Need for Speed Hot Pursuit News Post

We have just posted our Need for Speed Hot Pursuit review. Find out what Dustin Toms thinks about the game.

"Need For Speed lost its spark. The series tried hard but kept coming up short. And when it was announced that customization did not exist in NFS: Hot Pursuit, dreams were crushed.

But now it is safe to say that, even without the option to paint your car blue, NFS: Hot Pursuit has brought back the series better than ever. And this time you get to choose who you are: racer or cop."

Read More - Need for Speed Hot Pursuit Review Written By: Dustin Toms

Game: Need for Speed Hot PursuitReader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 10 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 allBthere @ 01/03/11 05:47 PM
wow...what a surprise...and Dustin, we may be related
# 2 LiberNull @ 01/03/11 07:54 PM
Negative: Rubberband AI :/

I can live with... but sure aint a fan of it either *sigh*. But it's the main reason that I don't play it as much as I would like to (especially online).
# 3 DickDalewood @ 01/03/11 11:14 PM
Good review! I love this game.
# 4 Hassan Darkside @ 01/03/11 11:52 PM
Originally Posted by LiberNull
Negative: Rubberband AI :/

I can live with... but sure aint a fan of it either *sigh*. But it's the main reason that I don't play it as much as I would like to (especially online).
Really? I think I was reading IGN's review maybe and they said rubberband AI wasn't an issue. It's been one of those things that's kept me from buying a racing game and I was really considering buying this one.
# 5 HawkeyMediaPlus @ 01/04/11 05:47 AM
I might buy this game. I am just curious, what is rubberband A.I?
# 6 bluengold34_OS @ 01/04/11 09:04 AM
Originally Posted by HawkeyMediaPlus
I might buy this game. I am just curious, what is rubberband A.I?

Rubberband A.I is what it sounds like it is. If you are running slow, the A.I will slow down and allow you to catch up, and if you are blazing a path, then the A.I somehow becomes much faster as to catch up with you. See Tiger Woods 08 for a very bad case of rubberband A.I
# 7 MoutonDocile @ 01/04/11 08:00 PM
A really cool game, probably the best racing game of 2010. Yes I think it's better than GT5....more fun to me at least. The game is brutal online and you'll often struggle just to finish a race in one piece.
# 8 Ikki @ 01/04/11 09:17 PM
Why does the review come so late ?
# 9 LiberNull @ 01/05/11 03:13 PM
Originally Posted by Ruff Ryder
Really? I think I was reading IGN's review maybe and they said rubberband AI wasn't an issue. It's been one of those things that's kept me from buying a racing game and I was really considering buying this one.
Well everything else in the game is great (for an arcade racer). So it's still a good game cos it's still the only thing negative thing.

But if you don't mind all races to be tight to end you should buy it.
# 10 Uncle Stumpy @ 01/06/11 04:15 PM
looks cool i may have to pick it up

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