Fight Night Champion News Post

Game.UK looks to have the Fight Night Champion demo details.

Edit: Looks like it is official.


Those in the UK pre-ordering from GAME will be able to get the demo early on Jan 27th at approximately 2PM GMT (X360) or 4PM GMT (PS3). They will receive a code entitling them to download the game early.

Here are the dates and times for all regions and please note these times are driven by PSN/XBLA:

North America: Feb 1st at 9pm EST
EU and UK: Feb 2nd at 8pm GMT
Asia: Feb 1st at 1am GMT
UK GAME Exclusive: Jan 27th at 4pm GMT

Gold Users: Feb 1st at 9am EST
Silver Users: Feb 8th at 9am EST
UK GAME Exclusive: Jan 27th at 2pm GMT

Game: Fight Night ChampionReader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 17 - View All
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Member Comments
# 21 Vast @ 01/25/11 09:23 PM
Originally Posted by acts238shaun

This year I might have a chance to crack the top 100. I gave up lasy year because of all the spinning, hyper punching and cheese that went on AFTER the last patch.
I gave up trying to be top anything in online games. I do not have the time to play 100+ matches a day.

With that said; I'm a beast at boxing games and everyone should fear me.

I'll probably be on 360 cuz that's where the best competition is at, but I haven't ruled out PS3.
# 22 BQ32 @ 01/26/11 11:19 AM
It's not that hard to crack the top 100 is it. The last of my 4 profiles in the top 100 I did it in about 170 fights lol. But I hope this game is more realistic too, we should meet up for the demo, BQ32.
# 23 JayBee74 @ 01/26/11 12:39 PM
The sad thing about online boxing matches is the lack of diversity in opponents and the absolute need to win at all cost. In Round 4 (I actually liked Round 3 better for online), I mostly fought as middleweight using Pavlik or Monzon and faced Hagler or Ray Robinson 95% of the time. There is a type of greed to wanting the best fighters ALL the time!

Hopefully the new stamina system and defense among other things will make for more strategy rather then button mashing with the inexhaustible and powerful Sugar Ray Robinson.

I don't even want to talk about the other created mode fights, facing guys on stilts with mile long reaches.
# 24 Hova57 @ 01/26/11 07:05 PM
Ill be on ps3 I hate playin guys online they get beat up so they start using illegal punches to lower my stamina
# 25 Vast @ 01/26/11 08:57 PM
Why does the UK get exclusive access to the demo????

Why do they keep hating on their US boxing fans.
# 26 acts238shaun @ 01/26/11 08:58 PM
It doesn't take a lot of matches , just beating higher ranked opponents. I made the top 1000 last year in ten fights a week after the release.

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