FIFA 11 News Post

First of all, thanks once more for your patience while we’ve taken in all your feedback since the game’s launch. After we received your feedback, the process began to replicate and understand what you were seeing, and then get to work making improvements.

We’re now at the stage of that process where we are able to give you some more detail about what improvements to FIFA 11 you can expect. Sorry we’ve been a bit quiet on this stuff until now, but as you know we can’t really talk about these things until they’re locked down and confirmed.

Also, here’s an overview of the things we’ve done. If you have questions about anything you see here, or want more detail on anything in particular, feel free to post them in this thread and we’ll do our best to answer them.

You’ll now find that the implementation of the offside rule in the game is more accurate, both in terms of when the infringement is called and in terms of player positions when it happens. Occasional strange player positioning at kick-off have also gone away, while shooting from weak volleys has been improved, too. Importantly, so-called ‘micro-pausing’ during gameplay will also be a thing of the past. Overall, your gameplay experience should now be even better.

There are a lot of improvements you’ll notice here, which will all further boost the realism of the mode, but in summary: Your match fixtures during the season for cups and leagues, as well as the time of day they all happen, should now be much more realistic. We’ve also improved how accurately player ratings and growth are displayed, as well as making sure the players get the awards they deserve, when they deserve them. Using an odd exploit to secure a whopping $2 billion budget has now gone away, while the emails you receive as a manager will be more appropriate and players you’ve loaned out will now be easier to see and manage.

Matchmaking will be enhanced, particularly in terms of initially connecting to an opponent, while we’ve removed a couple of exploits that people were using to gain an unfair advantage over their opponents. Also, players will now no longer be able to use Passing Power Assistance in ranked matches.

We’ve already made a lot of server-side improvements to the Clubs experience, particularly in terms of matchmaking, match results and progress in Cups. With the game update we’ll be making a range of improvements to stats and league-table presentation, too, as well as improving the camera motion when your player is a long way from the ball.

You’ll now find that cut-scenes are improved during substitutions, along with a range of more subtle improvements around of the game.

Creation Centre teams will now benefit from crowd chants, while we’ve improved the custom chants area as well. We’ve also managed to enhance a few audio triggers during gameplay, meaning you’ll get an even better atmosphere as things happen during a match.

The general performance of the game when it involves teams and players created via the Creation Centre has been improved. Also, you’ll now find that the formations and attributes you set on the web will now transfer more accurately to the console.

We’ve made sure that Live Season will be available for multiple users on the same console. Some people who had switched from an inactive XBL account to a Gold Account were having problems seeing the content of the store – we’ve got that covered, too.

Lincoln City and Montpellier fans, your teams’ kits should now be right on the money.

UPDATE: So I've received word there's a good chance the X360 update will be available tomorrow at the same time as the PS3 update. Not 100% confirmed but thanks to our MS liaisons for working with MS on this. Cheers - PW. - EA Forums

Source - EA Forums

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Member Comments
# 21 Bahnzo @ 11/11/10 05:27 PM
Originally Posted by Tomba
Fifa sold well enough for them to not even warrant a patch...
Ummm, it's not about how well it sells, it's about how well it sells next year.
# 22 Jd_Seven @ 11/12/10 06:27 AM
Does anyone know if the patch is out for the 360 yet? I know its out for PS3 right now.

Just downloaded a patch that was 5 MB on 360 but I am guessing that was an older patch to enable UT.

# 23 Matt10 @ 11/12/10 09:24 AM
So far so good on the patch. Played about 10 games since updating this morning. Played 5 on Legendary and 5 on World CLass (offline).

The CPU pressure is not bad at all, actually it seems they tweaked it a bit. Also teammate AI is a lot better, actually have players off the ball that I'm not controlling doing their jobs - thus removing most chances of the elusive through pass on goal.

World Class tackling is still the same unfortunately, then again I haven't played any Premier teams, I'm just using my woeful Wolves and the Npower champ teams as opponents. I'm confident to say that there is a good challenge on World Class - and even better one on Legendary.

