NHL 10 News Post

Gold: NHL 10

There is not a whole lot left to be said about a game that has won multiple sports game of the year awards. NHL 09 is considered to be one of the best sports games ever released. Just in case you live on another planet or were a part of the latest biosphere project during the last 10 years, I will sum it up for you: NHL 10 is the Wayne Gretzky of hockey games. Whether you were investing countless hours perfecting your GM skills, leading your favorite team through the game's Quest for the Cup mode or meeting up with your friends to play the games MMO-style EASHL quest for the Stanley Cup, NHL 10 had something for everyone. It didn't hurt that the on-ice gameplay was fantastic either. Best hockey game of the decade, check. Best hockey game ever? You betcha.

Silver: NHL Hitz 20-03

NHL Hitz 20-03 is arcade hockey perfected. This three-on-three game featured outstanding graphics, strategic gameplay at a breakneck pace, outstanding multiplayer modes and goalie fights -- yes, goalie fights. Speaking of fighting, the engine featured in Hitz 20-03 was one of the best in the business. On the surface the fisticuffs seemed simple enough, but as you engaged in enough battles against your opponent there was a layer of complexity that emerged not unlike the fights in Blades of Steel. There's a reason why Hitz 20-03 is still being played in homes and bars across the country; if you've never played it, head to your local retailer's bargain bin, you won't regret it.

Readers' Choice: NHL 10

This one was a landslide. While there were some great offerings from EA, 2K and others that were very solid and memorable, NHL 10 garnered over 65 percent of the total vote, which means it received double the votes of all the other nominees combined!

Game: NHL 10Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 28 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 Eski33 @ 11/27/10 09:34 AM
The NHL series started the decade rough when EA decided to go with a slant towards more arcade play. I remember they even included an announcer in NHL 02 and NHL 03 who did nothing but make sarcastic remarks throughout the game. This was a turnoff for me.

However, EA finally went back to the drawing board and make a solid series great with key innovations in controls and adding board play which adds to the strategy and nuance of hockey....Great choice.
# 2 GlennN @ 11/27/10 11:06 AM
This will probably be the easiest winner of the whole poll. NHL 10 was heads and shoulders above any hockey game I have ever played.
# 3 savoie2006 @ 11/27/10 03:59 PM
NHL 10 was definately the best hockey game of the last decade, but I think silver belonged to Hitz Pro. Still arcade style hockey, but could be tweaked to play some pretty good hockey.
# 4 stlstudios189 @ 11/27/10 06:43 PM
The snarky announcer of the NHL 02, 03 series was an annoying butt
# 5 Steady Eddie @ 11/27/10 07:41 PM
without doubt NHL09 and 10 raised the series to a new level .... and NHL11 mainly continues the trend.

the series has come along way if you cast your minds back to the NHL series of 2000 for the PC.
# 6 jyoung @ 11/27/10 08:02 PM
Hitz 20-03 was my favorite for sure.

Amazing multiplayer (co-op or head-to-head).

Very unique franchise mode with created teams/players.

Plus the most satisfying hitting engine to date, which even allowed you to check people through the glass!

The new NHL games are nice, but for fun-factor, Hitz 20-03 can't be beat.

Pick up the Xbox version for cheap if you haven't played it.
# 7 tabulaRasa @ 11/27/10 09:41 PM
Hitz over NHL 2k3 or 5 ? I say there is à lack of hockey knowledge if so. Not even mentioning 2k in à NHL game of the era is pure ignorance. That being said nhl 10 is still nr 1 . Any real hockey fan knows 2k5 was the definer of great hockey and the reason for ea s Reboot
# 8 onlybygrace @ 11/28/10 01:46 PM
My best all-time list would be

1. NHL 11
2. NHL 10
3. NHL 2k5
4. NHL 04
5. NHL 2k8
6. NHL 01 (PC)
7. NHL 07
8. NHL 2k3 (with edited goalies)
9. NHL 98 Sega--actually had offsides.
10. NHL 2k6 (PS2)
# 9 Bumble14 @ 11/29/10 09:48 AM
Originally Posted by tabulaRasa
Hitz over NHL 2k3 or 5 ? I say there is à lack of hockey knowledge if so. Not even mentioning 2k in à NHL game of the era is pure ignorance. That being said nhl 10 is still nr 1 . Any real hockey fan knows 2k5 was the definer of great hockey and the reason for ea s Reboot
I was a staffer who voted for 2K3 in addition to Hitz when we did our vote. While I LOVE Hitz, 2K3 and 2K5 were exceptional hockey sims.

That being said, I think where Hitz really won out in terms of our staff was that it is the best arcade hockey title ever, whereas NHL10 was the best sim title. It's not that we ignored 2K3 or 2K5, we just felt Hitz deserved some love. Unfortunately we could only vote 2, and this decade produced some amazing hockey games.
# 10 slickdtc @ 12/01/10 11:59 AM
^^ K...

2k3 definitely needed a mention. I can't deny that NHL 11 is better, but it's also 8 years newer.

On a related note, tried to pick up NHL 2k3 at GameStop the other day. Apparently they don't even carry XBOX games anymore. Well, select titles I'm sure, which NHL 2k3 is not. I'll have to check EBay some day, I need to get 2k3 back into my collection. It's a shame I sold it back on two separate occasions...

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