NHL 11 News Post

Pass Back

There are three stances from which you can attempt a pass back: upright, forehand or backhand.

A stick lift will beat the upright or forehand stance, and a tie up will beat a backhand pass back. But your average NHL player relies on the plain old "win back" most of the time.

If your faceoff rating is higher than the other center’s rating, you can counter with your own pass back from any stance and win the majority of draws. But if your faceoff ratings are equal, you will have to choose the appropriate counter based on your opponent’s stance.

In versus mode, it’s important to know the faceoff ratings for all your centers. Guys with a high rating can win faceoffs cleanly, but you may have to get dirty with the third- and fourth-line centers, using stick lifts and tie ups to steal draws.

Read More - NHL 11 Faceoff Guide

Game: NHL 11Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 36 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 tbbucsfan001 @ 02/10/11 04:28 PM
This is awesome.
# 2 Nashtak @ 02/11/11 02:09 AM
I'm not sure i understand. Are those arrows always the same regardless of your handiness. If not, which one were you using for this guide? Isn't backhand the one where your players wins the faceoff in between his legs?
# 3 jyoung @ 02/11/11 10:46 AM
The arrows assume your player is right-handed.

For stick lift and pass back, lefties would be pressing the opposite direction.
# 4 JezFranco @ 02/11/11 10:50 AM
The arrows are not the same regardless of handiness.

No-brainer really, just like using the skill stick at anytime in the game, pushing the stick right or left will move your stick right or left which equals backhand or forehand depending on if the player's a rightie or leftie.
# 5 jyoung @ 02/13/11 12:05 PM
The CPU can be tough to beat online because they are so unpredictable in what moves they do and always have perfect timing, whereas a human has to deal with lag, which changes the correct faceoff timing from game to game.

I find the best way to beat the CPU online is to keep mixing up your tactics and just ignore whatever the CPU is doing, because the CPU never sticks with 1 move all game long like most human centers do online.

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