MLB 11 The Show News Post

As noted by HustlinOwl in the earlier news post today, Ramone Russell has stated the MLB 11 The Show team will completely remove league restrictions on Monday, March 28th.

"There has been a lot of discussion on the league restrictions that are currently in place. First, please understand that this was in no way done to frustrate our users. It's quite the opposite. Our goal is to ensure that users get the optimal user experience. For the sake of user experience, we had to ensure that the servers and feature met our and YOUR expectations, before we opened them up entirely.
This may be new to some, but the 14 day league restriction was added back 2008. Last year they were turned off immediately, which resulted in some unexpected issues. As a result, we decided to take more time this year.

Some, incorrectly believe that the Sportsmanship rating is a result of other's ratings. That is point absolutely wrong, and fans understand that the Sportsmanship rating is a result of how you play the game. Your opponent does not affect your Sportsmanship rating. Those of you that have played at least one online game know that ;-). The new Sportsmanship rating was created to have everyone focus on the experience they have in an online game rather than winning at all costs. Sportsmanship ratings did have a minor issue in the first couple weeks, which has been resolved.

That said, we are looking to completely remove league restrictions come Monday March 28. This was always the plan."

Game: MLB 11 The ShowReader Score: 8.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3Votes for game: 57 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 EnigmaNemesis @ 03/26/11 01:29 AM
Great to know.

And like I said in the other thread, how does Pasta get the sportsmanship description wrong for someone who gave "online impressions" for the game?


Due to the exposure brought by the article SCEA will be removing league restrictions on Monday. More on the handling and decision to do so will be posted tomorrow
Is this guy for F*in real? He thinks HE is the reason? I am sure they had this idea long before with people on here and their community site asking for this.
# 2 Mabster @ 03/26/11 05:25 AM
Man, I never know where to post anything around here. If I had posted my thread in this main section for The Show I assumed it would have been moved since it pertains to the online portion of the game only.

Anyway, I know I'm not the only one that will be made happy by this. Thank you for waking up SCEA.
# 3 Hangur Bangur @ 03/28/11 06:18 AM
This year I'm in a league called THE LEGENDS. I'm looking forward to it for the tracking of stats. I'm stoked to know that I will know what my guys are hitting on an individual basis. My tag is Hangur Bangur and a little bit about me is that "If you hang it I will make history"

Whitesox Nation
# 4 SportGamer24 @ 03/28/11 11:45 AM
anyone validate that the restrictions are now removed?
# 5 crbuke @ 03/28/11 12:15 PM
Wait so I can actually create a private league for me and my friends now?

Great Job everybody who made their voice heard!
# 6 HustlinOwl @ 03/28/11 01:25 PM
Originally Posted by crbuke
Wait so I can actually create a private league for me and my friends now?

Great Job Pasta Padre and everybody else who made their voice heard!
Yeah cause that article made them remove restrictions get real

That said, we are looking to completely remove league restrictions come Monday March 28. This was always the plan."
# 7 Knight165 @ 03/28/11 01:27 PM
It DEFINITELY was NOT because of Pasta....

# 8 PsychoBulk @ 03/28/11 01:45 PM
Originally Posted by Knight165
It DEFINITELY was NOT because of Pasta....

Anyone with a brain cell can see that, but his sense of self-importance never ceases to amaze me that guy.
# 9 N51_rob @ 03/28/11 01:53 PM
Originally Posted by PsychoBulk
Anyone with a brain cell can see that, but his sense of self-importance never ceases to amaze me that guy.
Wait, what? You mean that isn't the site that sports gaming companies monitor 24/7? I heard EA created a position that pays around 70K to sit at his site and just hit "refresh" every 45 seconds. Surely you jest...

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk
# 10 EnigmaNemesis @ 03/28/11 07:19 PM
Originally Posted by ElectricWizard
How so you even get a response from SCEA? I have sent an email to everyone and anyone at SCEA about stances not being centered. I haven't even got a "this is why we cant do that." response. I just want a noticable mistake acknowledged. I love this game but it bothers me that I haven't been able to get response for 2 years now.

EX. Brian McCann
Maybe you should have pasta make an article. He seems to get'er done!

The guy is a hack. I'm sorry, but all he did was monitor OS and the community site, and "time his article", then try taking credit for it. All with his whopping 30 comments per article with 80% of the comments being demanded trolling, fanboys, and dribble.

Steve should not give that guy the time of day next time, IMO. His true colors show. Cause all these developers are "The Man who is out to get us", he tries to promote. And he needs to be the voice to "stick up for the gamer". Good grief. Leave agenda out of things. And take off the tin foil cap.

# 11 WAZ @ 03/29/11 01:52 PM
Originally Posted by EnigmaNemesis
The guy is a hack.

Originally Posted by EnigmaNemesis
Steve should not give that guy the time of day next time, IMO.
# 12 Neolithic @ 03/29/11 08:52 PM
no joke, I dropped by his site to see just how bad it was, and after 10 minutes of reading articles and comments on 2k11 and The Show, I was ready to scoop my eyeballs out with grapefruit spoons.....

what a jagbag, and entourage of mini-jagbags.

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