MLB 11 The Show News Post

Brand new to MLB 11 The Show this year, and to Road to The Show, is the Player Performance Evaluator. This new system analyzes your approach at the plate (or to batters faced) to then grade you, and in turn, provide training points. There are a number of factors that determine if the at bat was good or not, which include things like the amount of pitches during the at bat, the type of contact of the hit, and the overall result of the play. In general, the more pitches you see during the at bat, the better your chances are to receive a good result regardless if the at bat ended in a hit or not. However, ripping a first pitch strike for a home run will always be considered a good result. This result scale holds true for pitchers as well, although the system is the opposite so what a batter does that’s considered a success will likely be a bad result for the pitcher. We then take the result of each at bat and reward you with training points. The scale is vast in what levels of points you can achieve so for example, a one pitch single resulting in a good at bat will likely net you fewer points than an eight pitch single would.

Not only do we summarize your at bats, but the system also evaluates several things during each at bat to determine areas you excel in or fall short in. For batters, we evaluate your swing timing, contact quality, plate discipline, pitch recognition, and finally your overall at bat results. This data is tracked for your most recent 100 plate appearances and is displayed in the locker room screen, under the Player Performance Evaluator tab.

For pitchers, we keep track of your strikes versus balls thrown, percentage of first pitch strikes, percentage you work ahead in the count, a breakdown of your pitch type tendencies, and finally your overall batter’s faced results. The same holds true with batters in that the data is tracked for your most recent 100 batters faced.

After we’ve tracked enough data to establish your play style tendencies, we then determine the areas you need to improve on and trigger the training session that best suits that area. The training modes have been overhauled for batting and pitching this year to now focus on specific areas for each. The new batting training modes include timing training, contact training, discipline training, recognition training, and good at bat training. The new pitching training modes include knockout training, pitch location training, pitch type training, and sim game training.

Each of these trainings have their own specific purpose. For instance, in timing training your goal is to hit the ball fair with well-timed swings – swings that are too early or too late will count against you. For pitch type training, you will be told what pitch to throw and given a target for the location. Hitting the target with a different pitch or missing the target will not reward you. Each of these trainings also have levels of difficulty ranging from 1 to 5. In Road to The Show, you’ll start at level 1 and once you achieve the target success for that level, you’ll unlock the next level. Each level brings a new set of challenges so for example, level 1 timing training will require you to have 7 successes, whereas level 4 will require 10.

We’re very excited about this year’s new Performance Evaluator and training mode additions and hope you are as well. Thanks for reading and don’t forget to pre-order your copy MLB 11 The Show on PS3 to get 30 days FREE MLB.TV! We were able to get a few test codes to check out last year’s games and this really is a cool app. Follow your favorite team home or away on your PS3 with MLB.TV.

Welcome to The Show!

Source - MLB 11 The Show: Road to The Show Returns With New Player Performance Evaluator (Playstation.Blog)

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Platform: PS3Votes for game: 57 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 Entiae @ 02/25/11 05:47 PM
I'm really liking this. It will encourage me to take more pitches, which has always been a problem for me in baseball games.

And since your overall rating isn't the only important thing anymore, I think RTTS can be a great experience this year. Not that it has been bad before, but still.
# 2 Raskal @ 02/25/11 05:51 PM
I'm very excited about RTTS this year. The goal system has been in long need of an overhaul. There was nothing more troubling then getting negative points for roping a pitch to the gap that was caught after a 12 pitch at bat. Well, except getting negative points cause the runner on first got thrown out at 3rd after a successful hit and run.
# 3 Facts @ 02/25/11 06:03 PM
wow, sold. I was on the fence after the demo but making the best sports single player mode better got me sold.
# 4 Socalbias @ 02/25/11 06:05 PM
I love the fact that you can have a good at-bat or a bad-at based on striking out!! I always try and teach my little league kids to take pitches until they have found the one they like and is hittable. Teaching us to practice on areas where we lack is a HUGE step in the right direction.

P.S. No need to say their is another thread for this hahahahaha
# 5 csura999 @ 02/25/11 06:13 PM
RTTS sounds great this year I can't wait to try it out. The goal system needed a overhaul and we finally got it. And like a previous poster said, it's great because it'll encourage you to take more pitches.
# 6 JJT @ 02/25/11 06:31 PM
I only play rtts, so since the mode makes sense now is why I cant wait for the game.
# 7 jmik58 @ 02/25/11 07:18 PM
30 Days free with MLB.tv? Do we have to preorder through a specific site? If I preorder through Amazon, does this deal still apply?
# 8 nymets94 @ 02/25/11 07:30 PM
Originally Posted by jmik58
30 Days free with MLB.tv? Do we have to preorder through a specific site? If I preorder through Amazon, does this deal still apply?
no i preordered at gamestop u get it for free
# 9 irishred002 @ 02/25/11 07:39 PM
Originally Posted by jmik58
30 Days free with MLB.tv? Do we have to preorder through a specific site? If I preorder through Amazon, does this deal still apply?
I am under the impression that if you pre order from any place that offers pre orders that you will get this. Only reason i make this assumption is because on the ps store when i downloaded the show trailer, it makes mention of this offer if you pre order the game under the description and it doesnt mention a specific retailor.
# 10 SeerMagicX @ 02/25/11 07:46 PM
can someone explain to me how a 2 pitch flyout is 4x better than a single?
# 11 Socalbias @ 02/25/11 07:52 PM
Originally Posted by SeerMagicX
can someone explain to me how a 2 pitch flyout is 4x better than a single?
Depending where you hit the single a 2 pitch flyout can be better. Think of it this way.

