What are your impressions of the MLB '11: The Show Demo?
Christian McLeod: To be perfectly honest, I didn't come away as blown away by the MLB 11 demo as I thought I would. Upon initially hearing about the new analog hitting, pitching and fielding scheme I was overjoyed. If any franchise needed to adopt analog controls, it was The Show. The implementation of both the new analog hitting mechanics and pitching mechanics work well enough (throwing in the field is another story), but the rest of the game feels like a carbon copy of MLB 10, which felt darn near like a carbon copy of MLB 09.
Dustin Toms: I'm with Christian. This is arguably one of the most disappointing demos to date.
Caley Roark: I was also a little underwhelmed, but not as disappointed as my colleagues. I say underwhelmed because, outside of analog controls, the game plays much like MLB '10, which really is a good thing. There was nothing earth-shaking in the demo; even the analog controls did not seem that revolutionary -- probably because I have played NCAA Baseball and MLB 2K10.
Chase Becotte: Who pooped in your guys' cereal? Really, I want to know.
I mean come on, the game doesn't feel different? The graphics in the game are a downgrade from last year's? Go back to MLB '10, and tell me the lighting and player models in MLB 11 aren't improvements. Go back to MLB 10, and talk to me about the feel of the analog controls in that game. Oh wait...
Read more - MLB '11: The Show Demo Impressions