NHL 11 News Post

Check out the latest NHL 11 blog, discussing how ratings work, among other things.

"Hey NHL 11 fans and thanks for tuning in to the 2nd NHL 11 Podcast. It’s another doozy with your host sk88z along with Developers Andy Agostini and Nate Ng holding down the fort and providing over an hour’s worth of chatter from inside the studio at EA Canada.

Listen to this week’s Podcast here: NHL 11 Podcast #2 - How Ratings Work

Game Giveaway: What game does Andy Agostini mention first that he’s currently playing outside of NHL 11? The first correct response to [email protected] will receive an EA SPORTS game of their choice!

Here’s a rundown of the podcast along with sk88z’s Overtime rant:

First Period

- Title Update Details

- Roster/Ratings Discussion

Second Period

- Weekly NHL Simulations

- Community Mailbag

Third Period

- EASHL October PS3 Winner’s Circle Champ: Kody Parent

- EASHL November Leaderboard


Cheese vs Exploits

I touched a little on this last week. If given the opportunity to go to the well time and time again, would you? For example, people claim there are always goals in the game…goals that go in with a high percentage whether they be shots from the slot picking the corners or even wrap-arounds that catch the goalie out of position.

I’m not going to sit here and say that these types of cheese goals have been eliminated completely from the game. Most people, in fact, have a difficult time scoring from any place on the ice. For those users, however, that are quite skilled at the game and adept at scoring may know of certain places on the ice where better players have that higher than average percentage scoring chance. With solid ‘d’ users can defend these plays and though I will call them cheese plays, they are not exploits.

Falling down and hitting a button to go into another animation or cheating the game by boosting your players with attribute points you did not gain…those are exploits. Areas of the game that, for all intents and purposes, may be broken and require fixes are potential cheat zones for people to choose to take advantage of. Note that I say ‘choose’ because at the end of the day it is still a user’s choice on whether or not he or she will take advantage of the exploit.

With so much going into game today, there are bound to be exploits that exist. The two I’ve just mentioned have been rightly addressed with the title update, however, what other exploits may exist or, better question, what are cheaters willing to do to find them?

Personally, I can live with the cheese. I have no problem losing to someone who goes to the well and scores from a spot on the ice where even the pros have a high scoring percentage if given the opportunity to shoot from.

What I cannot stand or the exploiters, or who I will call the glitchers, who look for areas of the game that may be bugged for the sole purpose of winning unfairly. I think it’s a shame that some users will go to lengths to cheat the game, cheat their opponents, and ultimately cheat themselves winning with absolutely no integrity at all. What’s worse is when I hear users who make the excuse that if someone else is doing it, that makes it right for them to.

Are you really going to jump off the bridge if someone else does?

Whatever happened to fair play? Whatever happened to learning to play the game and becoming the best you can be without taking shortcuts?"

Source - NHL 11 In the Crease Blog

Game: NHL 11Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 36 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 Fiddy @ 11/12/10 09:24 AM
they hammer down on the glitchers? how so?
# 2 milesizdead @ 11/12/10 09:41 AM
I hope they use a very big hammer
# 3 Felkmaster @ 11/12/10 12:16 PM
As long as people get away with cheating it will never stop. People cheat in life & real sports as well. Whatever it takes to win or get ahead.
# 4 OutcastNeedhelp37 @ 11/12/10 01:00 PM
Is there an in-game podcast like in NCAA 2011? I don't like playing cheaters.
# 5 redskinst21 @ 11/12/10 01:28 PM
The biggest glitch is the one timer goal when its 2 on 1 and you just shot the puck across to your teamate right in front of the goal. its a goal 99 percent of the time almost unstoppable and annoying a s hell
# 6 HawkeyMediaPlus @ 11/12/10 01:33 PM
Originally Posted by redskinst21
The biggest glitch is the one timer goal when its 2 on 1 and you just shot the puck across to your teamate right in front of the goal. its a goal 99 percent of the time almost unstoppable and annoying a s hell
That's not a glitch. That's legit.