Man on 2nd base with 0-1 outs and your job is to obviously move him over to 3rd base or home if possible. You want to hit it to the rightside of the field. Preferably a flyball so that 2nd base can tag up or have the ability for the RF to drop the ball, if you get a single to anywhere but RF he is restricted to one base.

Thus a flyball out to RF is more beneficial (if its far enough) than a single to anywhere on the field.
# 12 PhantomPain @ 02/25/11 08:08 PM
Originally Posted by Socalbias
Depending where you hit the single a 2 pitch flyout can be better. Think of it this way.

Man on 2nd base with 0-1 outs and your job is to obviously move him over to 3rd base or home if possible. You want to hit it to the rightside of the field. Preferably a flyball so that 2nd base can tag up or have the ability for the RF to drop the ball, if you get a single to anywhere but RF he is restricted to one base.

Thus a flyball out to RF is more beneficial (if its far enough) than a single to anywhere on the field.
Unless I am not comprehending well, which is certainly possible, this scenario doesn't make sense. A fly out to right field can only advance a player one base if there aren't already 2 outs. A single to left field still advances the guy but there isn't an additional out. And a single to right could potential get the guy home if he is fast enough and has a good lead....plus there is still one less out than a fly ball out.
# 13 Socalbias @ 02/25/11 08:15 PM
Originally Posted by PhantomPain
Unless I am not comprehending well, which is certainly possible, this scenario doesn't make sense. A fly out to right field can only advance a player one base if there aren't already 2 outs. A single to left field still advances the guy but there isn't an additional out. And a single to right could potential get the guy home if he is fast enough and has a good lead....plus there is still one less out than a fly ball out.
You want to hit a FLYBALL, not a single in that situation. I do however think a single is okay. During a REAL GAME you want to hit it to the right side of the field.

Here is the scale on best possible scenarios.
1. Single or better to RF (no out recorded)
2. Flyball to RF (resulting in out or possible error)
3. Single or better anywhere else (no out recorded)
# 14 Raskal @ 02/25/11 08:18 PM
I agree a 1 pitch single being worse than a 2 pitch out may sound like a problem but its hard to say without seeing the actual play.

If the 1 pitch single (Weak Hit) was a little dribbler up the third base line on a ball 2 feet out of the strike zone, and the 2 pitch flyout was crushed to the warning track on a pitch down the middle. Well then I'd say, yes the flyout was a better at bat.

The RTTS this year is going to be less results driven then ever before, and thats good... because there is a lot of luck in baseball. But putting yourself in the position to be most successful is what should be rewarded.
# 15 Socalbias @ 02/25/11 08:21 PM
Originally Posted by Raskal
I agree a 1 pitch single being worse than a 2 pitch our may sound like a problem but its hard to say without seeing the actual play.

If the 1 pitch single (Weak Hit) was a little dribbler up the third base line on a ball 2 feet out of the strike zone, and the 2 pitch flyout was crushed to the warning track on a pitch down the middle. Well then I'd say, yes the flyout was a better at bat.

The RTTS this year is going to be less results driven then ever before, and thats good... because there is a lot of luck in baseball, but putting yourself in the position to be most successful is what should be rewarded.
EXACTLY!!! I assumed he meant a single to the outfield and you need to teach people that in certain situations, such as man on 2nd base you want to hit ot the Right side of the field...

It was just a little hard making sense of it all.
# 16 HawkeyMediaPlus @ 02/26/11 06:10 AM
Ok, think of it like this:

If you constantly swing at pitches out of the zone and hit weak balls, you should get less points. Even if you get a couple fluke singles here and there, the performance thing is telling you that this WILL NOT work in the long run.

But if you keep hitting the ball hard, eventually those will result in hits in the long run even though your "fluke" result was a fly out.

Basically the game is trying to reward you for trying to play the game right. It's trying to pick up on your trends and make sure that you do the right things because if you do the right things, the high percentage plays will be rewarded
# 17 [Icy] @ 02/26/11 06:39 AM
Awesome stuff!

RTTS is the reason of why i buy this game every year, and seems that have worked just on what needed more work, can't wait!
# 18 willz1985 @ 02/27/11 05:38 AM
I'm gonna seriously have to start taking pitches now lol

I'm probably the single most impatient batter in the world. I'll swing at anything if i think i can hit it, even if it bounces off the floor. some of my outs in RTTS last year were just embarrassing.
# 19 Russell_SCEA @ 02/27/11 03:03 PM
Originally Posted by HawkeyMediaPlus
Ok, think of it like this:

If you constantly swing at pitches out of the zone and hit weak balls, you should get less points. Even if you get a couple fluke singles here and there, the performance thing is telling you that this WILL NOT work in the long run.

But if you keep hitting the ball hard, eventually those will result in hits in the long run even though your "fluke" result was a fly out.

Basically the game is trying to reward you for trying to play the game right. It's trying to pick up on your trends and make sure that you do the right things because if you do the right things, the high percentage plays will be rewarded

You have the concept pretty much down the game knows how well you are doing at the plate. Just because its a hit doesn't mean you made great contact and vice versa. The game looks at all these factors not just singles doubles and HR's.
# 20 KBLover @ 02/27/11 11:15 PM
Holy crap - I might get this year's game just for the new RTTS system!

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