MLB 11 The Show News Post
MLB 11 The Show Videos
Member Comments
Looks awesome! Can't wait! Home run trots still look the same, though.
Hm. I noticed how in the 3 second clip of Felix Hernandez at Yankee Stadium, when he was winding up the camera zoomed in slowly. Looked awfully cool.
How did you get that the home run trots are the same from that you mean home run celebrations? All I saw as far as the trot was a couple steps, not near enough to make that kind of statement.
Can't wait for analog controls!
Can't wait for analog controls!
Stop asking this question - last warning.
You've asked multiple times in several threads already and the answer remains the same, when they're ready, they will release them.
Loved her reaction to her Home run :P Analog hitting actually looks interesting now.
It looks good, but I raised an eyebrow when Posey jacked one out of right field at AT&T Park.
Wait for it wait for it....
Hitting home runs too easy with analog controls.
Hitting home runs too easy with analog controls.
# 12
Russell_SCEA @ 02/07/11 06:05 PM

Yes it is took about 10 minutes to get her to knock one out the park.
# 13
HITTERSAURUS REX @ 02/07/11 06:08 PM

# 15
kenkraly2004 @ 02/07/11 06:16 PM
I have to download this Qore episode just to see the MLB 11 The Show segment. Good Stuff.

# 18
EutawStreet @ 02/07/11 06:33 PM
I wish they would fix the way the batter starts running at the end of the swing. It looks a little unrealistic. Oh well, next year!

No game has really had animations where they run with the bat for any number of steps, so I think most games have really had this issue anyway. I remember the old-gen MLB 2K series had it really bad where the batter would like crouch low and slide their feet to angle toward first base before running. I guess there are some preset animations you might need so there aren't any issues as they're running.
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