EA Sports is not resting on its laurels, as they prepare for FIFA 12. Check out the planned improvements for the upcoming season.
"The producer (David Rutter) told the latest issue of OPM UK that EA has an "enormous shopping list" of improvements it wishes to make in its new game - and specified a few areas that the studio's already working on.
"I think we did a great job with the Personality Plus feature [in FIFA 11," he said, "but the the teams [AI] doesn't support that quite as much as it should.
"As an example, a team doesn't spot that if Peter Crouch in the area, they can lay a load of high balls onto his head."
Rutter also revealed that set pieces are getting a complete overhaul, and that EA isn't happy with interruptive in-game loading screens.
"Set-pieces are still a bit lame," he candidly admitted. "I get frustrated by not being able to do quick throw-ins, not being able to quickly select my free-kick takers, on the fly stuff. We're somewhat last-gen in the way the game cuts [before those things]."
WOW........I wish every sports developer can be as proactive as FIFA development team. Their game don't come out until august and they already letting people know they are getting on things........
I like candid developers......If something in your game is broken or lame, then say it is and say you are going to fix it or over haul it.
WOW........I wish every sports developer can be as proactive as FIFA development team. Their game don't come out until august and they already letting people know they are getting on things........
I like candid developers......If something in your game is broken or lame, then say it is and say you are going to fix it or over haul it.
It's a marketing ploy dude. They apparently got you hook, line, and sinker. I used to fall for the same thing so it's nothing against you. Not saying FIFA 11 isn't good, and am very hopeful about FIFA 12 and just how much better it will be but stuff like this doesn't get me any more hyped about the game.
Developers love when their game sells for numerous reasons, one of them being so when development begins on a new game (this is more prevalent with sports game devs) they can feed consumers info about how blatantly unhappy they are with an area of the game that is lacking and how it's unacceptable, lame, etc. that area of the game wasn't better. It's nothing more than a hype tactic, they have meetings about this stuff, what to say, what words or phrases to avoid.
It's a business though so more power to them, just try not to get too excited when stuff like this comes out. They're not being candid to be nice to you, they just want to make the possibility they get your money that much more likely. Plus they're really not being all that candid with you if you think about how much preparation went into these tweets, blogs, etc..
It's nice to hear information so early, as it's January and this game won't come out until October.
However, after FIFA 11, I'm definitely not getting any hopes up at all. Will it be fairly solid? I'm sure. However, they need to make serious improvements in terms of AI. The insane tackling needs to be fixed and the aggressive AI defense.
Let's hope it's just not another year of useless features. Maybe they can actually watch some live matches - notice how the gameplay flow, and pressure system looks nothing like their FIFA game does.
I've never frickin understood video game developers in regards to sports.
You see an example of what you are trying to imitate EVERY SINGLE DAY. How frickin hard is it to just duplicate that?? Seriously?
I can understand the difficulty of Final Fantasy/Oblivion/Black Ops, whatever - people do not see that on TV - we view these sports games on TV every single day. If the goal is to please the public, why not just imitate each game to look how it does on TV - then add the useless features later on.
Maybe David Rutter and company will "get it". It's doubtful already because they are talking about things like set pieces/throw ins, etc - things I could care less about in terms of priority.
Can i seriously have $20m so I can show how to make a sports video game? Seriously....argh.
I can understand the difficulty of Final Fantasy/Oblivion/Black Ops, whatever - people do not see that on TV - we view these sports games on TV every single day. If the goal is to please the public, why not just imitate each game to look how it does on TV - then add the useless features later on.
I think it's the complete opposite. In a game like final fantasy it's easy to get immersed and stay there, because you've never been to the world and any quirks the world may have can be put off as part of the fantasy. In a sports game anything an AI player does wrong is immediately noticed and lowers the level of immersion because we see these things everyday and expect them to work in a certain way.
For another example, take Black Ops. All the AI has to do is stand there and wait until it sees the user, if he/she sees the user they either shoot or move to cover (a decision that can easily be done mathematically). In a game like FIFA or Madden the AI has to be infinitely more complex to achieve the same level of immersion because the computer has to emulate a human brain in order for us to feel like it's the game we see everyday played by real humans.
