"Custom playbooks? Coaching Carousel? Improved defensive playbooks? Each year many items are considered 'must-haves' by the NCAA Football community, but how do you determine which item tops the list? The 2010 NCAA Football Community Wish List Tournament begins with 68 of the most requested features by the community, as well as some notable features from other sports games.
As we progress through the field, vote for the item you would pick if it were your call to put one or other into the video game. With each vote, make sure to share your thoughts on each item and why & how you would like them (if at all) incorporated into the game.
The NCAA Football design team will be monitoring the tournament and feedback from the community.
From NCAA Football designer Ben Haumiller: "The entire design team is very excited to hear that the NCAA Football Community Wish List Tournament will be back for a second year. When we first heard about the tournament last year we were very interested to see how it would shake out. When two highly requested features were pitted against each other which one would win out? As the tournament unfolded we found that a lot of you in the community were having the same discussions that we as the design team have every year when it comes to determining what new features will make it in for the next installment of NCAA Football.
"While last year’s tournament came out after we had locked down our feature set for NCAA Football 11 it was nice to see how many of our features were not only on the tournament list, but also placed very highly. Through Real Assignment AI features like Correct Option Blocking were introduced. With 120 Ways to Win we were able to add Better Offensive Playbooks and True No-Huddle Offense into the game. And of course, there was no way we were going to release NCAA Football 11 without Formation Subs.
"Now that we are heavy into the development of NCAA Football 12 I want to encourage all of you to keep voting for which feature you want to see more in each matchup of this year’s tournament. We look forward to seeing what new features make the list this year based on the additions in NCAA Football 11, and which feature comes out on top. While there’s no guarantee that the feature that takes home the title will make it into NCAA Football 12, I will guarantee you that each of these features are discussed in great detail when we are deciding what ultimately makes it into the game."
1) Make Defense Fun -
(More in-depth at #3) We need to be able to choose which pass rush move we want to initiate (rip, swim, spin, & bull rush). Make strength matter more with bull rush. Have the o-line slide multiple yards back shortening the pocket, or even get pancaked against strong bull rushers.
2) Better AI Dual-Threat QB's -
(i.e Cam Newton & Denard Robinson)
3) More Realistic Animations -
Need a lot more tackle animations for different situations. NEED MULTI-HIT TACKLES, no more tumbleweeds. More contact animations (i.e the trenches play & DB's & LB's jamming at the line)
4) More in-depth Road to Glory -
Have a point system and in-game goals similar to 2k's "My Player." Bring back random off-the-field so you feel like your really on campus.
5) Bring back College GameDay -
more authenticity
6) Player Movement -
Have players move like people after the play ends. It adds more depth when your players don't all get off the ground at the same time, with the same animation.
7) Running Animations -
Change the way skill players run. Watch how the elite speedsters run; bad technique the way it is, doesn't look right. Also try to cut down on the sliding while shifting. Hips are important when cutting.
8) Special Teams -
Special Teams in 1/3 the game and wins many games. More challenging & realistic kicking game. Better special teams blocking with blockers trying to develop lines.
9) Global Player Positioning -
Like many have said, We need to choose every position on the field, even every member from the kickoff team, kickoff return, punt block, punt return, and punt protection. We also need a depth chart for this.
10) Defensive Assignment -
Assign player match-ups before & during the game, DB's & LB's
With NCAA 11 seeing so many improvements over 10 I expect EA to release 12 with just a few tweaks.
Improvements I would like, in no particular order:-
1.) Do something with the commentary. Surely we can't have another year with the same rehashed commentary. Commentary needs to be more team/player specific.
2.) Dare I say it. Bring in Madden's Gameflow/Accelerated Clock feature. I know this feature isn't loved by all but it does reduce the time it takes to get through each game.
3.) To make Gameflow work, team specific playbooks & the ability to design your own playbooks will be required.
4.) A Halftime show with updates from around the league.
5.) More variety in cut scenes with some specific to each team to keep the game looking fresh.
6.) More variety in the automatically generated player names. I play in the UK & I can't get access to the real rosters.
7.) Quicker response in menu navigation. We shouldn't have to put up with such sluggish menus on this generation of consoles. EA claim that this is because of the number of teams within the game. However MLB the Show doesn't have any such problems & with the Double A & Triple A leagues it has a similar number of teams.
8.) Improved weather conditions & the affects on the field of play.
1) customizable off. playbooks - the offenses are awesome this yr. but it would be nice to be able to pick specific plays from other playbooks
2) make QB throwing more realistic, ppl. still run backward 15 yds., throw it while their running and complete it with good QB's.
3) bring back throwback teams like last gen games had and get rid of mascot and short games that no one plays anyways. its great to play with old heisman winners and great teams.
