MLB 2K11 News Post

The New York Post has posted their MLB 2K11 hands-on preview.

"The dugout reactions, fielding animations, swings and leaving the batter’s box have all been reshot to add another level of realism to the gameplay experience. For example if Shane Victorino legs out an infield single, he might pump his fist as he heads back to first base, or if CC Sabathia loads the bases he might head back to the mound while shouting expletives into his mitt. If you see it in real-life, you can expect to see it in 2K11.

The team has also added in new types of hits and fielding tendencies based on bat contact and player rating. So if Ichiro chops a ball into the dirt down the third base line, it will not just be a simple ground ball, it may be a chopper or dribbler. Likewise, if David Wright is fielding the ball, he may cleanly barehand it and fire to first whereas Pablo Sandoval might double-clutch and not make the play. Ratings have truly been stressed in this year’s game.

Other features in 2K11 will be an improvement of MLB Today, which will update rosters daily and will allow players to play that night’s games. Also MLB Today will use the player dynamic system mentioned in Franchise Mode to track players’ real trends over the past 30 days and adjust ratings accordingly. The commentary has also been beefed up bigtime, with unique commentary for almost any possible scenario you can think of. The team at 2K said that MLB Today will be so immersive and accurate that it can in theory replace SportsCenter, MLB Network and Baseball Tonight on a daily basis."

Game: Major League Baseball 2K11Reader Score: 5.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: NDS / PC / PS2 / PS3 / PSP / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 17 - View All
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Member Comments
# 21 DJ @ 02/14/11 09:10 PM
More good info. Even though my schedule the next couple of months is going to be busy, I'm really thinking of getting both baseball games this year.
# 22 Yeah...THAT Guy @ 02/14/11 09:44 PM
Originally Posted by hitstreak13
Man, I'm really likeing the "reoccuring" injuries that will be present in franchise mode. No baseball game, or any sport game for that matter, has truly been able to implement this properly. Now, I am wondering if this is a one season thing or over the span of a players career.

For example, If I have a pitcher who is experiencing arm problems in year 1, will he be injury prone in year 2? Or will his "health status" be reset? Man, either way this is fantastic news. This will definitely add strategy in franchise mode, especially for that hot shot prospect who is experiencing hamstring problems and choose to shut him down before it becomes a major problem down the road.
NFL Head Coach 10?

Anyway, this is sounding like a definite purchase for me. I just want to hear about the pitching accuracy and simulated stats for Franchise mode so that elite players will play like elite players instead of CC Sabathia going 15-13 like they would last year. When does the game come out? Sometime in March?

Edit: According to the article, the simulated stats are improved and so are contract negotiations. I hope this means that the free agents will generally be better as well.
# 23 Jamin23 @ 02/14/11 09:46 PM
Originally Posted by Yeah...THAT Guy
NFL Head Coach 10?

Anyway, this is sounding like a definite purchase for me. I just want to hear about the pitching accuracy and simulated stats for Franchise mode so that elite players will play like elite players instead of CC Sabathia going 15-13 like they would last year. When does the game come out? Sometime in March?
March 8th.
# 24 Mercury112491 @ 02/14/11 10:03 PM
The HR thing seemed to only be a reference to when you HIT the ball not when you are FIELDING the ball.

That was an amazingly insightful read, I'm sold on what 2K is selling. Now I'm just waiting to see people's actual impressions of whether they deliver.
# 25 Benz87 @ 02/15/11 12:45 AM
Ive played The Show for the last 3 years being i had a PS3 and XBOX, i recently sold my PS3 this past fall due to tighter financial obligations and the only game I would use it for was The Show. I'm very excited for 2K baseball this year, it sounds like they're really starting to put it together and are going to put out a solid baseball game this spring.
# 26 SoxFan01605 @ 02/15/11 03:43 AM
The more I hear about this game, the more optimistic I become. Every little bit of info hints at a game finally focused on depth and detail.

-Love the franchise additions like reoccurring injuries (big boon to strategy) and the trade value indicators (finally something to truly recognize the value of potential and upside vs pure ratings comparisons).

-Love all the animation work they keep discussing...hope it pays off.

-Love the removal of the HR indicator and the player relative camera work could be a nice touch (though it depends on just how it's implemented, of course).

-Really love the bold statement about MLB Today being good enough to replace Sportscenter, MLB Network, etc. I doubt it...lol...but I like the desire for full immersion.

