MLB 11 The Show News Post

Game: MLB 11 The ShowReader Score: 8.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3Votes for game: 57 - View All
MLB 11 The Show Videos
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# 1 kenkraly2004 @ 02/16/11 01:25 AM
That was fun well played Mauer.
# 2 Tommyklaid @ 02/16/11 01:28 AM
JUST finished watching it (LIVE) - I didn't want the video to spoil it.

...shortest interview EVER - he didn't even talk to him, because they just played HomeRun Derby for The Show '11 ...

I felt bad, and cuz he seems like a really great guy and he deserves to be interviewed a lil' bit at least.
# 3 JermaineDye05 @ 02/16/11 01:53 AM
I was kind of hoping for a better interview. I do like the whole playstation move feature.

One thing that I did notice was the ball physics appeared to be about the same. Though we did only see two balls hit in play, each had some pretty high bounces. However, that is a very, very small sample piece, and the ball physics are hardly a deal breaker for me.
# 4 PhillsPhan26 @ 02/16/11 02:05 AM
I thought Fallon was a RED SOX fan?
# 5 Blzer @ 02/16/11 03:22 AM
Originally Posted by JermaineDye05
I was kind of hoping for a better interview. I do like the whole playstation move feature.

One thing that I did notice was the ball physics appeared to be about the same. Though we did only see two balls hit in play, each had some pretty high bounces. However, that is a very, very small sample piece, and the ball physics are hardly a deal breaker for me.
No you're right, those bounces were really high and very disappointing. You can't "sample size" this; unless this is very early code, it looks like we still have some pretty high bounces this year.
# 6 JoeCoolMan24 @ 02/16/11 03:24 AM
Originally Posted by PhillsPhan26
I thought Fallon was a RED SOX fan?
Yeah good point.....hmm....

I wonder if they did that just to screw with him, and he didn't notice the picture of himself in the lower left.

Also, a little disappointed with the movement of the bat compared to the wand. Seemed to not match very well.
# 7 Blzer @ 02/16/11 03:39 AM
Originally Posted by JoeCoolMan24
Yeah good point.....hmm....

I wonder if they did that just to screw with him, and he didn't notice the picture of himself in the lower left.

Also, a little disappointed with the movement of the bat compared to the wand. Seemed to not match very well.
The Move is 1:1 precision control, it has nothing to do with The Show itself except for the mapping and drawing updates onto the screen (which refreshes every 1/60 seconds I believe). What you're seeing is TV input lag. That's why they're all late when they're swinging. It's embarrassing to have that on their show and not get a TV that wouldn't have that problem to begin with.
# 8 hurley20 @ 02/16/11 08:10 AM
Are you ****ing kiddin' me? Mister Fever Pitch is wearing a ****ing Yankees hat? I should hate you for the rest of my life Jimmy Fallon!!!
# 9 tvman @ 02/16/11 09:41 AM
Holy cow that flyball of Mauers bounced about as high as the flyball was itself!

Please someone say that is only ball physics in Hr. derby so the ball flys farther or something, right.
# 10 leafs nation @ 02/16/11 10:09 AM
Nothing wrong with respecting loyalty in sports. Hard to come by this day and age. I'm a Jays fan but I can respect Mauer for being loyal to the team he grew up loving regardless of future potential cash. How much is enough? Just look at Pujols. After so many million dollars come on, you're just paying for an ego. St. Louis should cut him loose. At the end of the day he is One player on a Team.
# 11 ckarlic @ 02/16/11 11:06 AM
Nice. Yankee Stadium looks AWESOME!!!!
# 12 Blzer @ 02/16/11 11:53 AM
Originally Posted by tvman
Holy cow that flyball of Mauers bounced about as high as the flyball was itself!

Please someone say that is only ball physics in Hr. derby so the ball flys farther or something, right.
That's how it was last year, though earlier videos led me to believe this was at least toned down a bit. Apparently it still hasn't been toned down enough. I suppose they couldn't find a way for balls down the line to get past outfielders unless it scorches by on the grass like that, but unfortunately it affects everything else as well.
# 13 nemesis04 @ 02/16/11 12:20 PM
Originally Posted by Blzer
That's how it was last year, though earlier videos led me to believe this was at least toned down a bit. Apparently it still hasn't been toned down enough. I suppose they couldn't find a way for balls down the line to get past outfielders unless it scorches by on the grass like that, but unfortunately it affects everything else as well.
We did not see balls bouncing that high at CD. I would be really shocked if it is like that in the retail version!
# 14 jestep123 @ 02/16/11 12:38 PM
The "bat only" thing is a little creepy to me. I understand it but its a little creepy.

Also, no matter what you think of Fallon (annoyed by him personally), you have to give him credit for devoting entire segments of his show to video games.
# 15 Russell_SCEA @ 02/16/11 01:55 PM
Originally Posted by Blzer
That's how it was last year, though earlier videos led me to believe this was at least toned down a bit. Apparently it still hasn't been toned down enough. I suppose they couldn't find a way for balls down the line to get past outfielders unless it scorches by on the grass like that, but unfortunately it affects everything else as well.

The ball physics for HR Derby are different from regular gameplay
# 16 JermaineDye05 @ 02/16/11 02:07 PM
Originally Posted by Russell_SCEA
The ball physics for HR Derby are different from regular gameplay
Ah, so you mean it's like the real HR Derby then.
# 17 Blzer @ 02/16/11 02:42 PM
Originally Posted by Russell_SCEA
The ball physics for HR Derby are different from regular gameplay
Thank you, that's very reassuring!
# 18 Doormat @ 02/16/11 03:04 PM
That was funny xD!
# 19 Steve_OS @ 02/16/11 04:46 PM
Edited OP w/ higher resolution video. Not HD, but better quality.
# 20 YankeeFan_Ace9O8 @ 02/20/11 01:34 PM
does the Eye Toy work for this game? lol b/c i havent read anthing about that yet..and a question about the eye toy, does the jersey & cap change if i change teams?

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