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Playstation.Blog has just posted another MLB 11 The Show blog, which focuses on stadium realism and ambiance.
"With MLB 11 The Show, we’ve built upon our improvements to the realism by including stadium-specific jumbotrons, true-to-life out-of-town scoreboards, and weather effects such as rain and new improved skies and cloud coverage. These realistic enhancements to the game help make MLB 11 The Show not only look like the real thing, but they truly give you the feeling that you are at a live game."
Surprisingly short text but I guess the SHow is a game that begs to be seen when discussing it, otherwise the impact is lessened. Hence the video!
Good find Jermaine!
edit: and oh yea.
THE SKIES!!!!!!!
double edit: is that editing on the crowd shots or is there going to be crowd cuts during the game!?
Wow! I loved the rain in Sun Life Stadium and the nighttime hues. Oh - and the two things they showed for the Mets: Santana won't pitch, and Ike Davis won't make an error, about the only error the Mets won't make!
Looks great all the stadiums look good. Again all I hope is that progressive field in cleveland looks great and it finaly has the championship banners in the right spot this time around. Great work on the game SCEA.
They FINALLY fixed Sun Life Stadium! Those stupid colorful triangles all over the walls that haven't been there in a few years are finally gone, haha. Looks great.