What do you want me to do on a 2 on 1?
# 7 Fiddy @ 11/12/10 02:16 PM
its not legit when the same play goes in 99.99999999999% of the time. its abusing the cpu/ai!! but hey, to each their own.
# 8 HawkeyMediaPlus @ 11/12/10 02:27 PM
Originally Posted by Fiddy
its not legit when the same play goes in 99.99999999999% of the time. its abusing the cpu/ai!! but hey, to each their own.
It's a 2 on 1. Should I just shoot the puck over the glass because you think it's a glitch?
# 9 jyoung @ 11/12/10 03:51 PM
NHL goalies are good enough at rebound control and directing pucks that they wouldn't bounce those shots out at the same angle 99% of the time like they do in the EASHL.
# 10 HawkeyMediaPlus @ 11/12/10 05:42 PM
Originally Posted by wEEman33
NHL goalies are good enough at rebound control and directing pucks that they wouldn't bounce those shots out at the same angle 99% of the time like they do in the EASHL.
Yea except goalies in EASHL are 65 overall and are not NHL caliber.
# 11 catcatch22 @ 11/12/10 05:47 PM
Originally Posted by HawkeyMediaPlus
Yea except goalies in EASHL are 65 overall and are not NHL caliber.
It is not just EASHL it is the same in HUT and versus modes with goalies rated in the high 80's.

I was hoping they were going to unveil what the goalie ratings meant but I guess not. What is the secret they don't want to share about the goalies.
# 12 ucas005 @ 11/12/10 06:05 PM
Great, great explanation of ratings, prospects, star players, etc. So tired of people complaining about their draft picks not all becoming NHL regulars after one season and complaining its not realistic. What the devs built and explained in this podcast is true NHL realism. I'm on season 3 and only ONE of my draft picks (2 drafts) is skating on my NHL club ... 3rd liner. Cool part is is that the guy was a 3rd round pick. Turning out to be a better player (ratings wise) than my 1st and 2nd rounder from that same draft.
# 13 GlennN @ 11/13/10 01:10 PM
Originally Posted by ucas005
Great, great explanation of ratings, prospects, star players, etc. So tired of people complaining about their draft picks not all becoming NHL regulars after one season and complaining its not realistic. What the devs built and explained in this podcast is true NHL realism. I'm on season 3 and only ONE of my draft picks (2 drafts) is skating on my NHL club ... 3rd liner. Cool part is is that the guy was a 3rd round pick. Turning out to be a better player (ratings wise) than my 1st and 2nd rounder from that same draft.

Yeah, I get what you're saying, but there is just not enough progression for my liking. I'm in year four and I am still better off signing and playing with old, washed up, NHL journeymen than my own (high) draft picks. I certainly don't want every draft pick, or even high draft pick, to go to 99 rating, but as far as I can tell (and with the crappy, completely unintuitive ability to view others teams' players, I may have missed some), I don't see any stars developing in the first three drafts. That, to me, is not reality either. Every few years there is a guy with instant impact - Lindros, Crosby, Ovechkin, Malkin, Kane, Kovalchuk, Heatley, etc. I am not finding any. It seems like NHL 10 did this better; draft picks were of far more use to me there. Maybe there could be a slider for this?
# 14 ucas005 @ 11/13/10 02:15 PM
Originally Posted by GlennN
Yeah, I get what you're saying, but there is just not enough progression for my liking. I'm in year four and I am still better off signing and playing with old, washed up, NHL journeymen than my own (high) draft picks. I certainly don't want every draft pick, or even high draft pick, to go to 99 rating, but as far as I can tell (and with the crappy, completely unintuitive ability to view others teams' players, I may have missed some), I don't see any stars developing in the first three drafts. That, to me, is not reality either. Every few years there is a guy with instant impact - Lindros, Crosby, Ovechkin, Malkin, Kane, Kovalchuk, Heatley, etc. I am not finding any. It seems like NHL 10 did this better; draft picks were of far more use to me there. Maybe there could be a slider for this?
I will agree with you on no immediate impact rookies. I've only completed 2 drafts so my testing is limited, but I don't believe any of the top 5-10 picks of each of those 2 drafts made the team right out of the draft. Yeah it doesn't happen often, but it does happen. I'm hoping for a superstar high 70/low 80 rookie to eventually show up in the draft and make an impact in year 1.

My best draft pick after 2 drafts going into year 3 is now rated an 80 overall. I could have signed washed up Ryan Smith (79) but went with the 20 year old prospect.
# 15 Steve Danger @ 11/14/10 05:52 PM
You may be "better off" to sign an old washed up veteran but if you don't play your prospects they don't get experience points and don't progress. I'd rather take a player that's lower on the overall rating by a few points but with a high potential and get him some playing time.

Also, it's too bad when recording the podcast they didn't realize that both people talking should be in front of a microphone. You can hardly hear the other guy, it's like he's at the opposite side of the room.

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