1. Physics-based tackling. After NHL 11, Tiburon has no excuse
2. Dynamic running animations. The running animation is highly improved over last year, but there are 2 problems:
A. The player still looks like he's gliding. In other words, foot planting has to be better, so that it doesn't actually look like an animation, but the player looks like his feet are actually hitting the ground when her runs.
B. All the players have the same stride, for the most part. Quick players need to look like they're actually light on their feet, and run gracefully; the strides need to be longer on bigger players, when they sprint; and bigger RB's should take choppier steps to keep their power under them.
3. Physics-based OL-DL interaction. They animation system, as it stands, is so "black or white", meaning that the DE/NT/DT is either stonewalled. or he makes some fancy move past the blocker (if the OLineman blocks AT ALL). The blocking should be physics-based, so that stronger defensive lines can actually DRIVE offensive linemen backwards, and stronger offensive lines can drive DL's forward/to the side. Plus, the OL can drive DE's upfield on passing plays, and there would be true holding penalties.
4. Real-Time Presentation. I would LOVE to see some 2K Sports-esque presentation. Meaning there are HUNDREDS of animations for any given situation. For instance, in APF 2K8, the QB would actually run across the field to talk to his coach on the sideline, without any transition to a cut scene. And, the commentary is MAD old. Needs to be refreshed.
5. Custom playbooks/Create-A-Play. 'Nuff said.
6. Team/Player Tendency/Signature Ratings. The thing that makes NBA 2K11 and FIFA 11 so good, is the ratings that they use to set players apart. As it stands right now, the ratings only tell how GOOD a player is at certain skills, but it says nothing about the decision-making, or the tendencies. That's why weaker QB's can still complete passes in the high 60%-low 70% range. We should have ratings that show what moves players like to use, how often they'll use them, etc. Plus, for teams, we should see how often they call pass plays vs. run plays, the offensive tempo, how much playclock the offense uses, how often a team blitzes, how often they sub per position, offensive/defensive style, etc.
6. PLEASE improve RTG mode. I actually wanna play full 15 min. qtrs with one player, and the mode should have more to it.
7. Add a realistic player clock. 25 seconds is too short. It should be 40 like Madden, and we should have acc. clock thresholds.
Just thought I'd provide an update. We're into the third set of matchups of the first round with one set remaining. Here's a link to the updated bracket. The matchups for this set are:
Simplified Create-a-Play vs. Custom Crowd Signs
Coaching/Conference Offers in OD vs. Deeper Recruiting
More Camera Angles vs. Wider Offensive Line Splits
Special Teams Overhaul vs. Spring Game in Dynasty Mode
Improved Defensive Playbooks vs. Match-Up Stick 2.0
Hair Protruding from Helmet vs. 85 Man Rosters
Coaching Carousel vs. Designate Special Dynasty Games
Custom Playbooks vs. Duplicate Numbers
If the tournament isn't going the way you want it to, the only way to improve it is to register and vote. Again, as mentioned in the beginning, EA is keeping track of the results so your vote does matter.
See this is what happens to me when I stayed out of this forum for 2 months straight.......I totally missed this.....
I visit this forum everyday, yet somehow I'm missed it too. All of the things that I care about did really well in the voting though, so I'm pleased by that.
Out of the final four the only thing I would change is replacing Custom Playbooks with Special Teams Overhaul.
This is my first post in the forum and I want to add something to the discussion here. Two things that drive me crazy with this game (two of several) are the fact that the schedules aren't exactly right and you can't get the schedule you want most years. For example, every season the schedule starts out with the Iron Bowl being a week too early and they try to schedule another game the week after it. I'm an Auburn guy if you didn't get it from my name. Also, why can't I setup a home/away series with a team? I always have intentions to play a team home one year and away the next, but it rarely works out that way for me. I like to get as close to the real future schedules as I can, but it never works out that way. I'd also like to see the ability to hire coordinators and have that affect your recuriting and style of play.
First of all, I was very happy to see coaching carousel take the prize -- I voted for it after all.
That said, I have a couple of issues. First, I think custom playbooks is a definite need. That, along with carousels, should already be in the game. Their exclusion is getting to the "Really?" stage.
Second, the issues concerning special teams overhaul, better depth charts, better AI/CPU playcalling, better defensive AI, better CPU recruiting, better DB play... These are all obvious issues, and some have been problems for years (I'm looking at you Road to Glory). Most of these are past the "Really?" stage, and have entered the "I guess this is how it's always going to be," stage.
Finally, I do not want to see anything added until the overall gameplay issues/legacy issues are taken care of. I would support RTG being scrapped in favor of a carousel, but other than that -- and the absolute, no questions asked, don't ever bring it up again deletion of Season Showdown -- I want the obvious gameplay problems taken care of. Carousels would be awesome, but if Robo-QB is still around next year, I'll probably just get off the horse mid-ride.
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