Gran Turismo 5 News Post

It seems the Gran Turismo 5 servers are getting hammered. Which was to be expected. Rumors floating around state there will be a patch arriving on Saturday.

If you are having issues playing the game offline, you need to disable your internet connection.

"Temporary measures you can take for playing Offline

The following are procedures for preventing the PS3 from accessing the network when playing GT5.
Please note the steps introduced here are only temporary procedures you can take until the network conditions are improved.

(1) If GT5 is currently running, please quit the game.

(2) Go to [Settings] -> [Network Connections] -> [Internet Connection] and switch the selection to [Disabled]

(3) Start GT5."

Game: Gran Turismo 5Reader Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3Votes for game: 16 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 Hooe @ 11/26/10 11:02 AM
Simply bizarre.
# 2 Bullit @ 11/26/10 11:03 AM
I find this very ridiculous. I am so tired of this new trend with companies releasing games that don't work at launch. I don't mind little things being fixed but major features not working or having to turn off features of a console to be able to play a game is unacceptable in my opinion.
# 3 Whitesox @ 11/26/10 11:10 AM
Originally Posted by Bullit
I find this very ridiculous. I am so tired of this new trend with companies releasing games that don't work at launch. I don't mind little things being fixed but major features not working or having to turn off features of a console to be able to play a game is unacceptable in my opinion.
The game works fine. Load times are slightly longer if you leave the game online. Turning the internet off will make them faster. It makes perfect sense to me. Unfortunate, but sensible.

It isn't like this is a game breaking bug, or anything.

Also, to nitpick, the title of this thread is quite unflattering, making it seem like one can only play the game if their internet is disabled.
# 4 King10Sooted @ 11/26/10 11:28 AM
I dont have any problems playing the game while being connected to the internet.
# 5 Bullit @ 11/26/10 12:54 PM
Originally Posted by Whitesox
The game works fine. Load times are slightly longer if you leave the game online. Turning the internet off will make them faster. It makes perfect sense to me. Unfortunate, but sensible.

It isn't like this is a game breaking bug, or anything.

Also, to nitpick, the title of this thread is quite unflattering, making it seem like one can only play the game if their internet is disabled.
No actually it doesn't, maybe you don't have problems but I and others have.
I have it freeze or just cycle repeatedly through the beginning over and over while it keeps trying to connect to the servers. Why should I have to turn off my internet to play a game. Before you say its my connection I am running a dedicated 5G connection hardwired to the PS3. I am not really bashing the game it is a decent title but it is not as good in my opinion as it should have been.
# 6 prolifik @ 11/26/10 01:36 PM
Originally Posted by King10Sooted
I dont have any problems playing the game while being connected to the internet.
Probably because most people have already disabled their online access.
# 7 prolifik @ 11/26/10 01:42 PM
Originally Posted by Bullit
I find this very ridiculous. I am so tired of this new trend with companies releasing games that don't work at launch. I don't mind little things being fixed but major features not working or having to turn off features of a console to be able to play a game is unacceptable in my opinion.
Blah. Polyphony can't win with people like this. They wanted to hold it back, again, but there was pressure for them to release it because it's been pushed back so many times already.

If, on Nov 19, they said, "The game isn't ready still. We apologize but we have a few more kinks to iron out. It will be out in another month.".. <-- how do you think you'd react?? I'm pretty sure you and everyone crying over it, would be upset either way. Get over it. There's another patch expected out this Saturday so they are actively trying to rectify the situation. The actual racing is awesome. All the other crap can be patched through updates. Stop your crying.
# 8 Whitesox @ 11/26/10 01:47 PM
Originally Posted by Bullit
No actually it doesn't, maybe you don't have problems but I and others have.
I have it freeze or just cycle repeatedly through the beginning over and over while it keeps trying to connect to the servers. Why should I have to turn off my internet to play a game. Before you say its my connection I am running a dedicated 5G connection hardwired to the PS3. I am not really bashing the game it is a decent title but it is not as good in my opinion as it should have been.
So if you're on such a great connection, then how can you not even play? My regular DSL connection works absolutely fine.
# 9 Bullit @ 11/26/10 01:54 PM
Originally Posted by Whitesox
So if you're on such a great connection, then how can you not even play? My regular DSL connection works absolutely fine.
I dont know , that is kind of the point right. I am not trying to start a war I am just pointing out that some people are having problems. Poly has said there are some problems or they wouldn't have posted a work around. Sometimes it works and others it just bogs down a keeps cycling over and over. Not a game breaker but I think that if you pay the money you should be able to play the game how you want when you want.
# 10 42 @ 11/26/10 01:56 PM
I'm always connected, never had an issue.
# 11 N51_rob @ 11/26/10 03:07 PM
I've only had this "problem" once and I simply couldn't get online. I've had no real issues with it otherwise.
# 12 bcruise @ 11/26/10 04:26 PM
I had this problem on release day, the first few times I ran the game. Even thought my game was freezing on the main menu screen (it was actually trying to load the news).

Since then, no problems at all. I tend to play at some off-peak times, but even right now I'm connected online and not experiencing any loading slowdowns at all.
# 13 DirtyJerz32 @ 11/26/10 04:41 PM
Don't have any issues here.

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