Unfortunately for OS, Christian isn't quite up to Fedor's skill level.
Mickey from Rocky, Yoda, Izzy Mandelbaum from Seinfeld, Splinter from TMNT, Mr. Miyagi and Chase Becotte. What do they all have in common? They are all teachers, mentors, trainers. All took misfits under their wings and crafted them like a ball of clay into something spectacular.
In the case of Chase Becotte, he was given the hardest job of all. He has been tasked with taking an old man whose gaming reflexes are deteriorating and is terrible at fighting games, and he must attempt to get him into gaming shape in one week to compete in the EA Sports MMA Mystic Tournament on November 17, 2010.
The "old man" being referenced is Operation Sports' own Christian McLeod.
The following is a first-person account full of intrigue, suspense, human emotion and an **** battle scene that makes anything you have seen in any summer blockbuster look lame.
Read More - EA Sports MMA Training Journal: Christian's Final Stand (Operation Sports vs. Sherdog)