MLB 11 The Show News Post
MLB 11 The Show Videos
Member Comments
# 3
bp4baseball @ 02/04/11 08:28 PM
Thanks for link.
Those shots really show off the amazing lighting, and I am loving the sky in the KC shot
Those shots really show off the amazing lighting, and I am loving the sky in the KC shot

That Kauffman shot is banoodles!
I'm actually liking the Pads unis now. Looking nice.
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I'm actually liking the Pads unis now. Looking nice.
Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk
The stadiums and the grass look so awesome, anyone just stared at the clouds in the Royal's stadium picture? My oh my
The stadiums and the grass look so awesome, anyone just stared at the clouds in the Royal's stadium picture? My oh my

That shot looks sick though. I'm glad there are some new lighting schemes this year. Grass textures are off the chain!
# 13
LastActionHero @ 02/05/11 04:55 AM
I'm only gonna play games in stadiums with an open backdrop

# 14
NYYankees42 @ 02/05/11 08:34 AM
Do you guys see Reyes' short dreadlocks? or is that just the background?
I am 34 years old, and think about this game as much as I obsessed over video games when I was a kid. Back then I would start a game before school, pause it when I had to leave, and continue it when I came home. This game gets better every year! Can't wait until March!!!!
I could be wrong though as things change all the time.

Not to take anything away from the other shots..
But this one in particular nearly brings tears of joy.

# 18
kenkraly2004 @ 02/05/11 12:27 PM
The screenshots look amazing. Can't wait to get my copy of MLB 11 The Show from Amazon on March 8th. This game is going to be great.
Very nice.
Great screenshots!
You can mix-&-match caps, jerseys, & pants, so I think they decided to pick the batting practice cap with the black alternate in the pics.
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