Seriously, I'm starting to go from cautious optimism to flat-out eagerness...lol. Still want to see some gameplay (which shouldn't be too far off, I imagine) before I lose my mind, but I'm really looking forward to checking this out.
# 27 Dazraz @ 02/15/11 04:03 AM
The more I see of this game the more excited I am getting. If 2K have got the logic spot on with all these new features the Franchise Mode may be one of the best yet across all sports sims.
Really looking forward to the MLB Today feature. This may be seen as decoration to some but for many an accurate broadcast element to a game can really heighten the feel of realism to a sports game. Evidence of this can be found in the likes of NFL 2K5 & NBA 2K11.
# 28 jr86 @ 02/15/11 05:03 AM
Originally Posted by SoxFan01605
The more I hear about this game, the more optimistic I become. Every little bit of info hints at a game finally focused on depth and detail.

-Love the franchise additions like reoccurring injuries (big boon to strategy) and the trade value indicators (finally something to truly recognize the value of potential and upside vs pure ratings comparisons).

-Love all the animation work they keep discussing...hope it pays off.

-Love the removal of the HR indicator and the player relative camera work could be a nice touch (though it depends on just how it's implemented, of course).

-Really love the bold statement about MLB Today being good enough to replace Sportscenter, MLB Network, etc. I doubt it...lol...but I like the desire for full immersion.

Seriously, I'm starting to go from cautious optimism to flat-out eagerness...lol. Still want to see some gameplay (which shouldn't be too far off, I imagine) before I lose my mind, but I'm really looking forward to checking this out.
# 29 DirtyJerz32 @ 02/15/11 05:41 AM
Schock the world...
# 30 DickDalewood @ 02/15/11 07:29 AM
Pretty good read, sounds like they've made some good strides! The only thing I'm not sure about is the camera staying on the batter while batting... I'll just have to see that one in motion before I judge.
# 31 GOBLUE_08 @ 02/15/11 09:00 AM
This game sounds really promising, plus with this being the 3rd year of the cycle they have certainly had time to get most things right
# 32 Fiddy @ 02/15/11 09:18 AM
well, i sold my ps3 a while back. so no show for me this year. please 2k, come through with this one!!
# 33 Flaxseed Oil @ 02/15/11 09:47 AM
"2K has also decided to keep the camera with the hitter at all times when batting"

I hope this can be turned off. I didn't like when that would randomly happen in 2k7.
# 34 sroz39 @ 02/15/11 10:08 AM
I was only going to rent this one and wait till a little later in the summer to get this used, as I think The Show and TW12 will take up most of my time but if what they say in this article is true, this may have just moved into the purchase category. This all sounds incredibly promising and there's been aspects of this series I've always enjoyed, even in it's most buggiest forms (2K9).
# 35 blkprince04 @ 02/15/11 10:53 AM
the game is sounding very very promising, all i need now is to see some gameplay footage, game is sounding very very stellar.........i might just have to pre-order this game....
# 36 Money99 @ 02/15/11 11:03 AM
Reoccurring injuries sounds awesome!
# 37 johnnyg713 @ 02/15/11 01:14 PM
"For example if Shane Victorino legs out an infield single, he might pump his fist as he heads back to first base, or if CC Sabathia loads the bases he might head back to the mound while shouting expletives into his mitt. If you see it in real-life, you can expect to see it in 2K11."

This has me very excited. I cant get enough of it in nba 2k11.

What really has me sold on the game that has been announced already is the tiered fielding animations. The only thing that has me concerned is if there is enough variety in each tier. Id hate to see a rookie have the same 2 or 3 bobble animations every time they make a play. Im also a little worried that superstar fielders wont have any errors at all.
# 38 boomhauertjs @ 02/15/11 02:45 PM
I wasn't planning on getting 2k11 (I got 2k10 for $3 last year and it's good enough for me), but if the fielding is a big improvement over 2k10, I might have to re-consider. I may wait a few weeks for any bugs to be discovered and for a PC version price drop.
# 39 munky1307 @ 02/15/11 04:26 PM
It really is refreshing to see that they have really focused on the small details it seems. Obviously game videos will either back that up or not but I'm getting excited for March 8th so far!!
# 40 econoodle @ 02/15/11 04:34 PM
Originally Posted by hitstreak13
Man, I'm really likeing the "reoccuring" injuries that will be present in franchise mode. No baseball game, or any sport game for that matter, has truly been able to implement this properly. Now, I am wondering if this is a one season thing or over the span of a players career.

For example, If I have a pitcher who is experiencing arm problems in year 1, will he be injury prone in year 2? Or will his "health status" be reset? Man, either way this is fantastic news. This will definitely add strategy in franchise mode, especially for that hot shot prospect who is experiencing hamstring problems and choose to shut him down before it becomes a major problem down the road.

oh man I know.
this feature sounds great.
reeeeallly excited to play this thing now as a franchise junkie.

franchise players got love this year baby!

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