EA Sports MMA News Post

According to CVG, EA Sports MMA hasn't sold many copies and with THQ and Zuffa, LLC extending their exclusive UFC videogame license through 2018, it might be one and done, for EA Sports MMA.

"EA is likely to back out of the mixed martial arts genre after its debut offering, EA Sports MMA, made a poor start at retail.

That's according to Cowen & Company analyst Doug Creutz, who thinks UFC Undisputed maker THQ may have scored a knockout blow in the MMA battle between the publishers.

"EA's recently released 'MMA' appears to be more or less DOA at retail, while UFC recently announced an extension of its license with THQ, likely putting an end to EA's efforts to expand into the mixed martial arts genre," the analyst said in a research note this morning."

Game: EA Sports MMAReader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 5 - View All
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# 41 Phobia @ 10/25/10 05:35 PM
Originally Posted by aholbert32
Never trust stats from a marketing manager. There is NO WAY that these sales are comparable to 2010. There were 0 preoders at two of my local gamestops. The game had limited buzz. Its growing now that the reviews are in but no where close.
True.......but I still believe it is a combination of issues. But don't believe it is strictly license rights.

For instance, two of my buddies. HUGE MMA fans. But not huge gaming guys did not even know the game was coming out. They came to my house this weekend for Brock vs Cain. Never even knew EA had a MMA game in the works. Now they are going get it because the game impressed them.

I have spoke with so many guys who did not even know what EA MMA was. Not from a mix martial arts perspective but more they did not even know it was being developed. This is partly why I think it is a marketing issue. Plus with what I have seen on TV, nothing has impressed me that people will run out to buy it.
# 42 DJ @ 10/25/10 05:52 PM
Originally Posted by aholbert32
Most of the hardcore crowd complains BUT they still buy Madden. Thats why there are tons of people in OS Madden Forums.

The casual fan can name the following UFC fighters: Brock, Cain (because of this wknd), GSP, Liddell, Rampage, Silva, BJ and Hughes. Those are the people that the casual fan likes to fight with. They arent using Dennis Siver or Pellegrino. They like fighting with people they know. You cant compare any MMA game to Tekken because the MMA game is based in real life. There is no storyline to an MMA game like in a fighting game. If you give the casual fan the choice between buying a game with people they know and recognize and a game where they know nobody....they are going to choose the first game.

It doesnt matter how great the game is. People like fighting with people they know. There is a reason that 3/4 of the fighters in Fighter share are UFC fighters.
Well, of course people were going to create UFC guys out of the gate since aside from Couture (who inked with EA when he was not with the UFC) and Shields, the UFC isn't represented in this game.

I've seen the commercial for the EA several times on various networks and it's really well done. My wife, who follows MMA very casually (only b/c I'm a big fan), even commented on how good the commercial was and how good the limited glimpses of gameplay looked.

But you are right in that the casual MMA fan is likely to go with the "brand" name over the "better" game. We saw the same thing in 2007 with Madden 08 and APF 2K8. Sorry to bring those games into this discussion but it certainly fits. One would be hard-pressed to successfully argue that Madden 08 was a better game ON THE FIELD than APF 2K8. But, Madden had the NFL License. Yes, APF had legends but only the hardcore football fan (and one that truly cares about the history of the game) really knew who Lester Hayes, Night Train Lane, Paul Hornung and Jackie Smith were. The casuals didn't know and didn't care to find out, so they passed on the game, especially once it was revealed that there was no franchise mode.

I think that's what is happening with EA's game. It's a shame too b/c while I don't own the game, I do plan on purchasing it very soon. From the impressions I've read from long-time mods and users I respect and have gamed (is that a word? It is now.) with in the past, it really sounds like EA did a bang-up job for a first-time effort and it would be real nice to see the developers given an opportunity to build on this base.
# 43 inkpimp007 @ 10/25/10 06:32 PM
Seems that the EA brand is more of a negative then anything even when they do get a game right.
# 44 Gotmadskillzson @ 10/25/10 06:45 PM
EA MMA suffers from one thing and one thing only that matters and that is bad release timing. It came out at the same time of Fallout: New Vegas and too close to the COD: Black Ops release date.

Being the masses was going to buy Fallout, they weren't going to turn and buy EA MMA when they knew COD: Black Ops was on the horizon. And it is also true that the poor demo drove the casual consumer away.

