MLB 11 The Show News Post

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Game: MLB 11 The ShowReader Score: 8.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3Votes for game: 57 - View All
MLB 11 The Show Videos
Member Comments
# 121 Skyboxer @ 12/17/10 11:38 PM
Originally Posted by nemesis04
Where did you reserve it?
# 122 nemesis04 @ 12/17/10 11:39 PM
Originally Posted by Skyboxer
Cool thanks!
# 123 EnigmaNemesis @ 12/17/10 11:43 PM
Originally Posted by Skyboxer
I reserved it...I caved....
I am so leaning towards it!!!!
# 124 Skyboxer @ 12/17/10 11:54 PM
Originally Posted by EnigmaNemesis
I am so leaning towards it!!!!
# 125 enice128 @ 12/18/10 12:48 PM
Originally Posted by Joey
Yep, definitely got that warm feeling after watching the trailer. You know, the kind you feel when you pee on yourself.

I've went forever with just one controller because I hate spending money on them. Looks like I've just found one to justify my $.
Haha I feel the exact same way, I still only have my 1 original controller but I also just found my 2nd one that will be used as my everyday controller!
# 126 countryboy @ 12/18/10 01:58 PM
I'm not gonna lie, that controller is slick. Trying so hard to not reserve it.
# 127 brettryantalley @ 12/18/10 09:53 PM
Originally Posted by Pared
Nice to see the well done trailer hit the 'net.

For some reason the player faces look... a bit "clay-ish" to me here, don't know why. I think it may be the eyes?

Game still looks beautiful though... always in awe when I see it.
i've always felt the jersey's and players have had a "clay-ish" quality to them. sometimes the faces almost always look like they've had adult acne scars. it's not something that really bothers me, but i do notice it a lot.
# 128 wrigleyville33 @ 12/19/10 12:06 AM
Originally Posted by Skyboxer
Is Gamestop the only place you can buy it from? I've pledged to myself to never buy anything from that store again.
# 129 Polo Bandit @ 12/19/10 09:29 AM
Originally Posted by wrigleyville33
Is Gamestop the only place you can buy it from? I've pledged to myself to never buy anything from that store again.

They usually do release day shipping which the price is around the same you'd pay for tax if you bought it from a physical store.
# 130 Skyboxer @ 12/19/10 12:12 PM
Originally Posted by wrigleyville33
Is Gamestop the only place you can buy it from? I've pledged to myself to never buy anything from that store again.
I buy almost everything there. Never had a problem and if they offer trades I don't like I don't do it. I always wait for deals+Coupons etc... You can get very good deals IF you wait for the right time.
The new Powerup stuff has already saved me 30.00 also....
I know their trade stuff is BS but if you wait until the coupons and also use the edge/powerup card you get extra discounts.
# 131 Blzer @ 12/19/10 12:28 PM
Originally Posted by wrigleyville33
Is Gamestop the only place you can buy it from? I've pledged to myself to never buy anything from that store again.
You can do what I did, though it's not really considered sane haha. I took advantage of the midnight opening and stadium codes at GameStop, then I bought it at Best Buy the next day and returned the unopened copy back to GameStop for a full refund, keeping the stadiums and getting it early.

So if you do the same thing this year with a pre-order, you might be able to keep your 30 day MLB.TV trial offer while having not given GameStop a cent. This sounds bad I know, but it's all about loyalties to other stores (or away from some).
# 132 wrigleyville33 @ 12/19/10 12:37 PM
Originally Posted by Blzer
You can do what I did, though it's not really considered sane haha. I took advantage of the midnight opening and stadium codes at GameStop, then I bought it at Best Buy the next day and returned the unopened copy back to GameStop for a full refund, keeping the stadiums and getting it early.

So if you do the same thing this year with a pre-order, you might be able to keep your 30 day MLB.TV trial offer while having not given GameStop a cent. This sounds bad I know, but it's all about loyalties to other stores (or away from some).
Yeah I've just ran into trouble with them when it comes to trading in games. They would always try to rip me off, even when they have an advertisement saying I could trade this game for like 25 bucks at the time (Tiger Woods PGA 10) Also, my brother had a ton of trouble in trying to purchase "M" games there. He lived in another state so his license was an Indiana license. They always claimed he had a fake, when he was 20 at the time. Also, when I went to purchase the Show last year, the guy refused to give me the bonus stadium card. He said he never heard of it. So I called their management and made them send me a code over the phone. I wonder if Target will get the bonus. Who knows, I always end up buying mlb tv every year.
# 133 EnigmaNemesis @ 12/19/10 12:47 PM
I just do not agree with Gamestop's used game policies, and how they push their $5 off retail used game
to consumers over the new one, due to them having insane profit margins on them.

It robs the publisher and developer sales, since they see nothing second hand. And that is not healthy for the industry, especially smaller development houses.

Their labor practices and fierce cannibalization is a whole other subject I will not touch on. I just assume avoid them at all costs for personal ethical reasons.

Mom and Pop shops or Amazon for me.

Sent from the dugout using Tapatalk
# 134 Skyboxer @ 12/19/10 12:57 PM
Originally Posted by EnigmaNemesis
I just do not agree with Gamestop's used game policies, and how they push their $5 off retail used game
to consumers over the new one, due to them having insane profit margins on them.

It robs the publisher and developer sales, since they see nothing second hand. And that is not healthy for the industry, especially smaller development houses.

Their labor practices and fierce cannibalization is a whole other subject I will not touch on. I just assume avoid them at all costs for personal ethical reasons.

