good faith and put forth a real Health Care Plan for Players. Especially former players.......any former NFL player and member of their union should have 100% free top of the line health care....they made those owners BILLIONS!!!!!! Their blood, their bodies on the line. To make them wait 3 years for coverage is crazy....not taking care of former players is wrong. I know some former players...they are ripped, look insane, and can't pick up 25 lbs. without being in terrible pain. They gave 10-15 years to the league only to be left disabled, and with little $ (League Min in the 70's & 80's not like today). It's discusting that the NFL doesn't take care of former players that made them what they are.
# 27 Bgamer90 @ 04/03/11 09:45 PM
Originally Posted by ComfortablyLomb
I gotta say I'm shocked by the positive response this is getting here.

To me it's just more evidence that their priorities are insanely out of whack.
So just because they are adding this means that they aren't going to focus on more major things?
# 28 buckeye02 @ 04/04/11 12:22 AM
This is so stupid. I dont wanna pay $60 for a safety lesson. Im tired of hearing people whine over the safety of NFL players. Guess what? They arent forced to play football. Its a vicious mans game that has been brutal on the body every since the game was invented. Players know the rules and dont have to play. Plus they make millions doing something they love. While factory workers go to work every day in bad enviroments doing jobs they hate just to live paycheck to paycheck. No one feels sorry for NFL players.

And what this says to me is that you will most likely see 2 to 3 concussions every game now. Is this one of EAs big improvements/features for Madden 12?? Seriously. Another dumb, pointless feature. How is Madden the game banning helmet to helmet hits and spearing?? Thats never been in the game anyways?? This a cheap add on that EA is trying to hype to the moon. Stupid.
# 29 mestevo @ 04/04/11 12:43 AM
People will latch onto any small thing they can to complain, this certainly is one of them. All this will likely end up being is an extra comment about why the player isn't returning to the game (there are already generic comments that say just as much) and players will be moved to 'out of the game' automatically when they have a concussion.

The rest is marketing fluff. But i know some here will instead insist this prevented them from working on some massive feature like a new engine (or just from one of the more recent replies: combining Head Coach and Madden, alternative uniforms, create a stadium, re-invent tackling)... 'but no, they added concussions instead'.

Not being able to hit someone illegally (helmet to helmet, spearing) and not being able to return to the game after a concussion are both true to life NFL policies (the latter as of next season). I don't really see much room to complain about their inclusion.
# 30 supermanemblem @ 04/04/11 01:38 AM
Originally Posted by Block-O
This is so stupid. I dont wanna pay $60 for a safety lesson. Im tired of hearing people whine over the safety of NFL players. Guess what? They arent forced to play football. Its a vicious mans game that has been brutal on the body every since the game was invented. Players know the rules and dont have to play. Plus they make millions doing something they love. While factory workers go to work every day in bad enviroments doing jobs they hate just to live paycheck to paycheck. No one feels sorry for NFL players.

And what this says to me is that you will most likely see 2 to 3 concussions every game now. Is this one of EAs big improvements/features for Madden 12?? Seriously. Another dumb, pointless feature. How is Madden the game banning helmet to helmet hits and spearing?? Thats never been in the game anyways?? This a cheap add on that EA is trying to hype to the moon. Stupid.
Great post. NFL players know what they are signing up for when they put all that dust in their bank accounts. I don't care about their safety if they don't.

This is a dumb idea. I can envision my best player going out with a concussion every game. Add to the fact that we do not full rosters. There are more important things they need to include like full penalties before making concussions a bigger part of the game.
# 31 LambertandHam @ 04/04/11 04:45 AM
I like the idea, especially with players like Austin Collie having three or four a year. I wonder if they'd ever go the extra step and implement some sort of "fine system" or even have the league come in and suspend your player".

That said you still have the "hit stick".
# 32 Bgamer90 @ 04/05/11 09:39 AM
Heh, find it funny how people are calling it a bad idea and "BS". How is it when the NFL has recently put a big focus on player safety?
# 33 Palo20 @ 04/05/11 09:52 AM
This will be a great addition to the game.

MLB the Show is always praised for their attention to detail yet Madden is criticized when they take a step in that direction. Madden has done a much better job at incorporating the "little things" in recent years and this is continuing that trend.
# 34 RGiles36 @ 04/05/11 10:22 AM

I finally venture into this thread and people are actually complaining about this?

If you were looking for proof that people will complain about anything Madden related...
# 35 Exonerated @ 04/09/11 10:33 AM
Originally Posted by xbreezex

so you're saying putting concussions in the madden game going to promote a safety messege? I dont buy it. also, the NFL has been around for how many years and concussions always existed, ever so suddenly they want to make calls to benefit QB's and fine players? its a cheap move man. this was all because of the lock out, trying to make a quick buck. i am udderly disgusted with the NFL, the rule makers and business side that is.
All fines are donated to charity. The NFL does not seem a dime of it.
# 36 mestevo @ 04/09/11 01:58 PM
Originally Posted by steelersfan77
You know what'll be plain stupid......

They implement this concussion thing and it doesn't result in suspensions or fines during season or franchise.

It's almost a reward to go for the big hit. Not so much in the NFL. I saw the comment about James Harrison earlier. What can I say, I'm a Steeler fan but I can tell you the consequence of fines and suspension caused him to lay up alot this past season. Especially after the penalities by the commisioner were inforced.

Do this right EA!
Concussions happen on a lot more than illegal hits, I'm not expecting league discipline to ever be included in Madden, same with character problems and people being busted for using PEDs. Madden 12, not Playmakers 12.

I'd want all that stuff too, but there's no way it's coming.
# 37 PantherBeast_OS @ 04/10/11 05:19 AM
Yea again like I said before. I love how they are redoing the injury system this year. I understand some people see this as just another gimmick and all. Concussions has always been in the game. They are just redoing the system to make it more real and true to life football injuries. Again I like how they are doing it and I have no complaints on this subject. All they did was improved it more then anything to be honest.

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