NHL 11 News Post

Have a listen to the first NHL 11 Podcast with information about the recent Roster Update, news on the upcoming Title Update, and much more. Leave us your comments and let us know who you want to hear from in future podcasts!

"In the pilot NHL 11 Podcast, Alain “sk88z” Quinto welcomes Producers Sean “Rammer” Ramjagsingh, Andy Agostini, and Nathan Ng to the show to discuss the latest and greatest from the EA SPORTS NHL development team. Here is a rundown of the show:

First Period
  • Title Update with Rammer
  • Weekly Simulations Chat
Second Period
  • Roster Update with Andy
  • Community Mailbag
Third Period
  • EASHL Champions Call-Out
  • EAUHL Winner’s Circle Leaders
  • Winning Unfairly and Finishing Games
Keep an ear open for an opportunity to get yourself an EA SPORTS game of your choice. Also included is some info about the upcoming release of the NHL Alternate Jersey code which you’ll get first in a future podcast.

NHL 11 Podcast #1 - Give me the Update! (Listen Here)

Update - Since the recording of the podcast, news of a possible delay to the XBOX 360 Title Update may push the launch out. Stay tuned for a blog from the devs next week with details."

Game: NHL 11Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 36 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 OutcastNeedhelp37 @ 11/05/10 05:51 PM
This update should've done long time ago and now I'm getting ripped by EA sports for a damage game.
# 2 davis420 @ 11/05/10 06:00 PM
I;m going to be more than a LITTLE UPSET if this update gets pushed back on the 360. I don't mind waiting to start my franchise but come on EA! This is the 1st year I bought NHL '11 but I've always been a fan but this is starting to be a little messed up.
# 3 PhillsPhan26 @ 11/05/10 07:15 PM
This is why I love OS.com cause you post news on the NHL series as where some other sports gaming review sites (Name I am going to keep to myself) never does.
# 4 ether @ 11/05/10 11:11 PM
I love how every year there are issues with the game and every time they are asked about Title Updates, they regurgitate the same response. "The more time we spend working on updating this year's game, the less time we have to spend working on next year's game." Which they will inevitably spend all their time working on new things for, which won't even work properly when it comes out, instead of making what they have work properly to begin with.

Perhaps an attitude adjustment is necessary. Instead of "we shouldn't waist anymore time on this year's game because it's already out", maybe they should just try to get one game right before starting the next one. EA, you don't need more gimmicks, HUT wasn't necessary, it's just a variation to BeAGM, both are fantasy modes. Online players wanted BeAGM to be online playable but instead, you made an entire new mode. It wasn't necessary. Just like the massive overemphasis on fighting two years ago. It wasn't what the fans were asking for. Don't spend the next year working on something fans aren't asking for.
# 5 speels @ 11/06/10 12:02 AM
Originally Posted by davis420
I;m going to be more than a LITTLE UPSET if this update gets pushed back on the 360. I don't mind waiting to start my franchise but come on EA! This is the 1st year I bought NHL '11 but I've always been a fan but this is starting to be a little messed up.
Microsoft released Kinect!!! I'm pretty sure it's not EA's fault the Microsoft is delaying the release of the patch because they have their own stuff to promote.
# 6 Vikes1 @ 11/06/10 03:07 AM
Yeah, kind of a drag to hear the 360 patch may be delayed.

I was looking forward to the 9th. For me...the patch includes some very welcome game play adjustments, according to Red_Shirt's patch notes. So if it is delayed, hopefully it won't be for too long.
# 7 davis420 @ 11/06/10 10:04 AM
Originally Posted by speels
Microsoft released Kinect!!! I'm pretty sure it's not EA's fault the Microsoft is delaying the release of the patch because they have their own stuff to promote.
I'm not mad at EA! I just want to start my season soon. I try noy to start my Franchises until all the patches are out. I understand Kinect is taking up MS time but I just hope it's a couple days and not 2-3 weeks for the patch release.
# 8 CubFan23 @ 11/06/10 03:20 PM
Originally Posted by ether
I love how every year there are issues with the game and every time they are asked about Title Updates, they regurgitate the same response. "The more time we spend working on updating this year's game, the less time we have to spend working on next year's game." Which they will inevitably spend all their time working on new things for, which won't even work properly when it comes out, instead of making what they have work properly to begin with.

