EA Sports MMA News Post

Unfortunately for OS, Christian isn't quite up to Fedor's skill level.

Mickey from Rocky, Yoda, Izzy Mandelbaum from Seinfeld, Splinter from TMNT, Mr. Miyagi and Chase Becotte. What do they all have in common? They are all teachers, mentors, trainers. All took misfits under their wings and crafted them like a ball of clay into something spectacular.

In the case of Chase Becotte, he was given the hardest job of all. He has been tasked with taking an old man whose gaming reflexes are deteriorating and is terrible at fighting games, and he must attempt to get him into gaming shape in one week to compete in the EA Sports MMA Mystic Tournament on November 17, 2010.

The "old man" being referenced is Operation Sports' own Christian McLeod.

The following is a first-person account full of intrigue, suspense, human emotion and an **** battle scene that makes anything you have seen in any summer blockbuster look lame.

Read More - EA Sports MMA Training Journal: Christian's Final Stand (Operation Sports vs. Sherdog)

Game: EA Sports MMAReader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 5 - View All
EA Sports MMA Videos
Member Comments
# 1 DJ @ 11/19/10 01:07 PM
Good stuff. Christian, you bum! LOL, just teasing man. You did good; if you could've controlled the top position better, I think you would've won the fight.
# 2 TheShizNo1 @ 11/19/10 01:53 PM
Good read,pretty entertaining. 1 thing bothers me and I know it's little, but MMA/UFC are not fighting games
# 3 Pappy Knuckles @ 11/19/10 02:37 PM
They aren't games like Street Fighter, but the point is to fight your opponent. It's just a different type of fighting game.
# 4 TheShizNo1 @ 11/19/10 02:44 PM
Originally Posted by Pappy Knuckles
They aren't games like Street Fighter, but the point is to fight your opponent. It's just a different type of fighting game.
You need to come out of witness protection and come back to ACQB
# 5 Pappy Knuckles @ 11/19/10 02:48 PM
Originally Posted by TheShizNo1
You need to come out of witness protection and come back to ACQB
Maybe next year. My copy of Madden is chilling at Gamestop.
# 6 Bumble14 @ 11/19/10 04:10 PM
I still am mad that I disappointed Chase :-(

I still blame it on the guy using the button punch scheme, it was like running into a tornado of knuckles and fingernails.

No excuses though, I definitely sucked it up by not getting out of that sub!
# 7 stealyerface @ 11/22/10 03:39 PM
Wow!.... No wonder you poor fighter took a beating. What would possible fire up an opponent more than having to face a Ginger with a Giant Panda Tattoo??

Keep training, and remember, when your opponent delivers a punch to the face, get back out there and go all rear-naked on him... uhh.. I mean....

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