Ads were plentiful.......But to say unrecognized fighters....I don't know about that.

Frank Shamrock, Ken Shamrock, Bas, Tim Silvia, Jeff Monson, Nick Diaz, Robbie Lawler, Frank Trigg, Arlowski, Dan Henderson, and one other fighter who I forget his name....ALL came from the UFC.

So unless you just started watching UFC in the past 2 years then yeah you might not have known all those fighters started off in the UFC. Plus people got to keep in mind this is a global market, not just a USA market. Average american might not know a lot of MMA fighters, but as long as this game sales well in Europe and the rest of the world, it will continue to be supported by EA.

It is the same thing as FIFA. FIFA never sell well in the USA, but in Europe, it goes platinum every year. So in theory, it can be 2 MMA games at the same time.

Stranger things have happened. People thought the Wii wouldn't last in the generation of uber HD graphics, but the Wii is selling strong.
# 45 econoodle @ 10/25/10 07:26 PM
Originally Posted by aholbert32
Totally disagree. This isnt a fighting game....its a sports game. Sports games sell because of the licenses and players. Thats why Backbreaker sold very few copies and any NFL license game sells well. Same thing here.

I talked to a ton of casual MMA fans this wknd because of the Lesnar fight and very few of them knew who Fedor was. The only reason they know Couture is because he is a UFC fighter. Thats a problem when those are the two biggest fighters in the game.

Also EA advertised plenty. I saw an ad for this game during yesterday's NFL game, during the UFC prelims, UFC 120 and all this week on Spike. There was plenty of advertising.
The only reason I know him is because of Scorpion King 2: Rise of A Warrior.
Sad, really, I know.

good discussion in here for sure.
# 46 DaveDQ @ 10/25/10 07:26 PM
Originally Posted by aholbert32
Totally disagree. This isnt a fighting game....its a sports game. Sports games sell because of the licenses and players. Thats why Backbreaker sold very few copies and any NFL license game sells well. Same thing here.

I talked to a ton of casual MMA fans this wknd because of the Lesnar fight and very few of them knew who Fedor was. The only reason they know Couture is because he is a UFC fighter. Thats a problem when those are the two biggest fighters in the game.

Also EA advertised plenty. I saw an ad for this game during yesterday's NFL game, during the UFC prelims, UFC 120 and all this week on Spike. There was plenty of advertising.
I think this is it. We have to realize that a good brand goes a very long way when selling video games. UFC is a big name brand for MMA and EA doesn't have it. That hurts sales for the game before it gets burned to disc. APF, Backbreaker etc. may offer things pleasing to the eye but we all know it's the branding of the NFL that furthers a football game's sales.

I think something that also hurt this game was how generic it sounds. EA MMA just sounds kind of blah. For me though, I could care less. I love the fact that we have various rule sets. I thoroughly enjoy the game and the only reason I would care about sales is so that the guys that made the game get to stick around and be rewarded in continuing to work on the game for future iterations.
# 47 Gotmadskillzson @ 10/25/10 08:01 PM
EA MMA just sounds kind of blah
That was done on purpose really. You can't call it Strikeforce, because if you did you would be force to use Strikeforce rules only. Then would be forced to use fighters that is signed with Strikeforce. All the fighters on this game aren't signed by Strikeforce.

But I like you would rather have the variety of rules sets then a brand name of one league only. I mean soccer kicks and head stomps are the shiznit.
# 48 TheWorldIsYours @ 10/25/10 08:09 PM
Originally Posted by Gotmadskillzson
That was done on purpose really. You can't call it Strikeforce, because if you did you would be force to use Strikeforce rules only. Then would be forced to use fighters that is signed with Strikeforce. All the fighters on this game aren't signed by Strikeforce.

But I like you would rather have the variety of rules sets then a brand name of one league only. I mean soccer kicks and head stomps are the shiznit.
My thoughts too. Its not a game strictly for one organization so why dont make it have a more Global Name.
# 49 Indiedog @ 10/25/10 08:22 PM
The most appropriate example we have in this regards (IMO) is when EA overpaid for the WCW license in 1998. At that time, the WWF (now WWE) was on the rise with the more widely known stars like Stone Cold, The Rock, ManKind/Mick Foley. While it can be argued that the WWE games at the time were better (due to being developed by AKI Corp), the argument made from EA's side was that the license didn't matter. Also keep in mind that the TV ratings for WWF vs WCW were about 4 to 1 so it was even close when comraing which was the more popular promotion. It was WWF, duh. WWF is synonymous with pro wrestling as UFC is with MMA. As Coke is to cola beverages. As Levi's are to blue jeans. As Ford is to pickup trucks.

