NHL 11 News Post

According to Nate, one of the Developers for NHL 11, Tuner Version 2.01 releases late tonight, or early tomorrow morning, depending on your location.

"Hey all,

Just wanted to let the community know that there will be a tuner version 2.01 released tonight at 2am. Before anyone comes up with wild theories and speculations of what is going into the tuner and what's being changed with this update, I will make it clear that there is only ONE change in this tuner. Literally one change. The change is as follows.

- Auto Back Skate will now always be set to ON for offline gameplay ONLY

We saw some threads from user's regarding Auto Back Skate not functioning properly when set to ON for offline gameplay. Upon further investigation we realized there was a knock on bug from one of our patch fixes. This only affects OFFLINE gameplay. There is no change to online gameplay whatsoever. The solution that we have come up with for this issue is as follows. Offline users wishing to have Auto Back Skate defaulted to off can continue to play on tuner version 2.0. Offline users wishing to have Auto Back Skate defaulted to on, can play with tuner version 2.01."

From Developer Nate at EA forums;

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Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 36 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 Milkbone @ 11/30/10 09:18 AM
it's about time!
# 2 kestrel @ 11/30/10 10:27 AM
Out of curiosity, what will future tuner updates do? Or, are there no more planned? Or, will there be two tuner updates released at a time: 2.0xa has it off, and 2.0xb has it on?
# 3 Double-J @ 11/30/10 10:54 AM
Guess I won't be downloading this one. I was thankful for the tuner which turned backskate OFF.
# 4 JezFranco @ 11/30/10 11:18 AM
Originally Posted by kestrel
Out of curiosity, what will future tuner updates do? Or, are there no more planned? Or, will there be two tuner updates released at a time: 2.0xa has it off, and 2.0xb has it on?
Yep, two tuners at a time...

Nate :
If another gameplay tuner set is released, we will make sure that there are two versions released. One which will be Auto Back Skate ON for offline, and one for Auto Back Skate OFF for offline.
# 5 kestrel @ 11/30/10 10:19 PM
Originally Posted by JezFranco
Yep, two tuners at a time...
Guess I ought to have read the linked article...
# 6 Therion7 @ 12/02/10 07:07 AM
This is good news for offline players. I kind of preferred it "on" although I could cope with having to press the left trigger as a matter of course when necessary.

Going to have to see how the goalies are in this new tuner though! I'm still playing with v1.00 but post-patch it wasn't so hot, so this will force my hand.
# 7 Double-J @ 12/02/10 09:36 AM
Originally Posted by Therion7
This is good news for offline players. I kind of preferred it "on" although I could cope with having to press the left trigger as a matter of course when necessary.
Really? To me, it was more trouble than it was worth. It would kick in when I was trying to chase down/keep pace with a defender and the animation (as it should) would often cause me to lose speed and fall out of position. With it off, I can skate down the ice more realistically and adjust on the fly.

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