Fighters Uncaged News Post

UFC owner Zuffa Inc. has decided to sue Ubisoft over a tagline on the back of the Fighters Uncaged box:

"UFC owner Zuffa LLC filed the trademark infringement suit against Ubisoft over a phrase on the back cover of the Xbox 360 game Fighters Uncaged, which says, "Become the ULTIMATE FIGHTING weapon!" Zuffa claims the phrase is "identical or confusingly similar" to its trademarked "Ultimate Fighting" name.

"Defendant's invitation for players to 'charge head first into the vicious world of illegal fighting' tarnishes the goodwill Zuffa has in its UFC marks," the company said in its lawsuit. "Zuffa has grown a successful mixed martial arts organization by moving away from the image of mixed martial arts as illegal street fighting, and taking it into the realm of a legitimate sport. This was no easy task and required years and much effort to reach today's legitimacy and widespread acceptance.""
Of course, the suit should be customers suing Ubisoft for putting out a terrible game. The game reviewed at a 3 out of 10 here at Operation Sports, which makes it one of the lowest rated games in our site's 10-year history.

Game: Fighters UncagedReader Score: Vote Now
Platform: Xbox 360Votes for game: 0 - View All
Member Comments
# 21 sb24 @ 12/15/10 11:23 PM
Originally Posted by Scoop_Brady
Question to the guys who see nothing wrong with this; do you honestly believe that whoever at Ubisoft came up with the description on the back of the box had no intention of trying to capitalize off of the UFC's success and popularity when they decided to use (and use in all caps mind you) the words ULTIMATE FIGHTING on the back of the box?
Yeah, I am wondering why they didnt capitalize the word weapon. That seems like the answer to me.

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