Is there a minority of the total number of gamers who follow all MMA and will greatly appreciate what EA has done? Absolutely. And they should. EA has done a pretty decent job.

But to say that the UFC license doesn't matter if EA's game is good enough is pretty naive. Maybe that's how individuals on O/S feel and they're projecting their own judgement of "preferring a better game over the license, any day!"

But yeah, there is NO WAY the EA Sports MMA game will ever outsell it's UFC counterpart unless there is a significant price difference.

And IMO, MMA is more analogous to a sports game rather than a fighting game. MMA games trade on the rosters, the logos, and the licenses. That's what the publishers pay for.
# 50 Trevelyan @ 10/25/10 08:44 PM
I think the biggest mistake they made was the release date. There was no reason to release it now, in a year where october/november is ultra packed with quality titles. They could have easily waited until march or april, or some other time when a lot of games aren't flooding onto store shelves, and been more of a featured title.
# 51 CaptainZombie @ 10/25/10 09:22 PM
To me its the release date..........if this came out in September or even late August, would have been perfect timing.

Then my #2 beef has to do with the name of the game. EA MMA is cool and all, but centralizing this around say a promotion like Strikeforce would have been better even though Strikeforce is not as known by the casuals. Give us all the Strikeforce branding as the main part of the game.....but still keep Brazil and Japan in there as is. Place Couture and Shamrock on the cover....two guys known in the MMA community. If some of the Strikeforce women were in here too, it would have helped a bit giving this game something different.

I played the full game tonight as my brother was renting it from gamefly.........I am sold and this is going to be an instant purchase for me.

Hopefully EA releases another game in 2 years, yet continues to update this one with patches and also giving us DLC content for fighters that leave or are fired from UFC or anyone else they might not had been able to sign.
# 52 aholbert32 @ 10/25/10 09:42 PM
Originally Posted by Gotmadskillzson
EA MMA suffers from one thing and one thing only that matters and that is bad release timing. It came out at the same time of Fallout: New Vegas and too close to the COD: Black Ops release date.

Being the masses was going to buy Fallout, they weren't going to turn and buy EA MMA when they knew COD: Black Ops was on the horizon. And it is also true that the poor demo drove the casual consumer away.

Ads were plentiful.......But to say unrecognized fighters....I don't know about that.

Frank Shamrock, Ken Shamrock, Bas, Tim Silvia, Jeff Monson, Nick Diaz, Robbie Lawler, Frank Trigg, Arlowski, Dan Henderson, and one other fighter who I forget his name....ALL came from the UFC.

So unless you just started watching UFC in the past 2 years then yeah you might not have known all those fighters started off in the UFC. Plus people got to keep in mind this is a global market, not just a USA market. Average american might not know a lot of MMA fighters, but as long as this game sales well in Europe and the rest of the world, it will continue to be supported by EA.

It is the same thing as FIFA. FIFA never sell well in the USA, but in Europe, it goes platinum every year. So in theory, it can be 2 MMA games at the same time.

Stranger things have happened. People thought the Wii wouldn't last in the generation of uber HD graphics, but the Wii is selling strong.
All of the fighters you named havent been relevent in the past 4 yrs. I'd argue that the golden years of MMA started around 4-5 yrs ago when Liddell was dominant. Thats when the sport went mainstream and mainstream sites like ESPN and Yahoo started covering it. With the exception of Arlovski and Henderson, every fighter on that list was either losing, out of the UFC, or retired 4 yrs ago.

Also none of those fighters will sell games. Thats like me saying people will buy the UFC game because of Chris Lytle. Yes, UFC fans should know who he is but fans arent buying the game because Chris is in it.