Mom and Pop shops or Amazon for me.

Sent from the dugout using Tapatalk
I still don't get how it matters. If the publishers have a problem with it they should do something about it. I don't blame GS/EB for it.
For me, I LOVE buying used as I have 7 days to return it for a full refund.

Game companies/Publishers have no problem releasing trash games a lot and when buying new I'm stuck with it and they got my hard earned money for a crap game.
If the publishers want to guarantee all thier games will be quality and not be turds in a box then ok...That won't happen anytime soon.

I do however totally agree about their labor policies and I've voiced that with more than a few district managers mainly due to having some friends that work there.......
# 135 EnigmaNemesis @ 12/19/10 01:09 PM
Originally Posted by Skyboxer
I still don't get how it matters. If the publishers have a problem with it they should do something about it. I don't blame GS/EB for it.
For me, I LOVE buying used as I have 7 days to return it for a full refund.

Game companies/Publishers have no problem releasing trash games a lot and when buying new I'm stuck with it and they got my hard earned money for a crap game.
If the publishers want to guarantee all thier games will be quality and not be turds in a box then ok...That won't happen anytime soon.

I do however totally agree about their labor policies and I've voiced that with more than a few district managers mainly due to having some friends that work there.......

We will just agree to disagree on this as far as what publishers can and can not do.

And they have started taking steps, and those steps are VIP codes for online and free maps and updates in EA games as well as other companies following suit.

There are other methods for you to search out whether a game is poop or not, without having to resort to the mindset that ultimately is not good for ones that do deserve the sale. Rentals, demos, reviews, etc.

The Show will always get my money first hand though! And that yummy controller is calling as well!
# 136 EnigmaNemesis @ 12/19/10 01:17 PM
Originally Posted by HFX007

"It robs the publisher and developer sales, since they see nothing second hand. And that is not healthy for the industry, especially smaller development houses."

This is something I still dont understand...no other industry gets anything on the resale of anything they sell...why do developers or programmers even think they are entitled to any resale value?
Gaming sales are the only source of medium ... movies have movie theaters, and musicians use concerts to gain the majority of their revenue.

Game makers do not have such avenues. It is the physical copy and that is it.

I just find it a concern, when a company gives a customer $10 for a game, then puts it on the shelf for $45-$50, then pushes that to the average Joe, over the new copy, cause they are making 300+% profit. Especially when they offer them peanuts to work, have such "holier than thou" memos always going out, and not providing proper safety for the stores that get robbed and people getting killed. I am just looking at the big picture entirely.

Just frustrates me when I hear Gamestop bragging about billions, and then seeing what they pay, and how they have 1 employee on closing a store, in unsatisfactory neighborhoods. Every week we hear about them getting robbed at gunpoint. And their conditions they provide these employees with improper store layouts, and thinly staffed personnel are a huge cause for them being so easily targeted.

Maybe they should invest some of their insane profits in employee safety, rather than sending them threatening in store memo's for them speaking out about their work conditions.
# 137 Skyboxer @ 12/19/10 01:21 PM
Originally Posted by EnigmaNemesis
We will just agree to disagree on this as far as what publishers can and can not do.

And they have started taking steps, and those steps are VIP codes for online and free maps and updates in EA games as well as other companies following suit.

There are other methods for you to search out whether a game is poop or not, without having to resort to the mindset that ultimately is not good for ones that do deserve the sale. Rentals, demos, reviews, etc.

The Show will always get my money first hand though! And that yummy controller is calling as well!
Yeah there a reviews etc.. BUT there are too many reviewers out there that have agendas plus how many times, including here at OS that the review never mentions issues that after 1/2 hour of playing, comes out. Then there are times you don't see isssue after a certain point.

Don't get me wrong I HATE EB/GS policies towards thier employees and thier trade in values. I guess I just like knowing when I buy used I have a little insurance.

The video game and movie/dvd sales industry get off like champs in this respect as they have no "return if it's junk" problems to worry about.

I guess this is a discussion for another place and time though lol


I can't wait to see when I'll get the game so I can throw in a vacation day or 2 or 3 lol
# 138 EnigmaNemesis @ 12/19/10 01:22 PM
Originally Posted by Skyboxer
Yeah there a reviews etc.. BUT there are too many reviewers out there that have agendas plus how many times, including here at OS that the review never mentions issues that after 1/2 hour of playing, comes out. Then there are times you don't see isssue after a certain point.

Don't get me wrong I HATE EB/GS policies towards thier employees and thier trade in values. I guess I just like having the isnurance of knowing when I buy used I have a little insurance.

The video game a movie/dvd sales industry get off like champs in this respect as they have no "return if it's junk" problems to worry about.

I guess this is a discussion for another place and time though lol


I can't wait to see when I'll get the game so I can throw in a vacation day or 2 or 3 lol
I hear you man, I hear you! I will be sure to take a few days for myself and this game as well!
# 139 countryboy @ 12/19/10 01:26 PM
I put in for my Spring vacation for the week of March 7th thru 11th. My boss says, "well I guess I know what day that baseball game comes out." LOL

BTW...why are we discussing the gaming industry as it pertains to the resale of video games and Gamestop's practices in a thread about the Show?
# 140 EnigmaNemesis @ 12/19/10 04:48 PM
Just for you mentioning Joe buck, I refuse to reason with you. Him and McCarver can stay a million miles away from this series.

Sorry! But yeah.

Matty V is fantastic. The color guys are what needs refreshing, and having Karros will add big to it!

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