MLB 11 The Show News Post
MLB 11 The Show Videos
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Daaaaannnnnngggg!! Now I wish I would have never watched that trailer. Makes the wait even more difficult.
# 4
Two Seamer @ 02/10/11 10:04 AM
I've watched a few of the trailers now and the game looks great. Really not a fan of the fact that they repeatedly advertise with something that is not actually in the game, though (the commentary). Makes it seem way more amazing than it is.
# 5
queensbomber @ 02/10/11 10:05 AM
Sick. Its funny how when there are trailers or cutscenes or mini movies within a video game, its never the actual game that you get to play. Not the case with the show. Those scenes from the trailers are the ACTUAL game! awesome.
Cant wait for the 2011 season. Go Yanks!!!!
Cant wait for the 2011 season. Go Yanks!!!!
No problem! Only a few weeks away!


That is a great trailer. I'm so ready for baseball. Only thing that would be cool was if hair would flow instead of being stiff but its cool. I can live with it.

Just the smallest little thing....stepping out of the batter's box to call time.
Man I forgot how good the game looks this year already.
Looks even better when you're actually playing it.
SOOOOOO close.
Man I forgot how good the game looks this year already.
Looks even better when you're actually playing it.
SOOOOOO close.
Week 1 of COTW is MINE!!!!!!
(I knew the batter asking for time would add so much to the game. Such a small detail that is QUINTESSENTIAL in baseball!)
Can't wait!
(I knew the batter asking for time would add so much to the game. Such a small detail that is QUINTESSENTIAL in baseball!)
Can't wait!
Giants Baseball. It's Torture!
LOL, awesome trailer. All they need now is to queue the HardNox Fist Pump song...
Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk
LOL, awesome trailer. All they need now is to queue the HardNox Fist Pump song...
Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk
# 18
ElroyJetson @ 02/10/11 11:53 AM
Nem or Knight, can we call time in the game like Howard did? Would be amazing to see the computer call time if we take to long to deliver the ball, and vice versa.

# 20
LastActionHero @ 02/10/11 11:59 AM
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