NBA JAM News Post
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So far I really like the game. Graphics are good, controls are solid but there seems to be no one online. Unless the servers aren't fully functional yet.
# 2
DirtyJerz32 @ 11/16/10 03:10 PM
Went home real quick to get a game in and install to the HD.
All I have to say is, THIS GAME IS ON FIRE!!!

I played a quick game with the Lake show and TWolves. I had and big smile on my face the entire game. 4, 3 min quaters with real time running. I ended up winning 54-52. I got on fire twice with Kobe, ended up with 34, 8 boards, 7 steals, 8 assts and 4 blocks.
You can change up your starters at the end of the half.
One thing to note; We've been spoiled with being able to change you player at will. You'll have to get re-programmed out of that as you only control 1 player, just like the original game.
I know a lot of people are asking themselves if this game is worth $49.99. Being a huge NBA Jam and of bball, this is so worth it. If you're on the fence I don't have anything to sway your opinion. Go rent it or something in you can't decided.
I looked at it this way. I love the NFL. Would I pay $49.99 for a HD, NFL Tecmo Bowl or Super TB with all the same modes and more? YES! Yes, I would. That's just my .02
All I have to say is, THIS GAME IS ON FIRE!!!

I played a quick game with the Lake show and TWolves. I had and big smile on my face the entire game. 4, 3 min quaters with real time running. I ended up winning 54-52. I got on fire twice with Kobe, ended up with 34, 8 boards, 7 steals, 8 assts and 4 blocks.
You can change up your starters at the end of the half.
One thing to note; We've been spoiled with being able to change you player at will. You'll have to get re-programmed out of that as you only control 1 player, just like the original game.
I know a lot of people are asking themselves if this game is worth $49.99. Being a huge NBA Jam and of bball, this is so worth it. If you're on the fence I don't have anything to sway your opinion. Go rent it or something in you can't decided.
I looked at it this way. I love the NFL. Would I pay $49.99 for a HD, NFL Tecmo Bowl or Super TB with all the same modes and more? YES! Yes, I would. That's just my .02
# 3
The GIGGAS @ 11/16/10 03:13 PM
I'm glad to hear it, Jerz. I can't wait to get this. Sucks that Amazon's dragging their feet a bit, but I should have it on Thursday.
I know this is impressions but I would like to ask a question?
Does it have all the same modes that were in the wii version?
Does it have all the same modes that were in the wii version?
I dont know if I plan on getting this day one (ie tomorrow). I might wait until the NFL season is done and then swap Madden in for Jam. But this game is on my radar and I actually grew up playing the old jam in the arcades (and later on with the genesis). I don't think you can really appreciate NBA Jam unless you grew up in the era when it was one of the biggest/most popular games.
# 6
DirtyJerz32 @ 11/16/10 04:06 PM
# 8
RoyalBoyle78 @ 11/16/10 05:09 PM
I played this game out on my SNES, played it to death, I know I will be picking this up soon.
If it's anything like the old one I'm super sold.
If it's anything like the old one I'm super sold.
# 9
DirtyJerz32 @ 11/16/10 05:19 PM
# 10
RoyalBoyle78 @ 11/16/10 05:22 PM
# 12
SeerMagicX @ 11/16/10 06:07 PM
This game is exactly what I hoped it would be. If you are an older game like me and played this back in the day, you really can't stop smiling the whole time. I have noticed it's harder to shove people than the old game, and it's also harder to dunk. Which are both good things in my book.
man i,m 36 and in love with this game [email protected] games plays like the early verison where they new it way just plan fun ......the ones that started it all.........if anybody dont know the later ver became something of a arcade game tring to be sim.......but this one is straite arcade............O im in luv.....
@seermagic..............yeah im from back in the day and i notice that getting a dunk in is not that easy and the shove stops you in your tracks..........should be great online 2vs2....
# 16
DirtyJerz32 @ 11/16/10 08:17 PM
This game is a must with friends online or off. Just played my first online game. Won 87-71 in ot. Ray Ray 43 but, KG (CPU controlled) had 44, 19 reb, 12 blocks, and 10 steals. Online was just as smooth as off. Not a lot of people with the game so finding online match took a while.
Sorry mods...
I ****ing love this game. Soooooo much fun and such a nice change of pace from 2k11.
2010: Best sim and arcade basketball games to date. Sorry NBA Street.
Sorry mods...
I ****ing love this game. Soooooo much fun and such a nice change of pace from 2k11.
2010: Best sim and arcade basketball games to date. Sorry NBA Street.
# 17
RoyalBoyle78 @ 11/16/10 09:19 PM
LOVING this game...only thing that pissed me off is I was playing a 2 vs 2 game online (4 players) and we had a great game going with 2 min left in the 4th...then my game got disconnected
...never happens with other games so they probably still have some tweaking to do with the servers...

# 19
SeerMagicX @ 11/16/10 09:59 PM
I've played for about 4 hours. Here is a few problems I've ran into, nothing that destroys the experience though
*Fire - does pretty much nothing. In the old game, getting a 3 point shooter on fire meant you didn't have to time your release to make 3s (so you could shoot faster... less blocks). sadly you still have to release at the top of your jump and in my 4 hours I've seen no advantage for jump shooters. For dunking it's great as it makes it pretty much impossible to block.
*Rubberband AI - I'm cool with rubberband AI to make the games more interesting, but it's just ridiculous in this game. Suddenly they are super gods and you will not score or stop them from scoring... needs to be toned down considerably.
*Legend Ratings - Are horrible, they are always worse than the people on the roster, even big names like shaq have pretty poor ratings. Is this to discourage using them online? I dunno but it's disappointing.
overall I think the game is great, just could be a little better.
*Fire - does pretty much nothing. In the old game, getting a 3 point shooter on fire meant you didn't have to time your release to make 3s (so you could shoot faster... less blocks). sadly you still have to release at the top of your jump and in my 4 hours I've seen no advantage for jump shooters. For dunking it's great as it makes it pretty much impossible to block.
*Rubberband AI - I'm cool with rubberband AI to make the games more interesting, but it's just ridiculous in this game. Suddenly they are super gods and you will not score or stop them from scoring... needs to be toned down considerably.
*Legend Ratings - Are horrible, they are always worse than the people on the roster, even big names like shaq have pretty poor ratings. Is this to discourage using them online? I dunno but it's disappointing.
overall I think the game is great, just could be a little better.
I love the game! Graphics are amazing and gameplay is so much fun! Being on fire is my favorite part! Unlike most of y'all I am playing the classic campaign and having a blast! I'll wait till more people get it for online! It took me a while to play d but after the 2nd game I had it! Btw any unlock codes would be awesome I'll post a thread now!
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