MLB 11 The Show News Post
MLB 11 The Show Videos
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No mention about aiming the stick to left, centre or right on the way up on the stick... what gives?
During the video it said that when you swing you wait until the batter has planted his front foot to swing, but when u have perfect load-up timing, everyone else's strides are different???
Would love for this change. Or only way to check is to release the button.
Also if analog is timing only like in the video I would love it.
The left/right thing makes it wierd for me.
# 6
DickDalewood @ 02/25/11 10:48 PM
As far as timing only... it IS timing only, the only adjustment you have to make is if the pitch is inside, then push forward and slightly in and if it's outside, push forward and slightly out.
# 7
Phillies2010 @ 02/25/11 10:49 PM
The first part happens to me when my brain sees the pitch coming low or I know I can crank the ball. My thumb follows the ball I guess and so I go to cream the ball but the player will check swing last minute. I guess because I didnt move the stick right to the top when my brain sees the ball coming bottom corner, I dunno.
# 9
DickDalewood @ 02/25/11 10:56 PM

Well if thats the case the video should be pulled and redone.
And I know maybe in my anxiousness I press it down who knows, but the problem is check swinging when you dont want to haha
That's quite a poor tutorial.
I guess I'll just have to figure some stuff out with the demo before deciding whether or not I will use it when the full game comes out.
I guess I'll just have to figure some stuff out with the demo before deciding whether or not I will use it when the full game comes out.
They say stride when the pitcher releases, but what about guys with big leg kicks like Buster Posey?
# 15
shaunpatrick @ 02/26/11 12:46 AM
I'm glad there's no aiming with the left stick. You should also be able to hit the ball wherever you want if you time every swing correctly.
Right about now the Analog concept is the bain of SCEA's existence...

So we should start the stride just before the pitcher releases the ball, but we shouldn't swing until the batter plants his foot? That only works if the batter has a short stride.
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