The FIFA comparison doesnt work because soccer is much more popular in the rest of the world. I think MMA's popularity in the US is on par with it in Japan right now. The game may sell well in Japan though because of the named fighters like Aoki and others.
# 53 Dazraz @ 10/26/10 04:56 AM
No doubt EA released MMA thinking that the UFC license would be on the cards for them. No way will they release another MMA titled game. Leave the genre to THQ & focus more on getting it right with the Fight Night series.
# 54 KabutoRyder @ 10/26/10 10:46 AM
I would have loved to have seen women in the game. Strikeforce respects women's MMA and gives them TV time so I was hoping they would get them in the game as well. Hell I'd love to play as Cyborg and stomp the hell out of Carano again and again....and again....
# 55 Boilerbuzz @ 10/26/10 11:54 AM
Not the biggest fan of the sport. But exclusive licenses suck any way you slice it. This is NOT good news. But I will admit to a small chuckle that it's EA.
# 56 CaptainZombie @ 10/26/10 12:04 PM
Originally Posted by KabutoRyder
I would have loved to have seen women in the game. Strikeforce respects women's MMA and gives them TV time so I was hoping they would get them in the game as well. Hell I'd love to play as Cyborg and stomp the hell out of Carano again and again....and again....
I really think the addition of the women would have also added something to the game if they had the time. Personally, I would love a name change to MMA Strikeforce and also include the worldwide fighters like they currently do. My brother and I just played Fight Now matches last night so I haven't jumped in yet to the career.........but when you are in a SF career are there Showtime and CBS logos or any kind of presentation revolving around those brands? I keep reading that presentation is sparse in career, so that kind of stinks. It would have been cool to incorporate graphics from their cards on Showtime and CBS.
# 57 TheShizNo1 @ 10/26/10 12:44 PM
I have friends who say they know what UFC is, but don't know what MMA is........
# 58 Mossfan8480 @ 10/26/10 01:50 PM
Originally Posted by TheShizNo1
I have friends who say they know what UFC is, but don't know what MMA is........
lol... That's brilliant marketing by the UFC. It's like someone knowing what the NBA is, but not basketball.
# 59 Lakers 24 7 @ 10/26/10 03:30 PM
I think that's the biggest factor here, to most MMA doesn't exist, to them MMA IS Ultimate Fighting.

Also, maybe it's not so much about knowing the athletes, rather it's brand recognition. For instance I don't follow the NHL and I don't know any of the athletes in the sport, but if there's a hockey game out there that I like I'll buy it. I know the NHL is the pinnacle of the sport, so I know what I'm getting.

With StrikeForce and the fighters in EA MMA, there's no brand recognition, thus they probably feel as if they're paying for 2nd tier content. Which as fans we know isn't the case, but to them the UFC is the be all end all to MMA. I told my cousin about the game not long ago, his first question was who's in the game, when I told him it was mainly StrikeForce fighters he immediately lost all interest in the game. EA and StrikeForce needs to do more in order to bolster their brand and their fighters. Showcase these athletes and convince the world that they're just as good as the UFC guys.
# 60 mgoblue @ 10/26/10 05:23 PM
Originally Posted by Lakers 24/7
I think that's the biggest factor here, to most MMA doesn't exist, to them MMA IS Ultimate Fighting.

Also, maybe it's not so much about knowing the athletes, rather it's brand recognition. For instance I don't follow the NHL and I don't know any of the athletes in the sport, but if there's a hockey game out there that I like I'll buy it. I know the NHL is the pinnacle of the sport, so I know what I'm getting.

With StrikeForce and the fighters in EA MMA, there's no brand recognition, thus they probably feel as if they're paying for 2nd tier content. Which as fans we know isn't the case, but to them the UFC is the be all end all to MMA. I told my cousin about the game not long ago, his first question was who's in the game, when I told him it was mainly StrikeForce fighters he immediately lost all interest in the game. EA and StrikeForce needs to do more in order to bolster their brand and their fighters. Showcase these athletes and convince the world that they're just as good as the UFC guys.
Kinda tough for Strikeforce to establish this when except for a few guys it's not like they have that many top tier fighters. Most Strikeforce top guys would be middle of the road UFC fighters, with some figuring in the competition for a title shot in various divisions...It's not like any of them dominate in LW, WW, MW, LHW. Overreem and Fedor are the top two, Hendo's good wherever he goes, but a lot of the other guys have tried it in the UFC and left for a reason (or were let go)...

Not knocking Strikeforce, I actually enjoy watching it, but they don't have the same level talent of the UFC.

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