Perhaps an attitude adjustment is necessary. Instead of "we shouldn't waist anymore time on this year's game because it's already out", maybe they should just try to get one game right before starting the next one. EA, you don't need more gimmicks, HUT wasn't necessary, it's just a variation to BeAGM, both are fantasy modes. Online players wanted BeAGM to be online playable but instead, you made an entire new mode. It wasn't necessary. Just like the massive overemphasis on fighting two years ago. It wasn't what the fans were asking for. Don't spend the next year working on something fans aren't asking for.
That whole line about it takes time away from next years game is garbage, guess what fella's, Start getting the games right that people paid for or there might not be a next year!
# 9 actionhank @ 11/08/10 01:39 AM
Originally Posted by ether
I love how every year there are issues with the game and every time they are asked about Title Updates, they regurgitate the same response. "The more time we spend working on updating this year's game, the less time we have to spend working on next year's game." Which they will inevitably spend all their time working on new things for, which won't even work properly when it comes out, instead of making what they have work properly to begin with.

Perhaps an attitude adjustment is necessary. Instead of "we shouldn't waist anymore time on this year's game because it's already out", maybe they should just try to get one game right before starting the next one. EA, you don't need more gimmicks, HUT wasn't necessary, it's just a variation to BeAGM, both are fantasy modes. Online players wanted BeAGM to be online playable but instead, you made an entire new mode. It wasn't necessary. Just like the massive overemphasis on fighting two years ago. It wasn't what the fans were asking for. Don't spend the next year working on something fans aren't asking for.
Sadly, in the world today, old games that have been a bit improved don't sell.
While everyone says they want the game "fixed" (I don't think it's as bad as everyone claims it is. It sure isn't "broken" or "unplayable").
But the game could use some work, but to sell, and keep getting money to keep creating future NHL games, they have to move units. Money is the name of the game, just like any business.
And you don't get new customers, and keep all of your old ones, by just fixing bugs, adding a new season's roster, and releasing the game with a new name.
People want to see improvements, and new features. New features sell the game to people who don't have it yet, and that is the key to building a strong franchise, and keeping it successful.
I'm not saying that i want them to ignore old bugs, or skip on fixing issues, but i understand the need for new features.
Also, i think the developers don't get enough credit.
You have to realize that they are forced to bring you a new and better game year after year, getting a fraction of the time that most developers get.
If i'm remembering right, Halo 3 to Halo:ODST was about 2 years, and in my opinion, that game isn't really changed much at all.
But sports game companies are tasked with constantly supporting the current version of the game (Which i'm sure they aren't allowed much staff for considering they don't sell games much at all because of patches), and at the same time, create a "new" version of the game for the next year, with all of the fixes the current games want and "need" and then still add new features to draw in the people who haven't bought it yet, and may not.
Game developers have rough lives, and i feel like too many people on these boards over-simplify their lives and make absurd claims like the game being unplayable, or horrible.
It's the best NHL game to date, and while it may have flaws, i have had a blast playing through my NHL Season, and i don't have a problem restarting for the new patch and roster. I understand not everyone shares that opinion, but, at the end of the day, it is still just a game.
# 10 Redshirt_EA @ 11/08/10 11:43 AM
Originally Posted by actionhank
It's the best NHL game to date, and while it may have flaws, i have had a blast playing through my NHL Season, and i don't have a problem restarting for the new patch and roster. I understand not everyone shares that opinion, but, at the end of the day, it is still just a game.
There's been a lot of speculation that the patch would require people to restart their BeAGM and BeAPro seasons, but I don't think that is the case.

You would have to do so to use the latest rosters, but as far as I understand the patch will work fine continuing an existing season.
# 11 canucksss @ 11/08/10 01:25 PM
i dont mind restarting my BGM coz now the XP, NHL stars in AHL bugs are all cleared up. add to that is we have the most recent roster update.
# 12 actionhank @ 11/08/10 09:51 PM
Originally Posted by Redshirt_EA
There's been a lot of speculation that the patch would require people to restart their BeAGM and BeAPro seasons, but I don't think that is the case.

You would have to do so to use the latest rosters, but as far as I understand the patch will work fine continuing an existing season.
That's pretty cool.
I may restart anyway since i like knowing i have the most up to date roster.
Regardless of the fact that i wouldn't be able to tell anyway.

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