Another example not related to games would be drawing an apple compared to drawing a spaceship. Drawing a realistic, believable spaceship is relatively easy compared to drawing a realistic, believable apple. Because our mind has a specific vision of an apple any attempt to render it photorealisticly will appear flawed in some way.
i just want to hear rudder say... "i have been playing PES 2011 Master League non-stop... and i get it. career mode sucks. we are going to aim to beat PES ML for immersion."
i just want to hear rudder say... "i have been playing PES 2011 Master League non-stop... and i get it. career mode sucks. we are going to aim to beat PES ML for immersion."
I would love to see more attention given to recreating the broadcast aspect within the presentation. The use of cut scenes in sports games gives the opportunity to add a layer of personality to the game by showing interactions between players, the referee, the crowd & the coaches. We've seen in NBA 2K11 & MLB the Show how impressive such features can be & what they can add to the game. EA seem fixated by speeding up the game by taking out any stoppages in play. I know some players just want to speed through game after game & those players can easily be satisfied by having an option to switch off or skip through cut scenes. But for those people like myself who prefer to play the game as they see it on TV I really hope EA will work on this element. Their World Cup game featured cut scenes, albeit woefully repetitive ones, but FIFA 11 has all but eliminated them.
Let's hope it's just not another year of useless features. Maybe they can actually watch some live matches - notice how the gameplay flow, and pressure system looks nothing like their FIFA game does.
I've never frickin understood video game developers in regards to sports.
You see an example of what you are trying to imitate EVERY SINGLE DAY. How frickin hard is it to just duplicate that?? Seriously?
I can understand the difficulty of Final Fantasy/Oblivion/Black Ops, whatever - people do not see that on TV - we view these sports games on TV every single day. If the goal is to please the public, why not just imitate each game to look how it does on TV - then add the useless features later on.
Maybe David Rutter and company will "get it". It's doubtful already because they are talking about things like set pieces/throw ins, etc - things I could care less about in terms of priority.
Can i seriously have $20m so I can show how to make a sports video game? Seriously....argh.
Watching footy on the tele and creating a game are two different things mate. The game was far from amazing, but other than the pressure I really enjoy it. I still play a few times a week with some of my mates. I am glad they are addressing many of the problems so early and trying to make the game that much better.
I'd much rather have a patch for FIFA 11, than read about early progress on FIFA 12. I respect Rutter & company, but I hope whatever enhancements are included in FIFA 12 will be followed by patches to fix whatever will need it. FIFA 09, 10, and FIFA World Cup 2010 all made progress. FIFA 11 sort of stalled out. One good patch could really fix it.
I think the composure feature from the penalties needs to be implemented into all free-kicks. I also believe that on free kicks (a goal kick for example) players that are nearby and are short passing options should have a one button option to play the pass. It is frustrating to want to play a short pass only to have to wait for the screen to rotate and allow you to pass to the obvious man in front of you.
As for everything else, FIFA usually hits their improvements right on the head, let's hope though that this year it isn't again at the expense of more important gameplay flaws.
I'd much rather have a patch for FIFA 11, than read about early progress on FIFA 12. I respect Rutter & company, but I hope whatever enhancements are included in FIFA 12 will be followed by patches to fix whatever will need it. FIFA 09, 10, and FIFA World Cup 2010 all made progress. FIFA 11 sort of stalled out. One good patch could really fix it.
It'd definitely be nice to see a gameplay patch. Especially considering EA does it with every other sports title.
Agreed. Let's not forget this is EA's best selling title, so how it gets only one patch is rather puzzling to its fan base.
Not to mention it just fixes minor issues here and there and doesn't always completely do that. EA's community interaction regarding FIFA is an absolute joke. It seems with the other sports titles, there are always EA employees answering questions and giving reasons why something was or was not fixed.
With FIFA, everyone just guesses what was fixed as we hear nothing from the actual company.