Well, have no fear. According to CrunchGear, there is definitely going to be an EA Sports MMA 2.
"There is definitely going to be an EA Sports MMA 2," EA Sports' Jeff Ecker said in a podcast with Figure Four Daily, a wrestling and MMA enthusiast site. Ecker added that it's not question of if, but when; the original plan was for the game to alternate years with the Fight Night franchise, which has Fight Night Champion due in 2011.
UFC Undisputed released in 2009 and earlier this year, before moving to a two-year cycle, putting it out in 2012. EA Sports either has to alter its every-other-year iteration with Fight Night, one of its top performers, or go head-to-head with a product carrying MMA's establishment branding and most recognizable fighters. I'd still expect it to do the latter rather than push the game to 2013."