Fight Night Champion News Post

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Game: Fight Night ChampionReader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 17 - View All
Fight Night Champion Videos
Member Comments
# 21 cjallure24 @ 01/11/11 11:55 AM
Great stuff. Glad to see them build in the right areas for this title.
# 22 Kanobi @ 01/11/11 12:21 PM
I like this. Adds a lot of depth
# 23 albsur2003 @ 01/11/11 01:30 PM
While I'm still not happy with the footwork, I'm very glad that they haven't completely cut out strategy and focused on a lot with the stamina. I was very glad to hear about the tiring due to punch spamming. Honestly, this was the best info they've released thus far.
# 24 Phobia @ 01/11/11 02:05 PM
Originally Posted by DaveDQ
Thanks for clarifying. Can you comment on excessive pucnhes, like left/right body shots? This is what ruined FN4 online (as you know). I like that the excessive use of the same punch will get your arm tired, but what about consecutive left/right shots? Does a boxer tire the same way?

At community day it was like EA MMA but better. In EA MMA you can throw way to many shots before being winded. In FNC at community day you could whip out 8 or so punches before being drained. But it varies based on these.

1) If a punch misses it drains a large chunk off your stamina, so only 3 or so punches that wiff will have you gassed.

2) If the punch lands then you see a much smaller chunk of stamina drain off.

3) With the way punch accuracy was tuned, missed punches happen much more often and this resulted in what looked like a MUCH better "boxing" exchange than FN4.

Now the whole left/right body hooks over and over that FN4 had and now EA MMA did not seem like it would be a issue in FNC. The reason being is two fold. 1) Stamina is tuned excellent in the build we played. The game felt very strategic about when you go for the kill or when you sit and rest. 2) One button blocking allow you to pick off those punches with relative ease.

Only thing left to see is me getting my hands on the game and seeing if they made any bad changes to stamina.
# 25 Hova57 @ 01/11/11 02:34 PM
phobia any ideas or insight to what they did with clutching? did u get the feeling that they may tune footwork or not? i know u said u talked to them bout it. also does your opponent body weight affect stamina?
# 26 Phobia @ 01/11/11 03:06 PM
Originally Posted by Hova57
phobia any ideas or insight to what they did with clutching? did u get the feeling that they may tune footwork or not? i know u said u talked to them bout it. also does your opponent body weight affect stamina?
The clinch game is the same as last year

I hope they tune footwork but I am unsure until I get my hands on it in couple months

Stamina is tied to a rating like any other EA game. If your opponent or created fighter has a low stamina rating then his stamina will be bad. If he has high stamina rating then his stamina will be good. Not much different in this area, just the gameplay effect of it has been fixed a great deal.
# 27 Sausage @ 01/11/11 04:51 PM
My biggest concern is if this actually works well and people can't throw punches without consequence; will the developers cave in if there is to much complaining about the stamina depletion.

Another issue this can bring up is, will online guys only pick boxers with the highest endurance/conditioning rating????
# 28 Vast @ 01/11/11 05:44 PM
Originally Posted by Phobia
The clinch game is the same as last year

I hope they tune footwork but I am unsure until I get my hands on it in couple months

Stamina is tied to a rating like any other EA game. If your opponent or created fighter has a low stamina rating then his stamina will be bad. If he has high stamina rating then his stamina will be good. Not much different in this area, just the gameplay effect of it has been fixed a great deal.
Hey Phobia. Any word on what Sliders are going to be include in FNC??????
This game is a footwork slider away from being fantastic.
# 29 JayBee74 @ 01/11/11 09:25 PM
Originally Posted by Phobia
Ahhh look someone was paying attention lol.

Yea Jay, visualizer is right. The Torso stamina is two fold. You have one side of the stamina which is tied to running around, swinging punches use stamina, and taking body shots.

