Johnny Damon is 22, taking Matt Garza's old number.
Ben Zobrist remains 18, not 8 as shown.
Desmond Jennings took number 8 after Jason Bartlett was traded.
These might be addressed in the roster update, but if they're not, now you know.
Rogers centre looks same as last year, not really saying it's a bad thing since last years version was basically how rogers centre was supposed to look.
I just wish they'd add the luxury seats, make behind the plate seats proper color as well as add the level of excellence banners around the 500 level.
Rogers centre looks same as last year, not really saying it's a bad thing since last years version was basically how rogers centre was supposed to look.
I just wish they'd add the luxury seats, make behind the plate seats proper color as well as add the level of excellence banners around the 500 level.
Already made note of that stuff at the CE. The seat color changes for all stadiums will probably be next year. It is a programming thing, so it is not as easy as just swapping colors out.
But the turf and other little things are definitely improved there this year.
I could've sworn that aside from a few exceptions (home opener etc.) the 500 level seats in the outfield at Rogers Centre are blocked off.
Anyways, I find that overall, the place does look better with the additions of the proper scoreboards on the fences and the Jumbotron looking proper but the turf still looks average and the night games are definitely too dark. It is somewhat dark in there but not as dark as this game conveys night games. The lighting in the stadium is actually pretty bright.
Im a little dissapointed with Tropicana Field this year. Being a huge Rays fan, I live there.
I did notice that they got the colors and design correct on the Party Deck, but with that, they didnt hang up our Al EAST 2008 banner or the AL 2008 Pennant. That also means last years AL East title wont be up either. Everything else about the actual stadium is spot on( signs, seats, scoreboards, etc.)
Also, the Rays agreed back in January to switch from FieldTurf to AstroTurf. We went to fan fest a couple of weeks ago and got see it/feel it. The grass is a much brighter green than the old field, and will play more realistic. It looks like the game still has the older turf. I guess that since it was so close to release they couldnt re do it in the game? Oh well. It wont ruin The Show for me. Nothing really could.
This has probably been asked and answered before but I haven't found it yet. Does Rogers Centre have both a opened and closed version in this years game?
This has probably been asked and answered before but I haven't found it yet. Does Rogers Centre have both a opened and closed version in this years game?
Like that they have proper logo on world series banner at Skydome. I second the fact that the should add the ring of excellence or whatever they call it. It's pretty easy to see at the real thing not hidden away or anything.
I've been waiting 3 years now for SCEA to fix this - it's way to dark for night games in the first few innings. After about the 4th it's great though. Guess this hasn't been addressed... AGAIN.
And no retractable roofs yet? Even MLB Power Pros had that, and that was on the Playstation TWO.
Why did Joe Maddon walk in from the left with the line up in the Trop portion? And why is Price's wind up wrong? They had it right during all the preview videos but now its back to being over the top. He stopped using over the top all of last year and even some in 09 I believe.
And no retractable roofs yet? Even MLB Power Pros had that, and that was on the Playstation TWO.
And those stadiums were 1000 times less detailed.
They hear your cries. Their stadiums are so detailed, it takes them 3 months on average to build one, and a separate model needs to exist for a closed stadium.