02:10 PM - December 24, 2010 by Steve_OS
Fight Night Champion News Post
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I agree presentation is extremely important and was my #2 most wanted improvement. With #1 being gameplay. They are focusing on my #1 so I can't complain to much about lack of presentation. Because the game has to be fun to play first. If the gameplay is not up to par, then no matter how great your presentation is. It won't get seen if the game does not get play time cause gameplay sucks.
# 43
fistofrage @ 01/18/11 05:25 PM
The obvious answer is because they thought a Prizefighter II mode would bring more sales and that's fine, but don't say they wanted to focus on gameplay first when they went out on a limb and added an entirely new mode that I personally think adds very little value to the product(meaning, I don't think very many people will buy a boxing game because there is a stroy mode included, the decision to buy the game WILL be on presentation, gameplay, and online and legacy features.)
# 44
JohnnyRu31 @ 01/18/11 05:45 PM
FAIL!!! The entrances and intro's in boxing are super important for realism. Especially in the big fights. That's why Michael Buffer is a multi millionaire. The big fights just don't seem "big" enough with these bare bones intro's. They really could have at least had some fighter specific commentary to accompany the fighters in to the ring. That would have gone a long way. The fact that every fighters intro is based entirely on what ever you put in the create a fighter screen is lazy imo.
Great presentation, even the smallest of details add up to bring the game "to life" sort of speak. This is why The Shows and 2K's of the world are kicking EA's backside.
Catoring to gamers that think like you are the reason all of EA's games are so far behind: "If we can only nail our gameplay.....yada, yada. Gamers won't notice anyway......."
By the way...the games with good gameplay AND fine details are selling pretty good.
Gosh...by that time other games will be out this world.
If i don't like FPS and shooting **** with guns; it's not going to matter if Christopher Nolan or any great writer writes for the next Call of Duty game. I'm still not going to buy the game.
We the people (who want another boxing game). Are the people you should be trying to cater to. We will buy the game(maybe multiple copies) tell our friends. Take it to their houses to play; which inturn could have them buy the game.
Internets will be a buzz about how amazing and realistic the gameplay is. How in depth and rewarding the legacy mode is.
If a game is great, more often than not; people will buy it. If you're going to add a gimmick. Add one that relates to the sport and one people have requested. ala Michael Jordan in 2k11 or Mike Tyson in Fight Night 4.
One other thing.
Since when has presentation become such an enormous task it has to wait decades to be improved?
It just hit me now. The reason, is because Fight Night is (outside of regular gameplay) all cutscenes.
So they'd have to redo all their cutscenes to change the presentation.
They need to be like 2k11 and the show and make everything real time. It's still not much of an excuse because boxers road 2 on psp has better presentation.
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