Then you have the torso hidden stamina bar. Which what this does is similar to the arms that Brizzo was talking about. Just the same as if you throw only one punch over and over that arm would get tire an slow down. If you spam sways and leans........aka the body rotate spam. Then your fighters lean slows and becomes more upright.
Thanks for the clarification Phobia.
# 30 Hova57 @ 01/12/11 09:30 AM
Originally Posted by Vast
Hey Phobia. Any word on what Sliders are going to be include in FNC??????
This game is a footwork slider away from being fantastic.
Vast, What would a footwork slider do? or at least what you would envision? I think the footwork is an animation issue and not a logic issue.
# 31 Phobia @ 01/12/11 10:28 AM
Originally Posted by Vast
Hey Phobia. Any word on what Sliders are going to be include in FNC??????
This game is a footwork slider away from being fantastic.
Sure don't Vast. I started to write them down when I was there and don't think I ever completed writing them all down because I wanted to "play the game" lol.

I will check my tablet once I get home from work to see if I did write them down and don't remember.

Originally Posted by JayBee74
Thanks for the clarification Phobia.
Not a prob Jay

Originally Posted by Sausage
My biggest concern is if this actually works well and people can't throw punches without consequence; will the developers cave in if there is to much complaining about the stamina depletion.

Another issue this can bring up is, will online guys only pick boxers with the highest endurance/conditioning rating????
I don't think they will cave, but I also would not be surprise to see them having to make adjustments via a patch

Also I don't think people can just take endurance/conditioning guys. Because most of those guys would be lacking in other key areas such as punch accuracy, punch speed, or more important punch power.

So while they might have the endurance, if they don't have that one punch KO power (which is a ability) then they have to force the fight into the deeper rounds. Because if they get caught with a big shot early in the fight it can be lights out.

I also want to touch on the abilities you earn while upgrading your fighters. While many of you guys might not agree with having a "one punch KO power ability" that you must earn to have that option. It is realistic to a degree, but what it does more than being realistic is it makes the strategy side of building and fighting other fighters much better.

This is a good move in my eyes and will make each fight online feel different depending on how they built their fighter. One guy might of put all his points and training towards that big KO power but might be seriously lacking in punch speed and endurance.

Another person you face might make a balance fighter who is good in all areas but excels in none or you could face that fighter who is looking to "out point you" all fight. Built with speed in mind and punch accuracy but is lacking in the power department.

Any fighter can get a KNOCKDOWN off a one punch. But very few fighters have that one punch KNOCKOUT power. So I like the ability system.
# 32 Hova57 @ 01/12/11 12:22 PM
i don't have a problem with one punch KO as an ability because in real life there are many boxers that don't or can't do it. So they have to rely on combo punches even those who do have it still rely more on combo punches .
# 33 Money99 @ 01/12/11 01:45 PM
Phobia, when you create a fighter, are you given a chance to choose one special skill (eg. 1-punch KO)?

Some fighters are born with a natural talent so it'd be cool if you could start with one yourself.
# 34 DaveDQ @ 01/12/11 01:49 PM
The one punch KO is a much needed feature. I'm ok with how it is implemented. I'd like to see better knock down animations though. Maybe a guy goes to his knee and gets back up. I've said it in previous threads but the way boxers got knocked down in FN4 looked like career ending knock downs and they managed to get up at the count of 3...LOL

Not to keep bringing up EA MMA, but they did ok with it. When a guy gets knocked out, you know it. And he doesn't get up. Look at this clip of one of my recent fights...

# 35 Phobia @ 01/12/11 02:23 PM
Originally Posted by Hova57
i don't have a problem with one punch KO as an ability because in real life there are many boxers that don't or can't do it. So they have to rely on combo punches even those who do have it still rely more on combo punches .

Originally Posted by Money99
Phobia, when you create a fighter, are you given a chance to choose one special skill (eg. 1-punch KO)?

Some fighters are born with a natural talent so it'd be cool if you could start with one yourself.
No you start out with a set amount of points and then apply those to your fighters ratings in any way you choose to do so.

Remember there are different abilities, starting from very low on the rating chart to all the way to the top.

For instance, one of the early rating abilities is the ability to "stun" a fighter with a jab.

How you invest your points is entirely up to your design, but there are abilities ranging the entire skill tree so everyone will have a mixture of similar abilities. It is the top tier abilities that will separate each fighter depending on how their fighter was built.
# 36 DaveDQ @ 01/12/11 03:10 PM
Originally Posted by Phobia

No you start out with a set amount of points and then apply those to your fighters ratings in any way you choose to do so.