The vague announcement bugged me too - but sometimes you just can't rely on what EA promise, so time for us to just analyze it by playing. Seems FIFA 11 is back...for now.
# 24 xbxwire @ 11/12/10 10:00 AM
Why can't they do it like how NCAA did it with tuning patches rather then full game updates? You'd think AI pressure could bs adjusted via a simple tuning patch. So annoying to have to wait so f'n long...
# 25 Pielet @ 11/12/10 10:32 AM
Originally Posted by xbxwire
Why can't they do it like how NCAA did it with tuning patches rather then full game updates? You'd think AI pressure could bs adjusted via a simple tuning patch. So annoying to have to wait so f'n long...
Follow NHL not NCAA. NCAA has had what 3 tuners, while NHL puts them out every other week it appears.
# 26 padan @ 11/12/10 10:55 AM
XBox patch is out and is only 5MB. Played a quick 10 min half / World Class match with Liverpool v Blackburn.

- Seeing my AI teammates make automated runs including defenders overlapping on the wings and through the middle of the pitch. Was shocked when Skrtel made a nice run up the center.
- AI now will play backwards when you have a solid defensive position.
- Also seeing the AI be able to control the ball when the user attempts to tackle. Actually got beat into a 1v1 when I got tackle crazy with bringing in a second defender.
- Pressure seems more realistic. Actual have AI mids retreating into their own half to play defense and running right past Gerrard and Cole.
- IMO, the game feels more like football. Finding room to shoot, time on the ball is better (not perfect) and it doesn't feel like a button-mashing tackle-fest.

Have not tried anything with Career Mode yet but will this weekend. Also make sure you get the latest form updates as I see changes there that may have some effect.
# 27 AS88AS88 @ 11/12/10 11:12 AM
Surprise Surprise.

EA releases a "non-patch" in which they claim to have fixed numerous major issues, yet really fix close to nothing.

Micro-freezing? Untouched. Player growth? Untouched.

Shame on you, EA. But more importantly, shame on you, Operation Sports. For promoting false advertising, poor quality, and an overall culture of fraudulent and dishonest business practices.
# 28 ~LiverpoolRed~ @ 11/12/10 11:14 AM
Originally Posted by AS88AS88

Shame on you, EA. But more importantly, shame on you, Operation Sports. For promoting false advertising, poor quality, and an overall culture of fraudulent and dishonest business practices.
Get out of here with that bull****!
# 29 bad_philanthropy @ 11/12/10 11:15 AM
Maybe I'm crazy but the game seems to play quite a bit different now. In a good way though, it seems like the over the top tackling has been tuned way down (though it's still not perfect). The cpu will actually possess the ball itself, while the pacing and passing just seem better. I can even use the ball in midfield now. Anyone else seeing these things?
# 30 AS88AS88 @ 11/12/10 11:20 AM
Originally Posted by ~LiverpoolRed~
Get out of here with that bull****!

As soon as Operation Sports releases an intellectually honest review of the game, I will gladly get out of here with that bull****.

If they instead offer positive reviews in order to maintain good relations with EASports, I will not.

As a game critic, your purpose is to be critical and provide objective reviews. At this, Operation Sports has failed and will continue to fail.


Because their #1 driver is profit. Thus, they sacrifice integrity, honesty, and objectivity so that they can earn more $ by saying nice things about EA.
# 31 bad_philanthropy @ 11/12/10 11:40 AM
Feeling like it's a lot easier --or at least more intuitive to build up an attack now. It seems like a combination of space, passing be tuned a bit, and AI teammates moving more incisively off the ball. I was just able to control the ball all through the midfield and had enough space to make a precision pass to my striker who was making a run toward goal. Very satisfying.
# 32 Qb @ 11/12/10 11:47 AM
AS88AS88, if you dislike OS, please leave. If you continue to troll by making off-topic posts aimed at "business practices", you will be in violation of the Operation Sports Terms of Service. Thank you for your cooperation.

Also, now that the patch is out, I'm going to sticky a new post-patch impressions thread. Please use it accordingly. Again, thanks.

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