Remember there are different abilities, starting from very low on the rating chart to all the way to the top.

For instance, one of the early rating abilities is the ability to "stun" a fighter with a jab.

How you invest your points is entirely up to your design, but there are abilities ranging the entire skill tree so everyone will have a mixture of similar abilities. It is the top tier abilities that will separate each fighter depending on how their fighter was built.
Did you comment on what knock downs looked like? Are they still on the outrageous side? You can mail me a tazer and I'll taze myself if you answered this.
# 37 SteelerSpartan @ 01/12/11 04:40 PM
Originally Posted by Phobia

No you start out with a set amount of points and then apply those to your fighters ratings in any way you choose to do so.

Remember there are different abilities, starting from very low on the rating chart to all the way to the top.

For instance, one of the early rating abilities is the ability to "stun" a fighter with a jab.

How you invest your points is entirely up to your design, but there are abilities ranging the entire skill tree so everyone will have a mixture of similar abilities. It is the top tier abilities that will separate each fighter depending on how their fighter was built.
whoa, hold on for a sec....your just talking about Legacies right???

This was a question I was hoping would get answered in the live chat...but maybe you know the lowdown on this

They said we have full ratings customization for Fight Now Cabs/licensed fighters...ie no limits to the points....

my questions are:

1. Full customization applies to abilities too Correct????...we can take away or add any abilities we want right???


2. When we import fighters/Cabs into our Legacy....not the fighter we are going to use but our Cab oppoenents.........their ratings stay the same as we set them correct?????.............

Because it would freaking suck If I downloaded a great 88-89 rated Cab of Trinidad for example and when I went to fight him in my legacy he had been lowered to a 68-70
# 38 Vast @ 01/12/11 04:42 PM
Originally Posted by Hova57
Vast, What would a footwork slider do? or at least what you would envision? I think the footwork is an animation issue and not a logic issue.
It would increase the speed of the footwork, independent of hand and torso speed.

The footwork issue seems to be an animation and gameplay issue. The boxers are just too slow on their feet. They don't seem to be able to get in and out fast enough. Some boxers in real life are able to dodge punches with just their footspeed.

Having a slider would allow us to tailer the footspeed to our liking.
# 39 Phobia @ 01/12/11 05:07 PM
Originally Posted by DaveDQ
Did you comment on what knock downs looked like? Are they still on the outrageous side? You can mail me a tazer and I'll taze myself if you answered this.
Knock downs were still on the over the top side. But I did see other cool "more realistic" knockdowns also. I saw a guy drop to one knee once.

Originally Posted by SteelerSpartan
whoa, hold on for a sec....your just talking about Legacies right???

This was a question I was hoping would get answered in the live chat...but maybe you know the lowdown on this

They said we have full ratings customization for Fight Now Cabs/licensed fighters...ie no limits to the points....

my questions are:

1. Full customization applies to abilities too Correct????...we can take away or add any abilities we want right???


2. When we import fighters/Cabs into our Legacy....not the fighter we are going to use but our Cab oppoenents.........their ratings stay the same as we set them correct?????.............

Because it would freaking suck If I downloaded a great 88-89 rated Cab of Trinidad for example and when I went to fight him in my legacy he had been lowered to a 68-70
1) Negative, abilities are not "applied" how ever you wish. They are built into the level up system of that rating.

So all fighters can have a level 2 stun state jab if they ranking up their jab to say the 8th ranking.

Pic is going to be really large so you can open it to see the ratings. The little stars are the abilities for each rating. You see they are static in location and you must level up a rating to that area to obtain that ability.

As you can see all abilities are on the 4th, 8th, 12th, 16th, and 20th. They last abilities in the 16th to 20th range are going to be the abilities that separate each boxer because obtaining those across all rating will not be possible with a standard CAB. In legacy mode I am unsure of how high you can get your rating up.

2)I am not sure about importing fighters, we never messed with this. So I don't know how this will work with CAB and such in legacy mode.
# 40 Vast @ 01/12/11 05:21 PM
Thanks for the pic phobia.

Is footspeed even a rating???

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